Gas Compression in piston and resulting oscillations

In summary, the problem involves a cylinder filled with .1 moles of an ideal gas at STP, with a piston of mass 1.4Kg sealing the gas in with a frictionless seal. The initial height of the gas column is 2.4, and the piston is released from rest and begins to fall. After a series of oscillations, the piston and the trapped air reach thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air at STP. The final height of the gas column can be determined using the ideal gas law and the pressure and temperature values. The second part of the problem involves finding the frequency of vibration when the piston is pushed down below the equilibrium position and released. This requires finding the restoring force and using it to
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cylinder is filled with .1 moles of an ideal gas at STP, and a piston of mass 1.4Kg seals the gas in the cylinder with a frictionless seal, as shown in the figure below. The trapped column of gas has an initial height 2.4. The piston and cylinder are surrounded by air, also at STP. The piston is released from rest and starts to fall. The motion of the piston ceases after a series of oscillations that ends with the piston and the trapped air in thermal equilibrium with
the surrounding air (which is at STP). (a) Find the final height h of the gas column.
(b) Suppose the piston is pushed down below the equilibrium position by a small amount and then released. Assuming that the temperature of the gas remains constant, find the frequency of the vibration.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a) The initial height, H, can be described by PVi=nRT=PAH
The final height, h, can be described by the Ʃf=0, since its in equilibrium, = Pinternal*A-mg-P(A) where P is standard pressure.

Pin=mg/A +P = (nRT)/Vf using nRT from above the internal pressure can be written as
Pin=PAH/Ah = PH/h so

h= PH/[P+mg/PA] and using PAH=nRT for the original conditions we can solve for A=nRT/PH
so h= PH/[P+mg/P{nRT/PH}] using 300K for T and 1.01e5Pa for P I get h = 2.12m

h = [(2.4)]/[1+((1.4*9.8)/{(1.01e5)([(.1*8.3*300)/[(1.01e5)(2.4)]}]

How does that look?

b) This part confuses me. I am trying to use hookes law for a linear oscillator but I can not figure out the the k value.
F=PA so k=PA/x
so ω=√[(PA/x)/m], I am using x=2.1 from part a but I am sure that is incorrect.
I get f=ω/(2pi) = [sqrt[((.00103)(1.01e5)/2.1)/2.4]]/(2pi) = .723Hz

What am I doing wrong for the second part. How should I solve for omega?

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Does anybody have any idea how to approach the second problem?

I understand that I need a restoring force in order to find a k value for the system. Basically the sum of the forces will equal ma, not zero, and P'inA - PinA=ma but I am not sure how to go about actually solving for the the a value.

Related to Gas Compression in piston and resulting oscillations

1. What is gas compression in a piston?

Gas compression in a piston refers to the process of compressing a gas within a cylinder by using a piston, which is a movable component. This compression increases the pressure and temperature of the gas, leading to a decrease in its volume.

2. How does gas compression result in oscillations?

When gas is compressed in a piston, it exerts a force on the walls of the cylinder. This force causes the piston to move back and forth, resulting in oscillations. These oscillations continue until the gas reaches equilibrium with the surrounding pressure.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of oscillations in gas compression?

The magnitude of oscillations in gas compression is influenced by several factors, including the compression ratio, gas properties, piston speed, and the size and shape of the cylinder. A higher compression ratio and faster piston speed can lead to larger oscillations, while a smaller cylinder size can dampen them.

4. How do gas compression and resulting oscillations impact engine performance?

Gas compression and resulting oscillations are crucial for the functioning of internal combustion engines. They help to increase the pressure and temperature of the air-fuel mixture, leading to more efficient combustion and increased power output. However, excessive oscillations can also cause engine knocking and damage.

5. What are the potential hazards associated with gas compression and oscillations?

Gas compression and resulting oscillations can pose various hazards, such as noise pollution, mechanical damage to engine components, and potential safety risks. It is essential to carefully design and maintain gas compression systems to minimize these hazards and ensure safe and efficient operation.

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