Gauge invariance Vs. Gauge covariance

In summary: The U's are the same in all the representations, and they are the same as the covariant derivative.In summary, gauge covariance is the relationship between different gauge fields, while gauge invariance is the property of a field that does not change under a gauge transformation. It is possible for a field to be both gauge covariant and gauge invariant, but the two are not always related. The Pauli-Villars regulator is not a gauge covariant field, which is why it cannot be used in QCD.
  • #1
I know what gauge invariance is, but I'm not sure what gauge covariance is. Is it that a given field has a gauge covariant derivative?

And under which circumstances do we get a field that is gauge invariant but not gauge covariant? And I would appreciate an example (other than the one below).

Finally, what is the link between gauge covariance and QCD? I'm asking because I read that the Pauli Villars regulator is not gauge covariant (which I don't understand what it means) hence can't be used in QCD.

Could someone clear the confusion fog in my head, please?
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  • #2
Perhaps this is a Wikipedia misprint? Maybe the article meant to say, it's gauge invariant but it's not unitary.
  • #3
Invariance means that you have an expression that doesn't change under gauge transformation; a well known example in SU(n) gauge theories is the gauge-field part of the Lagrangian which looks like


where i,k are the su(n) indices and which is invariant due to the trace w.r.t. i,k.

Covariance means that an expression is not gauge invariant but has a well-defined transformation w.r.t. to the gauge group; a well known example in SU(n) gauge theories is the field strength F which lives in the adjoint rep. and which transforms as


where U represents the gauge trf.
  • #4
That's what they mean all right. But how do those definitions apply to the remark about the Pauli-Villars regulator?
  • #6
Bill_K, I don't think it's a mistake, I think they put it there to indicate something I don't understand. Thanks you for your comments

tom.stoer, many thanks for stating the difference between the two expressions, and for mentioning the papers. I shall read them and see what can get out of them
  • #7
Thanks, majon. I stand by my remark. It doesn't make any sense the way it's stated. Good luck.
  • #8
majon said:
I'm asking because I read that the Pauli Villars regulator is not gauge covariant
What I remember is that it violates unitarity.
  • #9
I know this thread is two years dead, but it's the best I can find. While reading an article by Machleidt, Entem / Physics Report 503 (2011) 1-75, I came across an assertion that the QCD Lagrangian contained a gauge-covariant derivative within it. So I'm strongly inclined to think it's not a typo either, but like Majon, I don't know what the implications of that is within low-energy QCD. Note that this gauge covariance was discussed with respect to Chiral symmetry with the purpose of explaining the support for EFT. Any help is appreciated.

It might be worth adding that the cause of your prior confusion might possibly be from the fact the the QCD Lagrangian is invariant under relevant transformations WHEN RESTRICTED to the up and down quark. Or that might be something else entirely.
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  • #10
I think I don't fully understand what you are asking.

The Lagrangian is always gauge invariant; this does by no means depend on the flavors or chiral symmetry
  • #11
See, that's what I was lead to believe, that the Lagrangian was always gauge invariant, but the claim here is that the QCD Lagrangian (sorry for the poor formatting) is

LQCD=[itex]\overline{q}[/itex](i[itex]\gamma[/itex]μDμ-M)q-(Gluon field strength tensor)

where Dμ is a gauge-covariant derivative:

So my assumption was that if LQCD contains a gauge-covariant derivative, then LQCD is itself gauge covariant. Am I just interpreting something incorrectly? I definitely don't understand gauge invariance or covariance well enough to say either way.
  • #12
Haydo said:
So my assumption was that if LQCD contains a gauge-covariant derivative, then LQCD is itself gauge covariant. Am I just interpreting something incorrectly?

Yes, you are incorrect. The QCD Lagrangian is gauge-invariant. Gauge invariant things can be (and usually are) built from gauge-covariant parts.

Haydo said:
I definitely don't understand gauge invariance or covariance well enough to say either way.

Check out any QFT textbook's discussion of nonabelian gauge theory.
  • #13
majon said:
Finally, what is the link between gauge covariance and QCD? I'm asking because I read that the Pauli Villars regulator is not gauge covariant (which I don't understand what it means) hence can't be used in QCD.

Could someone clear the confusion fog in my head, please?

There are some regulators that do not preserve manifest gauge invariance, but Pauli-Villars does. Perhaps you are remembering something else?
  • #14
Covariant gauges are (manifestly) Lorentz-invariant gauges. Non-covariant are not.

Covariant gauges: Feynman-'t Hooft gauge, Lorentz gauge, unitary gauge.

Non-covariant gauges: lightcone gauge, Coulomb gauge, radial gauge.
  • #15
Look at

[tex]\bar{q}(i\gamma^\mu D_\mu)q[/tex]

The quarks transform in the fundamental rep. of SU(3), i.e.

[tex]q \to q^\prime = U\,q[/tex]

[tex]\bar{q} \to \bar{q}^\prime = \bar{q}\,U^\dagger[/tex]

Gluons and the covariant derivative transform in the adjoint rep.

[tex]D_\mu \to D^\prime_\mu = U \, D_\mu \, U^\dagger[/tex]

So each individual term transforms non-trivially, whereas the complete lagrangian does b/c the U's cancel

FAQ: Gauge invariance Vs. Gauge covariance

1. What is the difference between gauge invariance and gauge covariance?

Gauge invariance and gauge covariance are two related concepts in physics, specifically in the field of quantum field theory. Gauge invariance refers to the property of a physical theory where the mathematical description of the theory remains unchanged under certain transformations known as gauge transformations. Gauge covariance, on the other hand, refers to the mathematical property of a theory where the equations of the theory remain unchanged under gauge transformations. Essentially, gauge invariance refers to the physical interpretation of a theory, while gauge covariance refers to the mathematical formulation of the theory.

2. Why is gauge invariance important in physics?

Gauge invariance is important in physics because it is a fundamental principle that ensures the consistency and validity of physical theories. It is closely related to the concept of symmetry in physics, which is a key aspect of many fundamental laws and principles. Gauge invariance also plays a crucial role in the development of quantum field theories, which are essential for understanding many phenomena in particle physics and cosmology.

3. Can you give an example of a gauge invariant theory?

One of the most well-known examples of a gauge invariant theory is the theory of electromagnetism, described by Maxwell's equations. These equations remain unchanged under gauge transformations, which correspond to different choices of the electric and magnetic potentials. This property of gauge invariance allows for the consistent and accurate description of electromagnetic phenomena.

4. How does gauge covariance relate to the principle of relativity?

Gauge covariance is closely related to the principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers in any inertial frame of reference. In fact, the principle of relativity can be viewed as a consequence of gauge covariance, as the equations of a gauge-covariant theory remain unchanged under transformations between different frames of reference.

5. Are all physical theories gauge invariant?

No, not all physical theories are gauge invariant. However, many important theories in physics, such as the Standard Model of particle physics and general relativity, do exhibit gauge invariance. In fact, the presence of gauge invariance is often seen as a desirable property in the development of new physical theories, as it ensures the consistency and validity of the theory.

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