General soln to Laplace on an annulus

In summary, we are considering Laplace's equation on a circular annulus with inner radius $a$ and outer radius $b$. The boundary conditions are $u(a,\theta) = f(\theta)$ and $u(b,\theta) = 0$. Using the method of separation of variables, we find that the solution is given by a Fourier series with coefficients $A_n$ and $B_n$, where $A_n$ and $B_n$ are the Fourier series coefficients of $f(\theta)$. The general solution is then expressed as $u(r,\theta) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[A_n\cos n\theta + B_n\sin n\theta\
  • #1
I am up to here but now I am stuck. The $u(b,\theta) = 0$ is giving me trouble with Fourier coefficients.
\frac{a_0}{2} + \frac{b_0\ln b}{2} = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}0d\theta = A_0
c_nb^n + d_nb^{-n} = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}0d\theta = A_n
e_nb^n + f_nb^{-n} = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}0d\theta = B_n
Consider Laplace's equation on a circular annulus of inner radius $a$ and outer radius $b$ subject to the boundary conditions
u(a,\theta) = f(\theta)\quad u(b,\theta) = 0.
Show that the solution is given by
A_0\frac{\ln r - \ln b}{\ln a - \ln b} + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[A_n\cos n\theta + B_n\sin n\theta\right]\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^n\frac{b^{2n} - r^{2n}}{b^{2n} - a^{2n}}
where $A_n$ and $B_n$ are the Fourier series coefficients of $f(\theta)$.
\nabla^2u = u_{rr} + \frac{1}{r}u_r + \frac{1}{r^2}u_{\theta\theta}
Suppose $u$ is of the form $u(r,\theta) = R(r)\Theta(\theta)$.
By the method of separation of variables,
\frac{r^2R'' + rR'}{R} = - \frac{\Theta''}{\Theta} = \lambda^2.
That is, $\Theta(\theta) = A\cos\lambda_n\theta + B\sin\lambda_n\theta$.
Let's look at the case when $\lambda = 0$.
\Theta'' = 0\iff \Theta(\theta) = \alpha\theta + \beta
Since we are dealing with an annular region, $\Theta(0) = \theta(2\pi)$, i.e. $\Theta$ must be periodic with period $2\pi$.
\Theta(0) = \beta = 2\alpha\pi + \beta = \Theta(2\pi)\Rightarrow 2\alpha\pi = 0\iff \alpha = 0
Therefore, $\Theta(\theta) = b$ where $b$ is constant when $\lambda = 0$.
For $\lambda\neq 0$, the boundary conditions must also be periodic with period $2\pi$.
\text{B.C.} = \begin{cases}
\Theta(-\pi) = \Theta(\pi)\\
\Theta'(-\pi) = \Theta'(\pi)
Using the first boundary condition, we have
\Theta(-\pi) = A\cos\lambda\pi - B\sin\lambda\pi = A\cos\lambda\pi + B\sin\lambda\pi = \Theta(\pi)
2B\sin\lambda\pi = 0
Therefore, we could have $B = 0$ or $\lambda = n$ where $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
\Theta'(-\pi) = A\lambda\sin\lambda\pi + B\lambda\cos\lambda\pi = -A\lambda\sin\lambda\pi + B\lambda\cos\lambda\pi = \Theta'(\pi)
2A\lambda\sin\lambda\pi = 0
This time we could have $A = 0$ or $\lambda = n$ where $n\in\mathbb{Z}$.
Since we aren't looking for the trivial solution, $\lambda_n = n$.
\Theta(\theta) = \begin{cases}
b, & \text{if }\lambda = 0\\
A_n\cos n\theta + B_n\sin n\theta, & \text{if }\lambda\neq 0
Let's look at the $\lambda = 0$ case first.
r^2R'' + rR' = 0\iff r^n[n(n - 1) + n] = 0\Rightarrow n^2 = 0
Since we have 0 with multiplicity 2, the solution is
R(r) = C + D\ln r.
The second ODE is of the Cauchy-Euler type.
r^m(m^2 - \lambda_n^2) = 0\iff m = \pm\lambda_n = \pm n
That is, $R(r) = Er^{|n|}$.
R(r) = \begin{cases}
C, & \text{if }\lambda = 0\\
\ln r, & \text{if }\lambda = 0\\
r^n, & \text{if }\lambda \neq 0\\
\frac{1}{r^n}, & \text{if }\lambda \neq 0\\
Therefore, the general solution is
u(r,\theta) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \frac{b_0\ln r}{2} + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[(c_nr^n + d_nr^{-n})\cos n\theta + (e_nr^n + f_nr^{-n})\sin n\theta\right].
The boundary conditions for $u$ are
\text{B.C.} = \begin{cases}
u(a,\theta) = f(\theta)\\
u(b,\theta) = 0
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  • #2
The Fourier series coefficients of $f(\theta)$ are$$A_n = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(\theta)\cos n\theta d\theta\quad B_n = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}f(\theta)\sin n\theta d\theta$$Substituting the boundary conditions, we have$$u(a,\theta) = f(\theta) = A_0 + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[A_n\cos n\theta + B_n\sin n\theta\right]\Rightarrow c_n = A_n,\quad d_n = 0,\quad e_n = 0,\quad f_n = B_n$$$$u(b,\theta) = 0 = \frac{a_0}{2} + \frac{b_0\ln b}{2} + \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[(c_nb^n + d_nb^{-n})\cos n\theta + (e_nb^n + f_nb^{-n})\sin n\theta\right]\Rightarrow a_0 = 0,\quad b_0 = 0,\quad d_n = f_n = 0$$Therefore, the solution is$$u(r,\theta) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}\left[A_n\cos n\theta + B_n\sin n\theta\right]\left(\frac{a}{r}\right)^n\frac{b^{2n} - r^{2n}}{b^{2n} - a^{2n}}$$where $A_n$ and $B_n$ are the Fourier series coefficients of $f(\theta)$.

Related to General soln to Laplace on an annulus

1. What is a general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus?

A general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus is a mathematical expression that satisfies Laplace's equation for all points within the annulus. It takes into account the boundary conditions of the annulus and provides a solution that is valid for all points within the annulus.

2. How is Laplace's equation different on an annulus compared to other domains?

Laplace's equation is a partial differential equation that describes the variation of a scalar function over a two-dimensional space. On an annulus, the domain is a circular region with a hole in the middle. Unlike other domains, the boundary conditions on an annulus are more complex and require a different approach to solving Laplace's equation.

3. Can the general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus be expressed in closed form?

Yes, the general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus can be expressed in closed form using Bessel functions. These functions are a type of special function that arise in many mathematical problems involving circular or cylindrical symmetry.

4. How can the general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus be used in practical applications?

The general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus can be used to solve a wide range of physical problems, such as determining the electric potential in a circular capacitor or the temperature distribution in a circular heat sink. It is also useful in fluid mechanics, where it can be used to calculate the velocity field in a circular flow.

5. Are there any limitations to using the general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus?

While the general solution to Laplace's equation on an annulus is a powerful tool for solving problems in various fields, it does have its limitations. It assumes that the domain is a perfect circular shape and does not account for any irregularities or asymmetries. It is also limited to problems that can be described by Laplace's equation, such as those involving steady-state phenomena.

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