Gauss law for semi-infinite sheet of charge

In summary, for an infinite sheet of charge, the electric field can be easily found using Gauss's Law and a cylinder perpendicular to the sheet as a gaussian surface. However, for a semi-infinite sheet of charge, the field cannot be calculated using the same method due to edge effects and a non-uniform field. Instead, the field can be calculated by breaking the sheet into infinitely long infinitesimal strips of charge and adding up the contributions from each strip.
  • #1
We know that for an infinite sheet of charge, E = λ / 2ε, where λ is the surface charge density. This can be easily found using gauss law and a cylinder perpendicular to the sheet as a gaussian surface. We will end up with something like Qinc/ε = 2E ∫dS, from which we find E = λ / 2ε.

Now say that I want to find the charge for a semi-infinite sheet of charge. A sheet that is infinite in only 1 dimension. If i try to apply Gauss's Law the same way as in the previous case, I end up with exactly the same procedure and answer, which is not correct.

But I fail to see what is different in the application of Gauss Law, between the 1st and the second case.

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  • #2
fishingspree2 said:
But I fail to see what is different in the application of Gauss Law, between the 1st and the second case.
With an infinite sheet of charge, you can argue from symmetry that the field must be normal to the surface, which allows you to take advantage of Gauss's law to calculate the field. Not so with a semi-infinite sheet, since there would be edge effects. No reason to expect the field to be uniform.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
With an infinite sheet of charge, you can argue from symmetry that the field must be normal to the surface, which allows you to take advantage of Gauss's law to calculate the field. Not so with a semi-infinite sheet, since there would be edge effects. No reason to expect the field to be uniform.
Alright, then what would be the way to compute the field at a point P above the centerline?

integrating dE?

also, what are edge effects?
  • #4
fishingspree2 said:
Alright, then what would be the way to compute the field at a point P above the centerline?
integrating dE?
Yes, you'll have to integrate.
also, what are edge effects?
As an example of what I mean by "edge effect", see this diagram of the field between two parallel plates. Note how the field curves at the edges of the plates (left diagram).'s a schematic of the field from a charged plate (top diagram). Note how the field points outward at the edges.
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  • #5
Here's what I tried:

Find V at the point, then E = -∇V

dV = [itex]\frac{dq}{4R\pi\epsilon}[/itex], where R is the distance between the charge element and the point, R = sqrt(x2 + y2 + h2)

dq = λ dA = λ dx dy

[itex]V=\int_{-\frac{d}{2}}^{\frac{d}{2}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{\lambda dxdy}{4\pi\epsilon\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}+h^{2}}}[/itex]

But this infinite integral does not converge.
  • #6
Break the sheet into infinitely long infinitesimal strips of charge, which can be treated as infinite lines of charge. Add up the field contribution from each strip (set up the integral), taking advantage of symmetry.
  • #7
Considering that the plane is infinite in the x direction, after setting up and some manipulations, I have

dE = [λ dy cos(θ)] / 2πrε in the k direction

where θ is the angle between the z axis and the distance vector between an infinite line and the point, r is the distance.

I know that cos(θ) = h/r, where h is the z coordinate of the point (the point lies on the z axis)
and r = sqrt(h2 + y2)


dE = (λ h dy) / 2πr2ε in the k direction
= (λ h dy) / [ 2πε (h2 + y2) ]
which I integrate from -d/2 to d/2= λ/πε atan(d/2h) in the k direction
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Related to Gauss law for semi-infinite sheet of charge

What is Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge?

Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge is a mathematical expression that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed by that surface. It states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity of free space.

How is Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge different from Gauss law for a finite sheet of charge?

Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge assumes that the sheet of charge extends infinitely in one direction, while Gauss law for a finite sheet of charge assumes a finite extent in both directions. This results in a simpler expression for the electric field due to a semi-infinite sheet of charge.

Can Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge be applied to non-uniform charge distributions?

Yes, Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge can be applied to non-uniform charge distributions. However, in order to use the law, the charge distribution must still be symmetric around the sheet and the electric field must be constant and perpendicular to the sheet.

What are the units of the electric field in Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge?

The units of the electric field in Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge are newtons per coulomb (N/C) or volts per meter (V/m).

How can Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge be used in practical applications?

Gauss law for a semi-infinite sheet of charge can be used to calculate the electric field at any point in space due to a semi-infinite sheet of charge. This can be useful in understanding the behavior of electric fields in various devices, such as parallel plate capacitors or charged particle accelerators.

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