General college guidance questions and 5 year BS/MS programs?

In summary, the author is considering where to apply to college and has questions about the importance of where one gets their undergraduate degree in physics. The author is interested in CU Boulder and Purdue and is unsure if they are a good option for someone like him who hopes to go onto a PhD. The author has questions about how much a place of undergraduate study matters.
  • #1
It's been a while since I've posted here, but since my last post I've become more entrenched in the terrifying mess that is late junior year/early senior year, and the college hunting and decisions that come with it. I realize there are tons and tons of threads about this stuff, but I have some particular questions that I have yet to find answers to.
I'll list some relevant college admission.

As my other" suggests, I am intent on becoming a physics major, but I am having a hard time with the whole college ordeal (I am a junior mainly deciding where to apply and what my chances are.)

First off, where I stand now is admittedly not spectacular as far as academics go...By the end of this year (junior year) I will have around a 3.67 weighted (out of 5) GPA (I take almost exclusively honors and AP classes, but unfortunately I wasn't very motivated my sophomore or freshman years), with a 35 composite on my ACT; I haven't decided if I'm going to take the SAT subject tests yet...I will have 4 credits (two semesters) of Langauge Arts, 4 science, 3 social studies, 3 foreign language, and 7 math credits by the time I graduate.

I am in AP Physics B and have gotten an A in it and will hopefully get a 5 on the AP test. Next year I will take AP Physics C and one of the AP calculus courses, and a full schedule of AP classes...I'm also in AP Statistics and AP computer science this year (which should partially explain the 7 math credits). Also, our school stopped doing class rank with this year's seniors so I don't know what that would be.

Extracurriculars: I will have been in our school's top band (of 4 bands) and our school's top jazz band for all 4 years, as well as marching band for 3 years. Band here is a huge time commitment, since it is a class and has after-school rehearsals, thus since I have been in normal band, jazz band, and marching band for most of my high school career, I don't really have any other extracurriculars. I am on our school's WYSE team, but haven't been able to go to any competitions since I usually have scheduling conflicts.

This post is getting obnoxiously I will try to get to the point, here are the main schools I'm interested in:
Reach (doubtful I will get accepted): University of Chicago, Reed College
More realistic: UW-Madison, CU Boulder, Purdue University, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Indiana University.
Safety: DePaul (my only "safe school" at this point).

All these schools seem to have reputable physics programs, but do you think my credentials are satisfactory for me to get into most of them? Also, are there any other solid undergrad physics programs I should consider applying to? I'm not very picky about location or anything like that, but I generally wouldn't want to go to school somewhere in the South.

Also, I am particularly interested in CU Boulder and Purdue since they both have 5 year BS/MS programs for physics. I was wondering if anybody had any input as to if these programs are a good option for someone like me who hopes to move onto PhD work someday; from what I've read the 5 year programs like these seem to aid in being accepted into Graduate programs, but I'm not entirely sure.

Another question I can't seem to get a straight answer on is how much does WHERE one gets their undergrad degree in physics really matter? Obviously it helps to go to a "brand-name" university like MIT, Caltech etc., but if I go to one of the aforementioned "realistic" schools and work hard and earn good grades will I be in a solid position for applying to graduate schools?

I know this post is obscenely long...and I apologize for that, but any and all suggestions/input is greatly appreciated! :)
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  • #2
Your GPA kind of sucks (what's your class rank?), but you should get into all of the schools you listed as "realistic" on your ACT score alone.
  • #3
Yeah I know it does, it's what I deserve though. In the three years or high school I've had I only really started applying myself this year, but I'm not going to give up, I just have to be realistic.

And as I mentioned in my first post my school no longer calculates class rank so there's no way for me to know.
  • #4
College allows you much more opportunity to differentiate yourself than high school. People attend top grad schools from all sorts of places. It's up to what you do during college. You may have to work a little harder to go after research opportunities, internships, or whatever else, but you can do just about anything from schools like those you mentioned.
  • #5
Thanks kote, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure; it's definitely comforting to know I'm not screwed for going to a less prestigious university.

Does anybody know anything about the 5-year programs I mentioned? Pros/cons, are they worth it, etc.?
  • #6
QuietQuasar said:
Does anybody know anything about the 5-year programs I mentioned? Pros/cons, are they worth it, etc.?

The standard advice is that they usually aren't worth it. It really depends though. You can often find funding for grad school, and if you want to get a PhD you're probably better off just starting in a funded program after your 4th year. 5 year programs typically just charge you a 5th year of undergrad tuition.

It all depends on your situation and goals though... how your grades are as an undergrad, etc.
  • #7
Ok that helps a lot. For the record I definitely want to get my PhD, and I likely won't be in a great financial situation after 4 years of college so paying for 5 years is probably not ideal for me...

When you say it depends on my undergrad grades what exactly do you mean?I'm motivated to actually earn good grades in college since I definitely blew it for most of high school.
  • #8
Getting your MS before applying to PhD programs can be helpful if you need time to raise your grades, for example.
  • #9
Alright thanks that helps...I wouldn't apply for the 5 year program at either school until my junior year so I've got quite a bit of time if I do go there...
Also I was thinking of either getting a minor or double majoring in computer science; if possible, do you think that would benefit me in the long run?
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FAQ: General college guidance questions and 5 year BS/MS programs?

1. What is the difference between a 4 year and a 5 year BS/MS program?

The main difference between a 4 year and a 5 year BS/MS program is the length of time it takes to complete the degree. A 4 year program typically consists of 4 years of undergraduate study, followed by a separate 2 year graduate program. In a 5 year program, students complete both their undergraduate and graduate coursework in a total of 5 years.

2. Can I apply for a 5 year BS/MS program if I am already enrolled in a 4 year program?

Yes, you can apply for a 5 year BS/MS program if you are currently enrolled in a 4 year program. However, it is important to check with your university or college to see if they offer such a program and what the specific requirements and application process may be.

3. What are the benefits of a 5 year BS/MS program?

One of the main benefits of a 5 year BS/MS program is that it allows students to complete their undergraduate and graduate studies in a shorter amount of time. This can save students time and money in the long run, as they will enter the workforce sooner and will not have to pay for an additional 2 years of graduate school.

4. Are 5 year BS/MS programs available in all fields of study?

No, 5 year BS/MS programs are not available in all fields of study. They are more commonly offered in fields such as engineering, mathematics, and computer science. It is important to research and check with individual universities to see if they offer a 5 year BS/MS program in your desired field of study.

5. Can I still participate in extracurricular activities and have a social life while pursuing a 5 year BS/MS program?

Yes, it is possible to balance a social life and extracurricular activities while pursuing a 5 year BS/MS program. However, it is important to manage your time effectively and prioritize your coursework. It may also be helpful to communicate with your professors and participate in study groups to stay on track with your studies.

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