Gauge-invariant measure in LQG

In summary, a gauge-invariant measure is a measure that is invariant under the action of a group. It is a very important tool in constructing quantum theories, as it allows for the construction of gauge invariant inner products.
  • #1
Could someone explain to me why we use a gauge-invariant and diffeomorphism-invariant measure on the quantum configuration space? Is it because we want the inner product to be invariant under gauge transformations. What is a gauge-invariant measure anyway?

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  • #2
A measure invariant under the action of the group. For example the measure on the real line R invariant under the translation group is the usual dx:

[TEX]\int_R dx f(x) = \int_R dx f(x+a)[/TEX]
  • #3
And we use them to create gauge invariant theories with gauge invariant inner products.
  • #4
if there is no gauge-invariant measure available, can a gauge-invariant inner product be constructed?
  • #5
Don;t know much about LQG, but assuming it is constructed along the lines of a normal quantum theory...

gauge invariance tells you how to build your theory. You impose gauge invariance, and that gives you a guide as to how to procede. In order to do a calculation, though, you have to pick a gauge---so you use gauge invariance as a tool to write down a langrangian, or something, then you destroy gauge invariance to do calculations. So in a sense gauge invariance is not physical.

Without the gauge invariance, you could still construct a lagrangian. No problem at all---it is still possible to build a theory and write down a lagrangian. This lagrangian will correspond to something that you would have gotten after you chose a gauge in the previous problem.

The diffeomorphism invariance is just the statement that the answer shouldn't depend on the coordinates you use to describe it. It is another type of gauge invariance, in a sense. You write down a lagrangian, given that you have diffeomorphism invarinace. Then you choose a set of coordinates to do calculations.

In answer to your second question, no. But you CAN construct inner products.
  • #6
Is it right to say? Being able to find a gauge-invariant measure in loop quantization is a big achievement because if we performed a traditional canonical quantization we would be using the ill-defined measure [tex]dA^i_a[/tex], inner product: [tex]\int\Phi^*[A^i_a]\Psi[A^i_a]dA^i_a[/tex]
They are not gauge-invariant.

([tex]A^i_a\tau_i\otimes dx^a[/tex]: SU(2) connection 1-form)
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  • #7
Being able to find a gauge-invariant measure in loop quantization is a big achievement

what is the measure A over? A characterizes some gauge manifold, right, so you pick a Fadeev-Popov delta function or something?

FAQ: Gauge-invariant measure in LQG

1. What is gauge-invariance in LQG?

Gauge-invariance in LQG (Loop Quantum Gravity) refers to the property of the theory that states that physical observables should not depend on the choice of gauge or coordinate system. This means that the results of experiments and measurements should be the same regardless of how they are described or measured.

2. Why is gauge-invariance important in LQG?

Gauge-invariance is important because it is a fundamental principle of the theory that helps to ensure the consistency and validity of the results. It also allows for the comparison and combination of results from different experiments and observations, even if they are described using different coordinate systems.

3. How is gauge-invariance achieved in LQG?

Gauge-invariance is achieved through the use of a mathematical tool called a "gauge transformation". This transformation allows for the elimination of unphysical degrees of freedom and ensures that only physically meaningful information is included in the calculations. In LQG, this is done through the use of constraints that restrict the possible states of the system.

4. Are there any challenges with gauge-invariant measures in LQG?

Yes, there are some challenges with determining gauge-invariant measures in LQG. One challenge is that the theory is still being developed and refined, so the exact methods for calculating and interpreting gauge-invariant measures are still being explored. Additionally, the use of constraints and gauge transformations can make calculations more complex and difficult to interpret.

5. How do gauge-invariant measures in LQG relate to other theories?

Gauge-invariant measures in LQG are closely related to similar concepts in other theories, such as gauge theory and general relativity. However, due to the unique nature of LQG and its approach to quantum gravity, there are also some key differences in the way gauge-invariance is achieved and interpreted. Further research and development is needed to fully understand the connections and implications of gauge-invariance in LQG.

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