Galaxy Rotation Curves: Newton's Shell Theorem Impact

In summary, the conversation discussed the inner portion of a galaxy rotation curve and how it is affected by Newton's shell theorem. It was concluded that the rotation curve in the inner part of the galaxy is dictated solely by visible, baryonic matter that obeys Kepler's and Newton's laws, but there is no simple geometric equation for the "universal rotation curve" in terms of radius, mass, and gravitational constant. Graphs were suggested as a way to visualize the total density, visible density, and inferred dark density as a function of radius, but it was noted that these may not accurately represent the true data due to the unobservable nature of dark matter.
  • #1
I apologize for the simple question, but I have not been able to find the answer.

For the inner portion of a galaxy rotation curve (where the outer portion is the part invariant to distance and the inner part is where rotational velocity increases with radius), how much is simply due to Newton's shell theorem, i.e., additional mass enclosed by the radius?
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  • #2
The rotation curve in the inner part of the galaxy is dictated solely by visible, baryonic matter that obeys Kepler's and Newton's law
  • #3
For a circular orbit obeying Newtonian physics, rotational velocity (##\vec{v}_{r}##), given a constant effective point mass:



\vec{v}_{r} &= \sqrt{\frac{G m}{\vec{r}}}


\end{equation}Such that rotational velocity decreases as the square root of radius.However, for the inner part of the galaxy rotation curve, rotational velocity increases as a function of radius, implying that mass is a function of radius, i.e., ##m(\vec{r})##, for this portion of the curve, which is what I meant in referencing Newton's shell theorem (see Given that increasing rotational velocity as a function of distance distinguishes the inner portion of Galaxy rotation curve, Newton's shell theorem would seem the dominant effect for the inner portion of the galaxy rotation curve. Am I wrong in saying that?
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  • #4
Yes, it's all correct (if put a bit weirdly). The bulge is an approximately spherical distribution of matter with more or less constant density, so you can apply shell theorem to justify using the enclosed mass only:
##v_{r} = \sqrt{\frac{G V(r)\rho}{r}}##
##v_{r} = \sqrt{\frac{G 4 \pi r^3 \rho}{3 r}}##
##v_{r} = r \sqrt{\frac{G 4 \pi \rho}{3}}##
which results in a raising velocity curve.

It's still Newton's laws, though. I wouldn't call it 'an effect'.
  • #5
square root of r squared is r.
  • #6
Bandersnatch said:
square root of r squared is r.
Sorry. Dumb mistake; got it.
  • #7
Then outside the bulge (the aforementioned region of more or less constant density) it should quickly start to fall, but it doesn't.
  • #8
If ##\vec{r}## denotes the radius of the sphere within which the mass of constant density exists, at what radius (in terms of ##\vec{r}##) does rotational velocity become constant?
  • #9
Is there a simple geometric equation for the "universal rotation curve" in terms of ##\vec{r}##, ##M## and ##G##? The best I can find is from arXiv:astro-ph/0506370, where ##U(\vec{r})## denotes the gravitational potential, and ##G_0##, ##M_0## and ##\vec{r}_0## denote coupling constants:
U(\vec{r})&=\frac{G_0 M}{\vec{r}}\left[1+ \sqrt{\frac{M_0}{M}}\left(1- e^{-\frac{\vec{r}}{\vec{r}_0}} \right) \right]
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  • #10
redtree said:
If ##\vec{r}## denotes the radius of the sphere within which the mass of constant density exists, at what radius (in terms of ##\vec{r}##) does rotational velocity become constant?
For constant density there is no such radius - orbital velocity increases without bound (well, until you hit the Schwartzschild radius and an event horizon forms).

You get constant velocity if the density is a function of radius such that ##\rho \propto 1/r^2##.
  • #11
Bandersnatch said:
For constant density there is no such radius - orbital velocity increases without bound (well, until you hit the Schwartzschild radius and an event horizon forms).

You get constant velocity if the density is a function of radius such that ##\rho \propto 1/r^2##.

I am assuming a finite radius for the mass density.
  • #12
redtree said:
I am assuming a finite radius.
If the sphere of uniform density has a finite radius ##R##, then the velocity increases with distance from the centre ##r## as in post #4 as long as distance from the centre is not larger than ##R##. Once ##r>R##, all the available mass is contained inside, so the velocity curve becomes Keplerian (since as per the shell theorem all that mass can be treated as central point mass).

You can only get a flat rotation curve inside a sphere of non-uniform density, proportional to ##1/r^2##.
  • #13
Yes. You are assuming Dark Matter. Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was asking for an equation where ##M## represents the visible matter.
  • #14
Are there any graphs showing the total density, visible density and inferrable dark density, as a function of radius?
  • #15
I don't know of any. Do you?
  • #17
redtree said:
Yes. You are assuming Dark Matter. Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was asking for an equation where ##M## represents the visible matter.
I don't know of any single equation. Usually it's done by adding contributions from bulge+disc+halo.

In my earlier responses I was referring to how it is impossible to have flat rotation curve where the only mass concentration is in the form of a sphere of constant density - which is what your post #8 and #11 seemed to imply. It doesn't matter if you're counting visible or dark matter.

redtree said:
Is there a simple geometric equation for the "universal rotation curve" in terms of ##\vec{r}##, ##M## and ##G##? The best I can find is from arXiv:astro-ph/0506370
That's an attempt at modified gravity. By it's nature it does not involve simple Newton's laws. I think it's beyond the scope of this thread.

snorkack said:
Are there any graphs showing the total density, visible density and inferrable dark density, as a function of radius?
I agree with @fresh_42 - there are plenty of decomposed velocity curves, which after all are derived from densities.
  • #18
Neither of them is quite what I was asking for.
fresh_42 said:
I think velocity w.r.t. radius is as good:
Yes, the rotation curve is the source of density data of total mass. And that velocity curve is NOT derived from densities - vice versa, because the total density is unobservable.
Note how the line of "curve derived from visible disc" lacks its error bars - and it is the one derived from densities.
fresh_42 said:
That´s a bare prediction. No error bars, no visible matter density for comparison.
fresh_42 said:
Both are only two deliberately taken examples of a quick Google search.
And demonstrate how a "quick Google search" has very strong limits unless you know exactly what term to search for, and where.
  • #19
snorkack said:
Yes, the rotation curve is the source of density data of total mass. And that velocity curve is NOT derived from densities - vice versa, because the total density is unobservable.
No, I don't mean the observed velocity curve - you're right, velocities and distances are the only direct observables.

But then you need to figure out how to build a density model, so as to match the curve. This is done separately for bulge, disc, and halo. So when you see a graph such as this one:

The component curves that you're trying to match to the observed one are derived from whatever density model you might have chosen for that component. This is what I meant.
(in that paper they show their density model in Fig.2)
  • #20
Bandersnatch said:
No, I don't mean the observed velocity curve - you're right, velocities and distances are the only direct observables.

But then you need to figure out how to build a density model, so as to match the curve. This is done separately for bulge, disc, and halo.
The component curves that you're trying to match to the observed one are derived from whatever density model you might have chosen for that component. This is what I meant.
(in that paper they show their density model in Fig.2)
But you should not need any density model to derive the density from observed rotation curve!
The exercise should be simply:
1) For every r, v2*r should be proportional to the total mass enclosed by r
2) Differentiating the observed v2*r with respect to r gives the mass of each shell from r to r+dr
3) Divide it by volume (4πr2*dr) gives the density
Probably the nonspherical shape of disc galaxies introduces some complications, though...

Related to Galaxy Rotation Curves: Newton's Shell Theorem Impact

1. What is the significance of Newton's Shell Theorem in galaxy rotation curves?

Newton's Shell Theorem states that the gravitational force exerted by a spherical shell on a particle located outside the shell is the same as if all the shell's mass were concentrated at its center. This theorem is significant in understanding galaxy rotation curves because it allows us to calculate the gravitational force at any point in the galaxy, taking into account the distribution of mass.

2. How does Newton's Shell Theorem impact our understanding of galaxy rotation curves?

By applying Newton's Shell Theorem, we can accurately predict the rotation curves of galaxies based on their mass distributions. This helps us understand the dynamics of galaxy rotation and provides evidence for the existence of dark matter, as the observed rotation curves do not match the expected curves based on visible matter alone.

3. Can Newton's Shell Theorem be applied to non-spherical galaxies?

No, Newton's Shell Theorem only applies to spherical distributions of mass. For non-spherical galaxies, other mathematical models and techniques must be used to accurately calculate their rotation curves.

4. How does the dark matter hypothesis relate to Newton's Shell Theorem and galaxy rotation curves?

The dark matter hypothesis was proposed to explain the discrepancy between the observed and expected rotation curves of galaxies. By using Newton's Shell Theorem, we can accurately calculate the gravitational force of a galaxy's visible matter, but the observed rotation curves suggest the existence of additional, unseen mass in the form of dark matter.

5. Are there any limitations to using Newton's Shell Theorem in studying galaxy rotation curves?

While Newton's Shell Theorem is a useful tool in understanding galaxy rotation curves, it assumes that the galaxy's mass is evenly distributed in a spherical shape. In reality, galaxies are more complex and irregular in shape, which can affect the accuracy of using this theorem to calculate rotation curves.

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