Gapless Excitation: Exploring Spin Gap Opening

  • Thread starter mavipranav
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    Gap Spin
In summary, gapless excitations can refer to Goldstone modes, gapless modes, massless modes, or soft modes in field theories. They are fluctuation modes with a spectrum that vanishes at zero momentum, making it easier to excite modes with lower values of momenta. These excitations arise when the ground state of the system spontaneously breaks a symmetry, such as phonons in solids or photons in EM vacuum. In superconductivity, the term "gapless" refers to a mode that is excited without a gap, and the gap in a superconductor is the energy required to break Cooper pairs. While the s-wave superconductor is always gapped, the d-wave superconductor has certain channels where gapless
  • #1

Can somebody explain what is a "gapless excitation"? If it is an excitation, why does it require no energy (gapless) to excite the system?

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  • #2
Gapless excitations can mean Goldstone modes, gapless modes, massless modes, or soft modes, depending on the context. But they are all the same thing in field theories.

Gapless modes are fluctuation modes that have a spectrum that vanishes at zero momentum. Therefore, it does not require too much energy to excite modes of lower values of momenta (k). On the other hand, a gapless mode means a long-range correlation of fluctuations. An excitation at one point can cause another point far from it to have a chance to fluctuate as well.

By Goldstone theorem, gapless modes arise when the ground state of the system spontaneously breaks a symmetry that the system possesses. Examples of this are phonons in solids, magnons in ferromagnets, photons in EM vacuum, helimagnons in helimagnets etc.
  • #3
That makes sense; so isn't the unfortunate nomenclature ("gapless excitation") an oxymoron of some sort? Because if it is multiply-degenerate, why call it an excitation?
  • #4
I am not sure if it is oxymoron, because terms come out from different context. In condensed matter physics, it is called Goldstone modes when Goldstone talked about it with his idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In high energy physics, this excitation is also called Nambu-Goldstone bosons. In high energy physics, it is called massless modes because such excitations refers to the saddle-point equation of their theories with m=0. I don't know why it is called soft modes. In superconductivity, the term "gapless" is used because this refers to a mode that is excited without a gap? I don't know since I do not know the theory of superconductivity.
  • #5
Now I think maybe I misinterpreted your initial statement: " ... it does not require too much energy to excite modes of lower values of momenta (k) ... ". I initially presumed that you were referring to excitations between different degenerate levels with momentum being preserved, but after your second reply I am beginning to think that probably you meant there is a scattering with momentum being exchanged. Can you clarify which one you meant?
  • #6
In this case, I would think of there is a scattering with momentum being exchanged. The excitations for any Goldstone bosons is often a result of excitations from other particles in the system.
  • #7
stephenhky said:
I am not sure if it is oxymoron, because terms come out from different context. In condensed matter physics, it is called Goldstone modes when Goldstone talked about it with his idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In high energy physics, this excitation is also called Nambu-Goldstone bosons. In high energy physics, it is called massless modes because such excitations refers to the saddle-point equation of their theories with m=0. I don't know why it is called soft modes. In superconductivity, the term "gapless" is used because this refers to a mode that is excited without a gap? I don't know since I do not know the theory of superconductivity.

In cond mat. gapless modes need not be related to Goldstone bosons. For example within a critical region the system has the full conformal symmetry yet critical excitations are gapless.
The 'gap' of a spectrum can be thought of as the mass of the excitations. Spin gaps usually refer to spin excitations that requires a finite energy. Excitations in an Ising ferromagnet is gapped because the simplest excitation above the ordered state would require one of the spins to flip costing [tex]2J[/tex] amount of energy, where [tex]J[/tex] is the spin-spin coupling strength.

The 'gap' in superconductor (sc) is the energy required to break Cooper pairs, which is finite. Hence any excitation above the sc state needs a finite amnt of energy. This can in turn be thought of as being the mass of the excitation (similar to the energy that a photon needs to possesses in order to produce an electron positron pair).
The s-wave sc is always gapped, while the d-wave ones have certain channels in which one can have gapless excitations.
  • #8
The s-wave sc is always gapped, while the d-wave ones have certain channels in which one can have gapless excitations.

So if there is a continuous band of energies connecting the ground and excited state of the d-wave superconductor (because it is gapless), why should the superconductivity be stable, since arbitrarily small thermal fluctuations can excite it? This should be true even if we consider large correlation lengths.
  • #9
the gapless region of a d-wave sc are just 4 points at the 'fermi surface' (these are usually 2-dim systems). the cooper pairs that can be excited out of these points are extremely small compared to the macroscopic no. of pairs that are protected by the d-wave gap. Therefore on whole sc is not destroyed. Also it is important to remember that cooper pairing is a dynamical mechanism, i.e. it happens in the momentum space.

FAQ: Gapless Excitation: Exploring Spin Gap Opening

1. What is gapless excitation?

Gapless excitation refers to a phenomenon in condensed matter physics where a material exhibits excitations without an energy gap between the ground state and the excited state. This means that the lowest energy state and the first excited state have the same energy level, allowing for continuous energy transfer and movement of particles within the material.

2. What is spin gap opening?

Spin gap opening is a specific type of gapless excitation that occurs in materials with spin degrees of freedom, such as magnetic materials. In these materials, there is a gap between the ground state and the first excited state for the spin degree of freedom, but not for other degrees of freedom. This can result in unique magnetic properties and phenomena.

3. What is the significance of studying gapless excitation?

The study of gapless excitation is important for understanding the behavior of materials at low temperatures and in extreme conditions. It can also provide insights into the fundamental properties of matter and lead to the discovery of new materials with unique properties.

4. How is gapless excitation explored in research?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to explore gapless excitation, including spectroscopy, neutron scattering, and numerical simulations. These methods allow for the measurement and analysis of the energy levels and excitations within a material to understand its gapless behavior.

5. What are some real-world applications of gapless excitation?

Gapless excitation has potential applications in fields such as quantum computing, where materials with gapless properties could be used to store and transfer information. It also has implications for the development of new electronic and magnetic devices and for improving our understanding of superconductivity and other quantum phenomena.

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