General Relativity Problem (frames of reference)

In summary, using Lorentz contraction and time dilation, we can determine that a clock moving at v = (3/5)c will be 3/4 light hours away in our frame of reference when it reads 1:00, which is greater than the 3/5 light hours it traveled in our frame of reference.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

A clock moving at v = (3/5)c reads 12:00 as it passes us in our frame of reference, how far away will it be (in light hours) when it reads 1:00.

Homework Equations

I denote a prime to mean the reference frame of the clock at rest. I use regular lettering to denote 'our' frame of reference.

c = speed of light

t' = t/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
L' = L*sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

L = v*t

The Attempt at a Solution

Alright, I use Lorentz contraction to solve this problem.

First I find the length L using v and t = 1 hr. L = (3/5)c*1 hr = (3/5)c light hours.
Now, I use Lorentz contraction to find L'
L' = (3/5)c*sqrt(1-9/25)
L' = 12c/25
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  • #2
RJLiberator said:

Homework Statement

A clock moving at v = (3/5)c reads 12:00 as it passes us in our frame of reference, how far away will it be (in light hours) when it reads 1:00.

Homework Equations

I denote a prime to mean the reference frame of the clock at rest. I use regular lettering to denote 'our' frame of reference.

c = speed of light

t' = t/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
L' = L*sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

L = v*t

The Attempt at a Solution

Alright, I use Lorentz contraction to solve this problem.

First I find the length L using v and t = 1 hr. L = (3/5)c*1 hr = (3/5)c light hours.
Now, I use Lorentz contraction to find L'
L' = (3/5)c*sqrt(1-9/25)
L' = 12c/25
First of all, 12c/25 has units of speed, not distance.

When one hour elapses in "our" frame of reference, the clock has traveled 3/5 light⋅hour (in our frame).

From "our" point of view the moving clock runs slower than normal, so when the clock reads 1:00, it will have traveled farther than 3/5light⋅hours.
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  • #3
Thank you for your assistance SammyS.

I see the difference now in light hours. When saying 12c/25, that is incorrect as it is a speed. I should have said 12/25 light hours. Noted.

In our FOR it is clear that the clock traveled a distance of 3/5 light hours.
So I can use time dilation here to see:

[tex] t' = \frac{1hr} {\sqrt{1-\frac{\frac{9c^2} {25}} {c^2}}} [/tex]
[tex]t' = 1.25 hr [/tex]

Therefore, we say the distance will be 1.25 hr * 3c/5 = 3/4 light hours.

3/4 light hours > 3/5 light hours

Is that now a correct line of reasoning?
  • #4
RJLiberator said:
Thank you for your assistance SammyS.

I see the difference now in light hours. When saying 12c/25, that is incorrect as it is a speed. I should have said 12/25 light hours. Noted.

In our FOR it is clear that the clock traveled a distance of 3/5 light hours.
So I can use time dilation here to see:

[tex] t' = \frac{1hr} {\sqrt{1-\frac{\frac{9c^2} {25}} {c^2}}} [/tex]
[tex]t' = 1.25 hr [/tex]

Therefore, we say the distance will be 1.25 hr * 3c/5 = 3/4 light hours.

3/4 light hours > 3/5 light hours

Is that now a correct line of reasoning?
Yes. That's what I get.
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FAQ: General Relativity Problem (frames of reference)

1. What is the concept of frames of reference in general relativity?

Frames of reference in general relativity refer to the perspective or viewpoint from which an observer perceives the motion and behavior of objects in the universe. This concept is crucial in understanding the theory of relativity, as it allows for the comparison of observations made by different observers.

2. What is the difference between an inertial and non-inertial frame of reference?

An inertial frame of reference is one in which objects move at a constant velocity, while a non-inertial frame of reference is one in which objects experience acceleration. In general relativity, the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames, but they may appear different in non-inertial frames due to the effects of gravity.

3. How does general relativity explain the phenomenon of time dilation?

According to general relativity, time and space are interconnected and can be distorted by the presence of massive objects. This distortion, known as spacetime curvature, causes time to pass at different rates in different gravitational fields. This means that time can appear to move slower in a stronger gravitational field, leading to the phenomenon of time dilation.

4. Can general relativity be used to explain the behavior of objects in the universe on a large scale?

Yes, general relativity is the most accurate theory we have for understanding the behavior of objects on a large scale, such as the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies. It is also essential for understanding the structure of the universe and the effects of gravity on cosmic objects.

5. Is general relativity compatible with other theories, such as quantum mechanics?

At present, general relativity and quantum mechanics are two of the most well-established and successful theories in physics. However, they are incompatible with each other, and scientists are still working to find a unified theory that can explain both the behavior of objects on a large scale (general relativity) and on a small scale (quantum mechanics).

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