General Electrical Interactions for Home Project

In summary, general electrical interactions for home projects involve the use of electricity to power and control various devices and appliances within a household. This includes understanding basic electrical concepts such as voltage, current, and resistance, as well as how to properly handle and connect wires and circuits. It is important to follow safety precautions and regulations when working with electricity, and to be aware of potential hazards and risks. With a solid understanding of general electrical interactions, individuals can successfully complete a variety of home projects involving electrical components.
  • #1
soo... this is my first post and I'd like to start out by thanking the PF people for existing and helping the resting of us out. =P

I'd also like to preface my post with, I took physics in high school and that was it. i remember that i really liked it but my career path has taken me more towards programming and have lost much of my knowledge as a result. with that... here goes my post:

so... it happened - I've caught the green bug. along with the massive recycling my wife and i do, i'd like to try and start to wean myself off the power grid. i get a lot of wind and sun at my house so i figured i'd give it a shot.

i started watching DIY vids on making your own turbines and solar panels and have opted to cut my teeth with the turbine option and see what i can't get the wind to do for me. I've already ordered my" and am waiting for them to come in. however, I've been thinking about the videos and would like to know how to optimally set up my coils-to-magnets as to get the best result?

some of the videos showed the different coils actually being coated in some kind of sticky-appearing liquid? I'm assuming this is some kind of conductive fluid? if so, what is the best over-the-counter type i can make and does anyone have any links on that process?

also, what is the equation, ratio, etc for the strength of the magnets to the amount of coiled wire to use?? I'm assuming standard copper wire is sufficient? i ask this question because i was thinking, "why don't they just wrap more wire to get more electrical current as the magnet passes by?" and then i realized that it's probably the size of the magnet (or strength rather) that dictates how the amount of wire to use.

i could probably keep going with many more questions but will try to keep it generally short enough that i might actually get an answer. =P

thank you for your time and i look forward to hearing from u all.

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  • #2
You want to build your own generator?

You are aware that this is the sort of project that a corporation would devote a team of engineers. Engineers who are already experts in this sort of design. Personally I think you are biting off more than a layperson can chew. Good luck
  • #3
hmm interesting response, anything more constructive from anyone else?
  • #5
The sticky fluid would possibly be epoxy. It is used to just hold the coil together. Older coil makers used varnish but various 2 part mixes like Epoxy are stronger.

When the generator is operating, you can get mechanical forces on the wires, so they need to be held firmly.

Epoxy and other substances are chosen as glues because they are non conductors. We only want electrical currents flowing in the wires.
  • #6
thepip3r said:
hmm interesting response, anything more constructive from anyone else?

I think you will find this interesting, it has lots of things green related.:smile:

Study, Study, Study.:wink:

  • #7
thank you all for the responses. whether my taking of Integral's response as condescending was correct or not, i don't know. i would like to think that the "green boom" has enlightened many other people towards science (finally) and it is my personal opinion that those who can help, should help freely to keep this trend moving.

there are many new programmers/scripters who come to:
et. al

and i help as many "laypeople" as i can--including the novice-to-intermediate programmers.

i will read the links posted and try to do some more research before i post again. thank you for the information.

FAQ: General Electrical Interactions for Home Project

1. What is the purpose of studying general electrical interactions for home projects?

The purpose of studying general electrical interactions for home projects is to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and effectively work with electrical systems in your home. This includes understanding how electricity works, identifying potential hazards, and learning how to troubleshoot and repair common electrical issues.

2. What are some common electrical interactions that can occur in a home?

Some common electrical interactions that can occur in a home include voltage drops, short circuits, electrical surges, and overloading of circuits. These interactions can cause problems such as flickering lights, tripped circuit breakers, and damaged appliances.

3. How can I ensure the safety of myself and my home when working with electricity?

To ensure safety when working with electricity, always turn off the power to the area you will be working on, use proper protective equipment, and follow all safety precautions and guidelines. It is also important to have a basic understanding of electrical concepts and to seek professional help for any complex or dangerous electrical projects.

4. What are some tools and equipment that are necessary for general electrical work in a home?

Some essential tools and equipment for general electrical work in a home include a voltage tester, wire cutters and strippers, pliers, screwdrivers, and a circuit breaker finder. Other helpful tools may include a multimeter, wire nuts, and electrical tape.

5. How can I troubleshoot common electrical issues in my home?

To troubleshoot common electrical issues in your home, start by identifying the problem and then checking the circuit breaker or fuse box for any tripped breakers or blown fuses. If the issue persists, you may need to check wiring connections, test outlets and switches, or consult a professional electrician for help.

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