Gamma/Radio waves through solids

In summary: Sound waves propagate through a medium by transferring energy in a disorganized way. This is analogous to the way radiation (like radio waves) transfers energy through matter.
  • #1
Why is it that gamma and radio waves can pass through some solids so easily compared to visible light? I understand that the wavelengths are different than visible light, but why does that effect things?

Do they simply not interact with anything in the material? Or, if they do, what to they interact with?

Also, do they change speed when traveling through the material. I guess that question depends on the second.
Science news on
  • #2
This paper talks about shooting all kinds of photons through matter .
Bob S showed me this ,
And also you can shoot high-energy gamma rays at some material and when they scatter off protons they can produce electrons and positrons .
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  • #4
EM waves interact with matter primarily through interaction with electrons.

In some materials, (some of the ) electrons are fairly free to move - conductors for example. In those, the energy of the radiation is absorbed exponentially with depth according to the wavelength. Longer wavelengths which only move the electrons slowly are able to pass through fairly easily - radio waves can go through thin sheet metal, light can't.

In other materials, the electrons are bound to atoms but can still move to some extent although the ways they can vibrate are restricted - that leads to selective absorption and reflection depending on frequency - different colours, different transparencies etc.
This will depend in a very complex way on the exact nature of the molecules involved.
In some simple cases we can make predictions (Compton scattering for example), in many we can only make measurements and produce tables of behaviours.
  • #5
AJ Bentley said:
- radio waves can go through thin sheet metal, light can't.

Then how come when i wrap my cell phone in aluminum foil it can't get the call .
  • #6
Modern comms devices use ultra-high frequency radio waves. An old-fashioned valve radio picking up the light program on 200kHz wouldn't even notice.
  • #7
Can the transmission process (through a material) be thought of as analogous to sound waves propagating through a medium, where one particle gives the energy to the next? Only with electrons as opposed to whole molecules.

Then, absorbtion analogous to the disorganized transfer of energy in a lattice?

Then, reflection, similar to resonant surface reflection?

Sorry, my brain always tries to take these things and run with them, which is sometimes wrong.
  • #8
Infrasound said:
Can the transmission process (through a material) be thought of as analogous to sound waves propagating through a medium

More or less - a reasonable analogy.

FAQ: Gamma/Radio waves through solids

1. What are gamma/radio waves?

Gamma/radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that have very short wavelengths and high frequencies. They are also known as ionizing radiation because they have enough energy to ionize atoms and molecules.

2. How do gamma/radio waves travel through solids?

Gamma/radio waves travel through solids by vibrating the particles in the material. The particles then transmit the vibrations to neighboring particles, allowing the waves to propagate through the solid.

3. What are some common uses of gamma/radio waves through solids?

Gamma/radio waves through solids are commonly used in medical imaging techniques such as X-rays and CT scans. They are also used in industrial applications for inspection and quality control, as well as in communication systems such as radio and television broadcasting.

4. Are there any potential hazards associated with gamma/radio waves through solids?

Exposure to high levels of gamma/radio waves through solids can be harmful to humans and other living organisms. It can cause damage to cells and DNA, leading to health issues such as radiation sickness and increased risk of cancer. However, at lower levels commonly encountered in daily life, gamma/radio waves are not considered a significant health risk.

5. Can gamma/radio waves travel through all types of solids?

No, gamma/radio waves can only travel through materials that are transparent to them, such as air, glass, and some types of metals. They cannot travel through dense materials like lead and concrete, which absorb and block the waves.

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