Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge

In summary: Because the plates don't block the fields coming from the other plates, if that's what the confusion is. You could also directly use Gauss' theorem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Three parallel, infinite, insulating planes (sheets) of charge are arranged as shown (see attached image). Note carefully the charge desnitties and distances given. From left to right the charge densities are -3σ, +σ, +σ. How does the magnitude of the electric field at point a compare to the magnitude of the field at point b?

Homework Equations

E = σ/2ε0

The Attempt at a Solution

From what I recall from my lecture, the E field of an infinite sheet of charge does not depend on distance. Second, I believe that the field lines look something like what I've drawn in the second attached image. For that reason, I argued the magnitude of A was larger than B as the charge density of the sheet is larger.


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  • #2
kazukamikaze said:

Homework Statement

Three parallel, infinite, insulating planes (sheets) of charge are arranged as shown (see attached image). Note carefully the charge desnitties and distances given. From left to right the charge densities are -3σ, +σ, +σ. How does the magnitude of the electric field at point a compare to the magnitude of the field at point b?

Homework Equations

E = σ/2ε0

The Attempt at a Solution

From what I recall from my lecture, the E field of an infinite sheet of charge does not depend on distance. Second, I believe that the field lines look something like what I've drawn in the second attached image. For that reason, I argued the magnitude of A was larger than B as the charge density of the sheet is larger.

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The field at A is going to be the sum of the fields from all three plates, isn't it?
  • #3
Dick said:
The field at A is going to be the sum of the fields from all three plates, isn't it?

Based off what one of my classmates told me, the field at the two points should be equal.

The only way I can rationalize these answer is by taking the sum of the three plates. I'm just confused as to why this is done.
  • #4
kazukamikaze said:
Based off what one of my classmates told me, the field at the two points should be equal.

The only way I can rationalize these answer is by taking the sum of the three plates. I'm just confused as to why this is done.

Because the plates don't block the fields coming from the other plates, if that's what the confusion is. You could also directly use Gauss' theorem.
  • #5

Your understanding is correct. According to Gauss' Law for infinite sheets of charge, the electric field is constant and perpendicular to the surface of the sheet. The magnitude of the electric field is given by E = σ/2ε0, where σ is the surface charge density.

In this problem, we have three sheets of charge with different charge densities. At point a, the electric field is due to two sheets, one with a charge density of -3σ and the other with a charge density of +σ. At point b, the electric field is only due to one sheet with a charge density of +σ.

Since the magnitude of the electric field is directly proportional to the charge density, we can conclude that the magnitude of the electric field at point a is larger than the magnitude of the electric field at point b. This is because the total charge density at point a is (-3σ + σ) = -2σ, while at point b it is only +σ.

Therefore, the magnitude of the electric field at point a is twice the magnitude of the electric field at point b. This can also be seen in the electric field lines you have drawn, where the field lines are closer together at point a compared to point b, indicating a stronger electric field.

FAQ: Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge

What is Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge?

Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge is a law in electrostatics that relates the electric field to the amount of charge present on an infinitely large, flat surface. It states that the electric field is directly proportional to the surface charge density and is independent of the distance from the surface.

How is Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge calculated?

To calculate Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge, you first need to determine the amount of charge present on the surface, known as the surface charge density. Then, you can use the formula E = σ/ε0, where E is the electric field, σ is the surface charge density, and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.

What are the assumptions made in Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge?

The main assumption in Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge is that the sheet of charge is infinitely large and flat. This means that the electric field is considered to be constant at any point on the surface. Additionally, the sheet is assumed to be non-conductive, meaning that no charge can move within the sheet.

What is the significance of Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge?

Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge is significant because it provides a simple and efficient way to calculate the electric field for an infinite sheet of charge. It is also a fundamental law in electrostatics and is often used in more complex calculations and applications.

How does Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge relate to other laws in electrostatics?

Gauss' Law for Infinite Sheets of Charge is closely related to other laws in electrostatics, such as Coulomb's Law and Gauss' Law for Point Charges. It can be derived from these laws and is often used in conjunction with them to solve problems and understand the behavior of electric fields in different scenarios.
