Gaussian surface (infinitely long cylindrical conductor)

In summary, the problem involves an infinitely long cylindrical conducting shell with inner radius b and outer radius c, with a total charge Q. Along the axis of the shell is a line of uniform charge distribution, represented by Λ. Using Gauss's Law, we are asked to find the electric field for r < a, a < r < b, b < r < c, and r > c. However, the problem is poorly worded and lacks clarifications on important variables such as the distance "a" and the charge density Λ. The correct interpretation of the problem is not clear, but assuming Λ represents the linear charge density of the axial charge and "a" represents the radius of the charge distribution, we can solve for
  • #1

Homework Statement

An infinitely long, cylindrical, conducting shell of inner radius b and outer radius c has a total charge Q. A line of uniform charge distribution Λ is placed along the axis of the shell. Using Gauss's Law and justifying each step, determine. A) The Electric Field for r>a, B)The Electric Field for a<r<b, C) Find the Electric Field for b<r<c D) What is the charge at the inner surface ( r = b ) of the conducting hollow shell? E) What is the charge at the outer surface (r=c) of the conducting hollow sphere? F) Find the Electric Field for r > c

2. Homework Equations

∫EdA = qinside
Λ = Q/L
Q = λL
A = 2πrL

3. The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have gotten part B, C and D correct however I'm having trouble on parts A, E and F.
For part B i was able to get, E = Q/2πrLε, For Part C I know that the field inside of the conducting shell will be 0. And for part D I realize that the charge at r = b which already has a charge of Q inside will have a -Q charge in order for the total charge inside the conducting shell to be zero. For part A I got E = Λ/2πrε. Part E I thought that the charge with r = c would be Q - Q = qinside and for part F I substituted this value into get E = Q-Q/2πrLε. Please Help?
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  • #2
Hello, Kaleem.

The wording of this problem is odd. If you put a finite amount of charge Q on conducting cylindrical shell of infinite length, the charge would spread out such that the effect of Q would be negligible.

The problem refers to some distance labeled "a", but there is no explanation of what this distance "a" represents.
Part (a) wants the field for r > a and part (b) wants the field for a < r < b. But the regions r > a and a < r < b overlap each other.

You use the symbol "Q" to mean two different things: first, it represents the amount of charge on the cylindrical shell and then it represents some charge on the axis where you write Λ = Q/L. What particular length does L represent here?

Did you write the statement of the problem exactly as given to you?
  • #3
TSny said:
Hello, Kaleem.

The wording of this problem is odd. If you put a finite amount of charge Q on conducting cylindrical shell of infinite length, the charge would spread out such that the effect of Q would be negligible.

The problem refers to some distance labeled "a", but there is no explanation of what this distance "a" represents.
Part (a) wants the field for r > a and part (b) wants the field for a < r < b. But the regions r > a and a < r < b overlap each other.

You use the symbol "Q" to mean two different things: first, it represents the amount of charge on the cylindrical shell and then it represents some charge on the wire where you write Λ = Q/L. What particular length does L represent here?

Did you write the statement of the problem exactly as given to you?

I made one mistake in which part A) is suppose to be r<a rather than r>a, sorry about that. Other than that everything else is written exactly, like how the problem stated it. I also believe L is suppose to represent the length of the cylinderical shell.
  • #4
I guess we should think of the cylinder as being "very long" (of length L) rather than infinitely long.

I think the only reasonable interpretation of the distance "a" is that it represents the radius of the charge distribution along the axis of the cylinder. So, this charge along the axis has a volume distribution. But then I would think that Λ probably refers to the volume charge density of the axial charge rather than the linear charge density. You can see the amount of guessing we need to make just to interpret the problem.

If this interpretation is correct, then part (a) is asking for E inside the volume charge distribution along the axis. You will need to introduce a Gaussian surface that would be appropriate for this region. Can you offer a suggestion for the geometrical shape that you would choose for the Gaussian surface?
  • #5
TSny said:
I guess we should think of the cylinder as being "very long" (of length L) rather than infinitely long.

I think the only reasonable interpretation of the distance "a" is that it represents the radius of the charge distribution along the axis of the cylinder. So, this charge along the axis has a volume distribution. But then I would think that Λ probably refers to the volume charge density of the axial charge rather than the linear charge density. You can see the amount of guessing we need to make just to interpret the problem.

If this interpretation is correct, then part (a) is asking for E inside the volume charge distribution along the axis. You will need to introduce a Gaussian surface that would be appropriate for this region. Can you offer a suggestion for the geometrical shape that you would choose for the Gaussian surface?

Really? I was assuming it would be a Linear charge distribution with our Gaussian surface being that of a cylinder, the main reason being that my professor would always relate λ with a linear charge.
  • #6
Λ could be the linear charge of the axial charge. Unfortunately, the problem statement doesn't make it clear. If Λ is the linear charge density, then you will still need to treat the charge as spread out in a volume to answer part (a) where you are looking for the field inside the charge distribution (r < a). [This is assuming that I have the correct interpretation of the problem.]

But you are on the right track with taking the Gaussian surface to be a cylindrical surface. Can you describe how you would choose the radius of the cylindrical surface?
  • #7
TSny said:
Λ could be the linear charge of the axial charge. Unfortunately, the problem statement doesn't make it clear. If Λ is the linear charge density, then you will still need to treat the charge as spread out in a volume to answer part (a) where you are looking for the field inside the charge distribution (r < a). [This is assuming that I have the correct interpretation of the problem.]

But you are on the right track with taking the Gaussian surface to be a cylindrical surface. Can you describe how you would choose the radius of the cylindrical surface?
This is what I have so far, in regards to an actual drawing of it, I believe we would take our radius as a
  • #8
You do not want to choose the radius of the Gaussian surface to be ##a##. You are trying to find the electric field at a particular distance ##r## from the center where ##r <a##.

Was a picture provided with the statement of the problem?
  • #9
TSny said:
You do not want to choose the radius of the Gaussian surface to be ##a##. You are trying to find the electric field at a particular distance ##r## from the center where ##r <a##.

Was a picture provided with the statement of the problem?

Here is the original picture and question, I found the original diagram a little more confusing.


Related to Gaussian surface (infinitely long cylindrical conductor)

1. What is a Gaussian surface in the context of an infinitely long cylindrical conductor?

A Gaussian surface is an imaginary closed surface used in the application of Gauss's law in electrostatics. In the context of an infinitely long cylindrical conductor, it is a cylinder with a length extending infinitely in both directions along the axis of the cylinder. It is used to simplify calculations and determine the electric field around the conductor.

2. How is a Gaussian surface chosen for an infinitely long cylindrical conductor?

The Gaussian surface is chosen to be a cylinder with its axis coinciding with the axis of the conductor. The radius of the cylinder is chosen to be at a distance from the conductor that is convenient for calculations, typically at the surface of the conductor. This choice ensures that the electric field is parallel to the surface of the cylinder, making the calculations easier.

3. What is the relationship between the electric field and the surface charge density on an infinitely long cylindrical conductor?

According to Gauss's law, the electric field at any point on the Gaussian surface is equal to the surface charge density divided by the permittivity of free space. This means that the electric field is directly proportional to the surface charge density. As the surface charge density increases, so does the electric field, and vice versa.

4. How does the electric field vary around an infinitely long cylindrical conductor?

The electric field around an infinitely long cylindrical conductor is radial, meaning it points directly away from or towards the center of the conductor. At points close to the surface of the conductor, the electric field is stronger due to the higher surface charge density. As you move further away from the conductor, the electric field decreases in strength.

5. Can the Gaussian surface be used for any infinitely long conductor, or only for cylindrical conductors?

The Gaussian surface can be used for any infinitely long conductor, not just cylindrical conductors. However, for other shapes of conductors, the choice of the Gaussian surface may be different to simplify calculations. For example, for a plane conductor, the Gaussian surface would be a flat plane surrounding the conductor.

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