Gateaux vs. Frechet in Calc.Variations

In summary: The shortest way I can think of: Show me the equations (and spaces) and I'll tell you what it is.The second shortest, which I assume apply to rigid bodies: finite dimensional, Euclidean space + Jacobi matrix ##\Longrightarrow ## Fréchet ##\Longrightarrow## Gâteaux
  • #1
Good Morning

Could someone summarize the distinction between the Frechet and the Gateaux derivative with specific regard to the Calculus of Variations?

Why use one or the other? Or both? Is one easier than the other? More precise? Or Accessible?

I feel I understand the process, but with all things mathematical, I could be assuming I understand when I really don't.
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  • #2
Trying2Learn said:
Good Morning

Could someone summarize the distinction between the Frechet and the Gateaux derivative with specific regard to the Calculus of Variations?

Why use one or the other? Or both? Is one easier than the other? More precise? Or Accessible?

I feel I understand the process, but with all things mathematical, I could be assuming I understand when I really don't.
I once tried to answer the same question and found what I summarized here (at the beginning):

What I see is, that it depends on how the Gâteaux derivative is defined, how variations are affected, namely: continuity and additivity. Fréchet seems to set more strict conditions, which are useful for variations, whereas Gâteaux is most general in order to define a derivative if anyway possible.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
I once tried to answer the same question and found what I summarized here (at the beginning):

What I see is, that it depends on how the Gâteaux derivative is defined, how variations are affected, namely: continuity and additivity. Fréchet seems to set more strict conditions, which are useful for variations, whereas Gâteaux is most general in order to define a derivative if anyway possible.
Hi Fresh_42

That is what I was thinking. I got that from the same document. However, (and forgive me for the vague writing), the words reside in my head as tap dancing (for me and please do not take that as a criticism of your response, as it is an admission of my ignorance).

Is there any way you can make this more concrete? I am not a mathematician. I am using this for dynamics and Hamilton's Principle.

I am just searching for enough of an explanation so I can be happy, but not so much that I get inundated. I don't know where to draw the line.
  • #4
Fréchet implies Gâteaux in all directions. So if you have nice topological spaces, e.g. ##\mathbb{R}^n##, and your derivatives are linear, there is no need to deal with Gâteaux. So ordinary Jacobi matrices would be fine. You said dynamics, but dynamics of what? Dynamics in QFT is probably different from dynamics in mechanics.

If you only have convex, normed vector spaces, possibly infinite dimensional, and your derivatives are neither required to be continuous nor additive, then you have to carefully manage the properties and the theorems you can apply.

So it is more like what do we have, than what shall be required. Moreover, Gâteaux doesn't seem to be used the same way across different textbooks, which is why condition management is necessary.
  • #5
fresh_42 said:
Fréchet implies Gâteaux in all directions. So if you have nice topological spaces, e.g. ##\mathbb{R}^n##, and your derivatives are linear, there is no need to deal with Gâteaux. So ordinary Jacobi matrices would be fine. You said dynamics, but dynamics of what? Dynamics in QFT is probably different from dynamics in mechanics.

If you only have convex, normed vector spaces, possibly infinite dimensional, and your derivatives are neither required to be continuous nor additive, then you have to carefully manage the properties and the theorems you can apply.

So it is more like what do we have, than what shall be required. Moreover, Gâteaux doesn't seem to be used the same way across different textbooks, which is why condition management is necessary.
Thanks again... and...

Could you repeat what you just wrote but with a focus on rigid mutli-body dynamics?
  • #6
Trying2Learn said:
Thanks again... and...

Could you repeat what you just wrote but with a focus on rigid mutli-body dynamics?
The shortest way I can think of: Show me the equations (and spaces) and I'll tell you what it is.

The second shortest, which I assume apply to rigid bodies:
finite dimensional, Euclidean space + Jacobi matrix ##\Longrightarrow ## Fréchet ##\Longrightarrow## Gâteaux

In case you have it the other way around, i.e. given the requirement that something has a Fréchet, resp. Gâteaux derivative, then it should also be said somewhere, what this means. Not necessarily in the Fréchet case, which is unambiguous, but in the Gâteaux case as it depends to some extend on the definition.

FAQ: Gateaux vs. Frechet in Calc.Variations

What is the difference between Gateaux and Frechet in Calculus of Variations?

Gateaux and Frechet are two different approaches to the calculus of variations, a branch of mathematics that deals with finding the optimal value of a functional. The main difference between them is that Gateaux is a directional derivative, while Frechet is a partial derivative.

Which approach is more commonly used in Calculus of Variations?

Both Gateaux and Frechet are commonly used in the calculus of variations, but Gateaux is considered to be more intuitive and easier to work with. However, Frechet is more rigorous and powerful, making it useful for more complex problems.

What are the advantages of using Gateaux in Calculus of Variations?

Gateaux is a more intuitive approach to the calculus of variations, making it easier to understand and apply. It also allows for the use of differentiable functions, making it more versatile for a wider range of problems.

When should Frechet be used instead of Gateaux in Calculus of Variations?

Frechet should be used when dealing with more complex problems that require a more rigorous and powerful approach. It is also useful when working with non-differentiable functions, as it allows for the use of weak derivatives.

Is one approach better than the other in Calculus of Variations?

Neither Gateaux nor Frechet is better than the other in general. The choice of approach depends on the specific problem at hand and the preferences of the mathematician. Some problems may be more easily solved using Gateaux, while others may require the use of Frechet.

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