Gauge Theories: Explained & Why They Matter

In summary, gauge theory and renormalization are important concepts in the Standard Model that allow physicists to analyze interactions between particles on a smaller scale. Renormalization allows for the calculation of physical observables that may be too large for any one moment to contain.
  • #1
What are gauge theories? Any simple explanations? Why are they so important? Whats renomalization?
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  • #2
Deep Down Things

Bruce Schumm's has a really excellent conceptual presentation of gauge theory and renormalization along with other major elements of the Standard Model: Lie Groups, QED and so on. His presentation is done via the mathematical concepts without doing the mathematics. In other words you should be able to get a good idea of what the scaffolding looks like but you won't be able to climb it.
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  • #3
Whats renomalization?

The way I think about it is this:

Suppose you want to figure out what an electron is doing inside an atom. In general, to compute some physical observable, you're going to have to do some integral over all possible momenta that the electron can have. Now, as a mathematician, you say "Ah, it can have ANY momentum, of course!". Then you do your integral from 0 to infinity, and pout a little bit when it comes out infinite. The problem, of course, is that the thing you wanted to compute CAN'T be infinity, because you measured it and it was finite.

Now, as a physicist, you think "Well, I can't integrate over ALL possible momenta. " Naively (conservatively), you might argue that with momenta on the order of the Planck scale, we shouldn't even HAVE atoms anymore. Your theory isn't really valid at that scale, because it can't describe the gravitational interaction between the electron and the nucleus. So instead of integrating over ALL momenta, you say "Well, let's just integrate over the momenta that we're interested in". In essence, this is renormalization---you are using the physics of the problem to do your integrals only over momenta that are relevant for the problem.

Now stick with me here, but you probably know the traveling salesman problem, or some variant thereof. The one that I know is the "What's the cheapest plane ticket" problem---you want to find the cheapest plane ticket from point A to point B, with an arbitrary number of stops in between. It may be cheaper to fly first to point C, then to point D, and THEN to point B. As a mathematician (or computer scientist) you want to do things in full generality, and actually PROVE that there is a cheapest way from one place to another. As a physicist, however, you know that if the plane ticket from A to B is $300, then you probably can ignore all of the paths that have more than 300 stops---i.e. a plane ticket is never free, and it is even LESS likely that the airline pays you to fly. So you eliminate a large number (infinity - 300! or something) of possibilities just on the basis of what you know.

So renormalization is really the process of ignoring unimportant momenta.
  • #4
You know, I really hate when Physicists say something along the lines of: Because we're physicists, we're going to argue on physical grounds that we can ignore this term because of symmetry or because we know that the lower bound on each path is $1 or something, but if you wanted to do it correct mathematically, you'd have to do the annoying calculation anyway.

No mathematician in their right mind would go through a long calculation when the things that physicists use to "heuristically eliminate steps based on physical grounds" are entirely mathematically valid (not to mention mathematical reasons -- not physical reasons)

If a mathematician uses some tool to show that a number has to be finite, then he knows that any method of doing things that gets infinity is wrong.

Also, mathematicians are usually aware of what assumptions need to be made so that a model is approximately true. Therefore, it's mathematically invalid to try to do something like integrate over all possible momenta, and if you try to do so, you haven't made some kind of physical error (whatever that means), you've made a logical error.
  • #5
Lighten up man.

FAQ: Gauge Theories: Explained & Why They Matter

1. What is a gauge theory?

A gauge theory is a type of physical theory that describes how particles interact with each other. It is based on the concept of "gauge invariance," which means that the theory remains unchanged even when certain mathematical transformations are applied to it. This allows for the theory to accurately describe the behavior of particles and their interactions.

2. What are the applications of gauge theories?

Gauge theories have a wide range of applications in physics, particularly in the fields of particle physics and quantum field theory. They are used to describe the fundamental forces of nature, such as electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity. They are also used in the study of condensed matter systems and cosmology.

3. Why are gauge theories important?

Gauge theories are important because they provide a mathematical framework for understanding the fundamental interactions between particles. They have been instrumental in the development of the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current understanding of the building blocks of the universe. Gauge theories also allow for the prediction and verification of experimental results, making them essential for the advancement of scientific knowledge.

4. How are gauge theories tested?

Gauge theories are tested through a combination of theoretical calculations and experimental observations. The predictions made by the theory are compared to experimental data, and if they match, it provides evidence for the validity of the theory. Experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN have been crucial in testing and confirming the predictions of gauge theories.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations to gauge theories?

While gauge theories have been incredibly successful in describing the fundamental forces of nature, there are still some challenges and limitations to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the unification of all the fundamental forces into a single theory. Additionally, there are still unanswered questions, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, that may require the development of new theories beyond the scope of gauge theories.

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