Gauge invariance of interaction lagrangian

In summary: U}_{\mu \nu})... }is invariant under a gauge transformation, provided the kinetic energy term is non-zero.
  • #1
Anyone can help me how to argue that interaction lagrangian is invariant under gauge transformation?
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  • #2
By construction!
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Likes dextercioby
  • #3
elsafo said:
Anyone can help me how to argue that interaction lagrangian is invariant under gauge transformation?

[tex]\delta \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ A_{ \mu } J^{ \mu } = \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ \partial_{ \mu } ( \Lambda J^{ \mu } ) = \int_{ \partial D } d S_{ \mu } \ \Lambda J^{ \mu } = 0[/tex]
The first equality follows from the fact that gauge fields couple to conserved (matter) current, the second equality is just the divergence theorem, and the last one follow because [itex]J_{ \mu }[/itex] vanishes at the boundary [itex]\partial D[/itex] at infinity.
  • #4
Either through Deser's Noether procedure, or directly in the BRST formulations, interactions (couplings) among classical fields are automatically gauge invariant.
  • #5
Thanks all
  • #6
Hi Sam,

(Since the OP seems happy with the answers, I'll venture a clarification question...)

samalkhaiat said:
[tex]\delta \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ A_{ \mu } J^{ \mu } = \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ \partial_{ \mu } ( \Lambda J^{ \mu } ) = \int_{ \partial D } d S_{ \mu } \ \Lambda J^{ \mu } = 0[/tex]
The first equality follows from the fact that gauge fields couple to conserved (matter) current, the second equality is just the divergence theorem, and the last one follow because [itex]J_{ \mu }[/itex] vanishes at the boundary [itex]\partial D[/itex] at infinity.
Vanishing of ##J_\mu## at spatial infinity is uncontroversial. But... why should it vanish as ##|t|\to\infty## ?

I had presumed that gauge transformations are required to approach the identity in that limit, but is there perhaps another reason?
  • #7
strangerep said:
Hi Sam,

(Since the OP seems happy with the answers, I'll venture a clarification question...)

Vanishing of ##J_\mu## at spatial infinity is uncontroversial. But... why should it vanish as ##|t|\to\infty## ?

I had presumed that gauge transformations are required to approach the identity in that limit, but is there perhaps another reason?
I think you do have the correct picture. We always assume that [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is bounded at [itex]\partial D[/itex]. The case will be trivial if [itex]\Lambda |_{ \partial D } = 0[/itex]. If [itex]\Lambda = \lambda[/itex] is constant at [itex]\partial D[/itex], then the statement reduces to that of charge conservation. Let me explain this: we consider the space-time region [itex]D[/itex] to be a (world) tube containing the field, i.e., [itex]J_{ \mu } = 0[/itex] outside the tube. We also assume that the tube is very “fat”. That is, its boundary consists of two (space-like) hypersurfaces taken at constant times ([itex]\partial D_{ 1 }[/itex] at [itex]t_{ 1 }[/itex] and [itex]\partial D_{ 2 }[/itex] at [itex]t_{ 2 }[/itex]) plus time-like surfaces at infinity ([itex]\Sigma^{ 3 }[/itex]) that join the two surfaces together. If [itex]J_{ \mu }[/itex] dies out rapidly enough at spatial infinity, then the surfaces at infinity ([itex]\Sigma^{ 3 }[/itex]) do not contribute to the integral [itex]\int_{ \partial D } d^{ 3 } x \ n^{ \mu } J_{ \mu }[/itex], where [itex]n^{ \mu }[/itex] is the unit outer normal to [itex]\partial D[/itex]:
[tex]\int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ \partial^{ \mu } ( \Lambda J_{ \mu } ) = \lambda \int_{ \partial D } d^{ 3 } x \ n^{ \mu } J_{ \mu } = \lambda \int_{ \partial D_{ 1 } } d^{ 3 } x \ n^{ \mu } J_{ \mu } + \lambda \int_{ \partial D_{ 2 } } d^{ 3 } x \ n^{ \mu } J_{ \mu } .[/tex]
[tex]\delta \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ A^{ \mu } J_{ \mu } = \lambda \left( \int_{ \partial D_{ 1 } } d^{ 3 } x \ J_{ 0 } ( t_{ 1 } , x ) - \int_{ \partial D_{ 2 } } d^{ 3 } x \ J_{ 0 } ( t_{ 2 } , x ) \right) = 0 .[/tex]
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Likes strangerep
  • #8
There is a matter field which is invariant under the kind of familiar idea [itex]\Psi \rightarrow \Psi' = \hat{U} \Psi(x) = exp (i {\bf a}(x) \cdot \hat{T}) \Psi(x)[/itex]. How the Yang-Mills field [itex]A_\mu^I[/itex] transforms can be derived by demanding the minimal coupling interaction term

[itex]L_{int} = i \overline{\Psi} \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \Psi + g \overline{\Psi} \gamma^\mu {\bf A}_\mu \cdot \hat{T} \Psi[/itex]

is invariant, i.e.,

[itex]L_{int} = L_{int}' = i \overline{\Psi}' \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \Psi' + g \overline{\Psi}' \gamma^\mu {\bf A}_\mu' \cdot \hat{T} \Psi'[/itex]

This demands that

[itex]{\bf A}_\mu' \cdot \hat{T} = \hat{U} {\bf A}_\mu \cdot \hat{T} \hat{U}^{-1} + {i \over g} \hat{U} (\partial_\mu \hat{U}^{-1})[/itex].

Note for electrodynamics [itex] \hat{U} = exp (i a(x))[/itex] the gauge transformation is then

[itex]A_\mu' (x) = A_\mu (x) + {1 \over g} \partial_\mu a(x)[/itex].

It can be shown that the kinematic energy term for the field [itex]{\bf A}[/itex] of the Lagrangian (analogous to Maxwell's theory)

[itex]L_A = - {1 \over 2} Tr \{ ({\bf F}_{\mu \nu} \cdot \hat{T}) ({\bf F}^{\mu \nu} \cdot \hat{T}) \} [/itex]

is invariant under such gauge transformations where we have defined the field strength operator [itex]{\bf F}_{\mu \nu} = {i \over g} [D_\mu , D_\nu][/itex] where [itex]D_\mu[/itex] is the covariant derivative defined by the connection [itex]A^I_\mu[/itex].
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  • #9
samalkhaiat said:
[...] If [itex]\Lambda = \lambda[/itex] is constant at [itex]\partial D[/itex], then the statement reduces to that of charge conservation.
[tex]\delta \int_{ D } d^{ 4 } x \ A^{ \mu } J_{ \mu } = \lambda \left( \int_{ \partial D_{ 1 } } d^{ 3 } x \ J_{ 0 } ( t_{ 1 } , x ) - \int_{ \partial D_{ 2 } } d^{ 3 } x \ J_{ 0 } ( t_{ 2 } , x ) \right) = 0 .[/tex]
OK, thanks.

FAQ: Gauge invariance of interaction lagrangian

1. What is gauge invariance?

Gauge invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should remain unchanged regardless of the choice of a specific mathematical representation or gauge. In other words, physical quantities should not depend on the specific coordinate system or units used to measure them.

2. How does gauge invariance relate to the interaction Lagrangian?

The interaction Lagrangian is a mathematical expression used to describe the interactions between particles in a physical system. Gauge invariance ensures that the interaction Lagrangian remains unchanged under a gauge transformation, meaning that the physical laws and predictions derived from it are still valid.

3. Why is gauge invariance important in physics?

Gauge invariance is essential because it allows us to formulate and understand physical theories in a way that is independent of the chosen mathematical representation. Without it, we would not be able to make consistent and accurate predictions about the behavior of particles and systems.

4. Can gauge invariance be violated?

In certain cases, gauge invariance can be violated. This can happen, for example, in theories that involve massless particles or when dealing with extreme conditions such as high energies or strong gravitational fields. However, these violations are typically resolved by introducing more complex mathematical frameworks.

5. How is gauge invariance tested experimentally?

Gauge invariance is a fundamental principle and is not directly tested experimentally. However, the predictions and calculations derived from theories that incorporate gauge invariance can be tested and verified through experiments and observations. If these predictions are consistent with the results of experiments, it provides evidence for the validity of gauge invariance in the theory.

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