Gap Equations Plotting Error in Python: Need Help Debugging

  • #1
I’ve been working on solving gap equations related to superconductivity using Python, in the context of RMFT using the t-J model of the Hubbard Hamiltonian. My goal is to calculate and plot the variables (\Delta_x), (\Delta_y), (\xi_x), and (\xi_y) against the doping concentration (x). However, despite several attempts, I’m encountering errors in my code.

$$\Delta_r = \frac{1}{L} \sum_k \cos(kr) \frac{\Delta_k}{E_k} $$
$$\xi_r = -\frac{1}{L} \sum_k \cos(kr) \frac{\xi_k}{E_k}$$

Where, ##E_k = \sqrt{(\xi_k^2 + \Delta_k^2)}##

Hole doping concentration
$$x = \frac{1}{L} \sum_k \frac{xi_k} { E_k}$$

Code Overview: I’ve written a Python script that includes a loop over a range of values for (x). Within the loop, I calculate the chemical potential ((\mu)) and update the gap parameters. The main components of my code involve wave vectors, gap equations, and iterative refinement.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import root

def generate_wave_vectors(a, N_1, N_2):
    b1 = (2 * np.pi / a) * np.array([1, 0])
    b2 = (2 * np.pi / a) * np.array([0, 1])
    K = []

    for n_1 in range(-N_1 // 2, int(N_1 // 2)):
        for n_2 in range(-N_2 // 2, int(N_2 // 2)):
            k = (n_1 / N_1) * b1 + (n_2 / N_2) * b2

    return np.array(K)

def compute_Delta_k_xi_k(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, k, mu, J, g_s, g_t, t):
    cos_kx = np.cos(k[0])
    cos_ky = np.cos(k[1])

    Delta_k = (3 * g_s * J / 4) * (Delta_x * cos_kx + Delta_y * cos_ky)
    xi_k = -(2 * g_t * t + 3 * g_s * J * xi_x / 4) * cos_kx - (2 * g_t * t + 3 * g_s * J * xi_y / 4) * cos_ky - mu

    return Delta_k, xi_k

def solve_for_mu(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess):
    def equation(mu):
        mu_sum = 0.0
        for k in K:
            Delta_k, xi_k = compute_Delta_k_xi_k(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, k, mu, J, g_s, g_t, t)
            E_k = np.sqrt(xi_k**2 + Delta_k**2)
            mu_sum += xi_k / E_k
        return (mu_sum / L) - x

    result = root(equation, mu_initial_guess, method='hybr', tol=1e-16, options={'maxfev': 10000})

    return float(result.x[0])

def write_gap_equations(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess):
    mu = solve_for_mu(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess)
    Delta_x_sum = 0.0
    Delta_y_sum = 0.0
    xi_x_sum = 0.0
    xi_y_sum = 0.0

    for k in K:
        Delta_k, xi_k = compute_Delta_k_xi_k(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, k, mu, J, g_s, g_t, t)
        E_k = np.sqrt(xi_k**2 + Delta_k**2)
        cos_kx = np.cos(k[0])
        cos_ky = np.cos(k[1])

        Delta_x_sum += (Delta_k / E_k) * cos_kx
        Delta_y_sum += (Delta_k / E_k) * cos_ky
        xi_x_sum += (xi_k / E_k) * cos_kx
        xi_y_sum += (xi_k / E_k) * cos_ky

    new_Delta_x = Delta_x_sum / L
    new_Delta_y = Delta_y_sum / L
    new_xi_x = -xi_x_sum / L
    new_xi_y = -xi_y_sum / L

    return new_Delta_x, new_Delta_y, new_xi_x, new_xi_y, mu

def iterate_gap_equations(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-6):
    mu = solve_for_mu(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess)
    for iteration in range(max_iter):
        new_Delta_x, new_Delta_y, new_xi_x, new_xi_y, mu = write_gap_equations(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess)

        # Print intermediate values for diagnostics
        #print(f"Iteration {iteration}: Δx={new_Delta_x:.6f}, Δy={new_Delta_y:.6f}, ξx={new_xi_x:.6f}, ξy={new_xi_y:.6f}, μ={mu_value:.6f}")

        if (np.abs(new_Delta_x - Delta_x) < tol and
            np.abs(new_Delta_y - Delta_y) < tol and
            np.abs(new_xi_x - xi_x) < tol and
            np.abs(new_xi_y - xi_y) < tol):

        Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y = new_Delta_x, new_Delta_y, new_xi_x, new_xi_y

    return Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, mu

def points(a, N_1, N_2, t, J, g_s, g_t, initial_values, x_range):
    L = N_1 * N_2
    K = generate_wave_vectors(a, N_1, N_2)

    x_values = []
    delta_values = []
    xi_values = []
    mu_values = []

    mu_initial_guess = 1.0  # Initial guess for the first iteration

    for x in x_range:
        Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y = initial_values
        Delta_x_new, Delta_y_new, xi_x_new, xi_y_new, mu = iterate_gap_equations(Delta_x, Delta_y, xi_x, xi_y, K, x, L, J, g_s, g_t, t, mu_initial_guess)

        Delta_avg = np.sqrt(Delta_x_new**2 + Delta_y_new**2)
        xi_avg = (xi_x_new + xi_y_new) / 2


        # Update initial guess for mu for the next iteration
        mu_initial_guess = mu

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.plot(x_values, delta_values, label='Average Delta', marker='o')
    plt.plot(x_values, xi_values, label='Average xi', marker='+')
    plt.title('Plot of x vs. Average Delta and xi')

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.plot(x_values, mu_values, label='mu', marker='*')
    plt.title('Plot of x vs. mu')

# Constants
a = 1.0
N_1 = 10
N_2 = 10
t = 1.0
J = t / 3
g_s = 1.0
g_t = 1.0
initial_values = (1.0, 1.0, 0.35, 1.0)
x_range = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 60)

# Run the function
points(a, N_1, N_2, t, J, g_s, g_t, initial_values, x_range)

Specific Questions:

  1. Are there any mistakes in my loops or the reassignment of values?
  2. What could be causing the discrepancies between the expected graph and the actual graph I’m receiving?
Expected Output: I expect a smooth plot showing how the superconducting gap evolves with increasing doping concentration.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 124223.png

Actual Output: The graph I’m currently getting doesn’t match my expectations.

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  • #2
I couldn't find any obvious errors, but I'm not familiar with the equations you are trying to solve. The best I can offer is to simplify it and look at solving at a single value of x and see if it is doing what it is supposed to. Is your iterative solution really converging? If it's really converged, you should be able to double the number of iterations and get the same results.
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Likes dieon
  • #3
I tried solving for a single value of x but got the same result.
And, no, I don't think the iteration is converging, but I can't find a reason why. I think it has something to do with the \mu values, but after so many trials I still can't correct it.
Screenshot 2024-06-20 170947.png
I think this curve is supposed to be smooth, without the steps.
  • #4
Make N_1 and N_2 bigger so you have smaller steps. 2X bigger to start. If the solution is different, you have not converged. Keep increasing them until it stops changing.
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Likes dieon
  • #5
phyzguy said:
Make N_1 and N_2 bigger so you have smaller steps. 2X bigger to start. If the solution is different, you have not converged. Keep increasing them until it stops changing.
You're right, the steps do get smaller. However, at the same time, the value of \Delta at x=0 also gets smaller, which should not happen since its value should be near 0.35 at x = 0.

When N_1 and N_2 are 4x, \Delta is nearing 0.05.

Is there something else I can try?
  • #6
Maybe I don't understand, but aren't you approximating a continuous function with discrete values of k? If so when you make the k step smaller, then the discrete steps should better approximate the continuous function, and it should approach the correct solution. If it doesn't, something is wrong. Instead of trying something else, keep digging into this one calculation until you find what is wrong.
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Likes DeBangis21 and dieon
  • #7
I was supposed to use thee formulas:
g_t = 2 * x / (1 + x)
g_s = 4 / (1 + x)**2

After that the issue got resolved
  • #8
Glad you found it!
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Likes dieon