Gas temperature increase by pressure

In summary, the conversation discusses the effect of high pressure on gas particles and its connection to kinetic energy and temperature. The expert explains that for an ideal gas, there is no change in temperature during free expansion, but for a real gas, there can be a slight cooling due to attractive interactions between particles. The expert also mentions that extreme temperature changes, such as hundreds or thousands of degrees Celsius, are not typically seen in this scenario.
  • #1

May I ask you, i have a question about gases. Take a gas and give it under high pressure conditions. Then immediately give the same gas under no pressure conditions (some free space). Then my question is what will happen to the temperature of this gas? Can we observe the increase in temperature?

My idea behind this problem is connected with kinetic energy of gas particles. When you make a solid matter from a gas (gas is under very high pressure), then the particles are very close to each other. It is hard to move for these particles. Then you put this solid matter into the no pressure conditions. It will expand. The particles will start to move. Their kinetic energy will be higher. So the temperature will also be higher (maybe hundreds or thousands degrees of Celsius for some materials) for some time. We can compare it to a prisoner in a prison. If you open the prison, then there might be a hell.

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  • #2
No, high pressure doesn't mean low kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is directly related to temperature, not pressure (it also doesn't depend on the phase of matter). Your "prisoners" in your prison are bouncing off the walls when they're locked up... when you open the gates they move just as fast as they were before, there just aren't any walls to bounce off of.

For a real answer to your question, it depends. For an ideal gas, there is no change in temperature if you go through free expansion. The typical case for a real gas is to cool somewhat due to attractive interactions between the atoms/molecules which are relevant at high pressures. But there are some cases where gases heat up under free expansion. (hundreds or thousands of degrees C is *way* beyond the real scale though). For more information, see here:–Thomson_effect

FAQ: Gas temperature increase by pressure

What is the relationship between gas temperature and pressure?

The relationship between gas temperature and pressure is known as the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when the volume and number of moles of gas are held constant.

How does increasing pressure affect gas temperature?

Increasing pressure causes gas molecules to collide with each other more frequently and with greater force, leading to an increase in temperature. This is because the kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases, resulting in a higher average temperature.

What happens to gas temperature if pressure is decreased?

If pressure is decreased, the gas molecules collide with each other less frequently and with less force, leading to a decrease in temperature. This is because the kinetic energy of the gas molecules decreases, resulting in a lower average temperature.

Can gas temperature and pressure be changed independently?

No, gas temperature and pressure are directly proportional to each other according to the ideal gas law. This means that they cannot be changed independently of each other, and a change in one will result in a corresponding change in the other.

How does the type of gas affect the relationship between temperature and pressure?

The type of gas affects the relationship between temperature and pressure through the gas's specific heat capacity and its molecular weight. Different gases have different properties that can affect how they respond to changes in pressure and temperature according to the ideal gas law.

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