Garett Lisi's 248-dimensional theory?

  • Thread starter Matthewkind
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In summary, Garett Lisi is a quantum physicist who has recently proposed a model of quantum mechanics and general relativity that reconciles the two theories. He uses the Largest Exceptional Lie Group E_8 and puts gravity and quantum mechanics into the E_8 structure. According to the summary, the model is not successful and does not incorporate gravity correctly.
  • #1
I'm sorry to be so bothersome; however, I've recently been hearing a lot of good things about this Garett Lisi person. Apparently, he can explain the fundamental forces by using Lie Groups, which is a branch of mathematics that I am currently not familiar with. I only know that it works through some sort of crazy circle distortion thing. Can anyone explain to me how Lie groups work? Also, can you explain to me exactly what Mr. Lisi is positing when he claims to have reconciled quantum mechanics and general relativity?
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  • #2
He essentially used the Largest Exceptional Lie Group [tex]E_8[/tex] and put gravity and quantum mechanics into the [tex]E_8[/tex] structure. The transformations of [tex]E_8[/tex] structure produce the particle interactions et cetera. Particle physics already uses Lie Groups such as the Electroweak Unification uses [tex]SU(2) \otimes U(1)[/tex] which is a sub-group in the larger [tex]E_8[/tex] group. It's more of a GUT then a full theory of everything as many other problems aren't addressed and the theory is still in its infancy.

"More specifically, Lisi combines the left-right symmetric Pati-Salam GUT with a MacDowell-Mansouri description of gravity, using the spin connection and gravitational frame combined with a Higgs boson, necessitating a cosmological constant. The model is formulated as a gauge theory, using a modified BF action, with E8 as the Lie group. Mathematically, this is an E8 principal bundle, with connection, over a four dimensional base manifold. Lisi's embedding of the Standard Model gauge group in E8 leads him to predict the existence of 22 new bosonic particles at an undetermined mass scale." - Wikipedia

An example of a Lie group is a rotation in the complex plane about a circle with radius 1. This is called the [tex]U(1)[/tex] Lie group. I believe the transformations follow the equation [tex]e^{i\theta} = cos \theta+ isin\theta[/tex]

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  • #3
Kevin_Axion said:
He essentially used the Largest Exceptional Lie Group [tex]E_8[/tex] and put gravity and quantum mechanics into the [tex]E_8[/tex] structure.

Nope, there is nothing about a unification of gravity and quantum mechanics in this model. On the contrary, it is in violation of basic quantum mechanical principles like the spin-statistics theorem.
  • #4
Which [tex]E_8[/tex] group does he use?
  • #5
More properly, which E8 representation does he use?

From what I gather, it's the 248 representation, which is both the fundamental one and the adjoint one.

Fundamental -- every other irreducible representation can be derived from product representations. If Xi is the rep's vector space, the product representations are Xi*Xj*Xk...

Adjoint -- the rep's vector space is the generators of the algebra. Gauge fields must be in the adjoint rep of their gauge algebra.

So gauge fields must be in the E8 248 rep.

The next larger E8 rep has size 3875, which is even worse.

For the 3D angular-momentum algebra, a.k.a. A1, B1, SU(2), SO(3), etc.:
Fundamental: spinor (spin 1/2, dimension 2)
Adjoint: vector (spin 1, dimension 3)


It's rather obvious that no experimentally-accessible particles have unbroken E8 gauge symmetry, so it must be broken in some way. But there are lots of ways to break E8:

D8 = SO(16)
A7*A1 = SU(8)*SU(2)
A5*A2*A1 = SU(6)*SU(3)*SU(2)
A4*A4 = SU(5)*SU(5)
D4*A3 = SO(10)*SU(4)
E6*A2 = E6*SU(3)
E7*A1 = E7*SU(2)
A8 = SU(9)

D7*U(1) = SO(14)*U(1)
A6*A1*U(1) = SU(7)*SU(2)*U(1)
A4*A2*A1*U(1) = SU(5)*SU(3)*SU(2)*U(1)
A4*A3*U(1) = SU(5)*SU(4)*U(1)
D5*A2*U(1) = SO(10)*SU(3)*U(1)
E6*A1*U(1) = E6*SU(2)*U(1)
A7*U(1) = SU(8)*U(1)


Some of these subgroups contain not only the Standard-Model symmetry, SU(3)*SU(2)*U(1), but also such much-discussed supersets of it as SU(5), SO(10), and E6.

The Pati-Salam model, mentioned in the OP, has symmetry SU(4)*SU(2)*SU(2) or SO(6)*SO(4)

It's a subset of SO(10), and thus, E6 and E8.
  • #6
lpetrich said:
More properly, which E8 representation does he use?

Well, first I want to know which group.
  • #7
What possibilities are there?
  • #8
lpetrich said:
What possibilities are there?

There is the complex group. There are three real forms and two non trivial double covers. I am guessing he uses a real group and it is either the compact form or the split one.
  • #9
Such global properties usually don't matter much in particle physics. What's usually important are the local properties -- the Lie algebra. That gentleman is apparently using a 248-dimensional representation, since it's the adjoint one.
  • #10
lpetrich said:
Such global properties usually don't matter much in particle physics. What's usually important are the local properties -- the Lie algebra.

If it is the algebra then why call it group! Then my question is which algebra of type E8 is he using?
  • #11
The exceptional Lie algebra, as far as I can tell.
  • #12
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  • #13
garrett said:

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FAQ: Garett Lisi's 248-dimensional theory?

1. What is Garett Lisi's 248-dimensional theory?

Garett Lisi's 248-dimensional theory, also known as the "Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything", is a theoretical physics model proposed by physicist Garett Lisi in 2007. It attempts to unify all the known forces of the universe, including gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces, into a single mathematical framework by using a 248-dimensional algebraic structure called E8.

2. What makes Garett Lisi's theory unique?

Garett Lisi's theory is unique because it proposes a new way of looking at the fundamental forces of the universe. Unlike other theories that attempt to unify these forces through complicated mathematics and multiple dimensions, Lisi's theory simplifies the process by using the 248-dimensional E8 structure, which has never been used in this context before.

3. Is there any evidence to support Garett Lisi's theory?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence to support Garett Lisi's theory. It is still considered a speculative and unproven theory in the scientific community. However, some researchers have found interesting connections between E8 and other physical theories, such as string theory, which could potentially lend some support to Lisi's ideas.

4. What are some potential implications of Garett Lisi's theory?

If Garett Lisi's theory is proven to be true, it could have major implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws that govern it. It could potentially provide a more elegant and simplified explanation for the four fundamental forces and could lead to new insights and discoveries in physics and cosmology.

5. What are the criticisms of Garett Lisi's theory?

Some of the criticisms of Garett Lisi's theory include the lack of experimental evidence, the highly complex mathematics involved, and the fact that it does not currently fit into the standard model of particle physics. Additionally, some physicists argue that the theory is too simplistic and does not account for all the complexities of the universe.

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