Game theory, quantum physics and the Bell inequality (paper)

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
food for throught, inspiration and new perspectives to foundations and potentially new insights
The reason for highlighting this paper is to highlight (and exemplify by how different researcher think about this)
a new "perspective" to understanding the different between "ignorance of the physicists" which is reallly what Bell assumptions imples. And "ignorance of they players", which is what it de facto menas to ISOLATE the produces pair after creation, not just from the physicists but from the whole environment! (ie. ALL players in the game). As this is discussed many times here.

Nashian game theory is incompatible with quantum physics​

"We suggest to look at quantum measurement outcomes not through the lens of probability theory, but instead through decision theory. We introduce an original game-theoretical framework, model and algorithmic procedure where measurement scenarios are multiplayer games with a structure all observers agree on. Measurement axes and, newly, measurement outcomes are modeled as decisions with nature being an action-minimizing economic agent
Most significantly, we observe that game theory based on Nash equilibria stands in contradiction with a violation of Bell inequalities. Hence, we propose that quantum physics should be analyzed with non-Nashian game theory, the inner workings of which we demonstrate using our proposed model."

Quantifying and Interpreting Connection Strength in Macro- and Microscopic Systems: Lessons from Bell’s Approach​

"As a macroscopic example from the financial world, we show how the unfair use of insider knowledge could be picked up using Bell statistics. Finally, in the discussion of realist interpretations of quantum mechanical Bell experiments, cheating strategies are often expressed through the ideas of free choice and locality. In this regard, violations of free choice and locality can be interpreted as two sides of the same coin, which underscores the view that the meaning these terms are given in Bell’s approach should not be confused with their everyday use. In general, we conclude that Bell’s approach also carries lessons for understanding macroscopic systems of which the connectedness conforms to different causal structures."

Ie. breaking decoherence and isolation in bell experiment, is in game theoretic terms may be similar to leaking "insider information" to market players, but it can be detected! now the interesting part is: "insider information" is like a hidden information, but as long as it's indeed hiddeh, it does not mess with the game. This is what bells assumption fails; and this I think at least, hosts the possibilitie to make sense of the notion of "hidden variables" to explain correlations and yet escape bells inequality.

Physics news on
  • #2
Fra said:
this I think at least, hosts the possibilitie to make sense of the notion of "hidden variables" to explain correlations and yet escape bells inequality
I don't know what you mean by this. The possibilities these papers describe for "sharing information" (or "cheating" or "insider information" or whatever you want to call it) between two game players who share such entangled states, and the extent to which those possibilities are greater than what is possible with classical physics (i.e., local hidden variable models), is perfectly consistent with the extensive existing literature on this, nor does it, as far as I can tell, add anything significant.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
I don't know what you mean by this.
Thanks. I now see I copied the wrong link to the quotes, which will not help, sorry about this, it was my mistake.

Nashian game theory is incompatible with quantum physics​

is here

The point of the argument was to provoke some insights relevant for certain interpretations of QM (not all), mainly the qbist/baysian/agent derivatives.

"In this paper, we investigate a yet uncharted research direction that is complementary to the mentioned studies— we go the opposite way and transfer the game-theoretic concepts to the quantum domain. Note in particular that, unlike in quantum games, we consider game theory with only classical (not quantum) strategies, in order to show that recent developments in game theory bring innovative insights that contribute to understanding the defining aspects of quantum theory. We suggest to model measurement outcomes as decisions by action-minimizing nature, playing against, and symmetric to, the choice of measurement axis by utility-maximizing physicists."

So instead of applying quantum strategies to gamiing, the idea is to take intuition from gaming, and make it help gain deeper understanding of quantum interactions.

The idea is a bit like one has done elsewhere in physics, for example transform some equations into geometric mathematics. then one can use classical intuition from "geometry" to gain understanding. The idea is: if you see quantum interactions in a game theoretic settings, some things that seem strange, are not as strange anymore. Bell inequality and the correlation is such a thing.


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