Generalisation To The Birthday Problem

  • Thread starter Swn Gwyrdd
  • Start date
In summary, the probability that a person has their birthday on a specific day is 1/365 if that person is not in a set of people with that birthday, and 1 if that person is in a set of people with that birthday.
  • #1
Swn Gwyrdd
It was my mate's birthday yesterday and he noticed that several other people we know also had their birthdays on the same day. We began discussing the Birthday Problem and attempted solutions for more than 2 people and tried to generalise it, but we couldn't find a satisfactory solution for an arbitrary number of people. So:

For a person A and a set of people S with cardinality n, assuming there are 365 days in a year (i.e ignore leap years) and that birthdays follow a discrete uniform distribution, what is the probability that exactly m people in S have the same birthday as A?

I've read through the ideas discussed here: but can't see how to extend it to an arbitrary number of people.

I've also seen similar problems such as section 2.4 in:
where the probability that at least 1 set of 3 people share a birthday is calculated. Notice that this solution is undefined if |S|>365 so there are several subtleties to the problem.

Any ideas?

Note: It's been the best part of a decade since I've studied probability.
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  • #2
Note that there is an important difference to the 'regular' birthday problem: that assumes we are interested in 2 or more people having their birthday onthe same, arbitrary day of the year.
In this case, you are given a specific day of the year - i.e. A's birthday - and you are wondering about the probability that m other people were also born on that day. If birthdays are distributed uniformly, then this is a binomial distribution, giving
[tex]P(n, m) = \binom{n}{m} p^m (1 - p)^{n - m}[/tex]
where [itex]p = \frac{1}{365}[/itex] is the probability that any of the persons share their birthday with A.
  • #3
CompuChip said:
Note that there is an important difference to the 'regular' birthday problem: that assumes we are interested in 2 or more people having their birthday onthe same, arbitrary day of the year.
In this case, you are given a specific day of the year - i.e. A's birthday - and you are wondering about the probability that m other people were also born on that day. If birthdays are distributed uniformly, then this is a binomial distribution, giving
[tex]P(n, m) = \binom{n}{m} p^m (1 - p)^{n - m}[/tex]
where [itex]p = \frac{1}{365}[/itex] is the probability that any of the persons share their birthday with A.
That is the underlying distribution, but that is not the right answer to the question. A couple of examples to see that this is wrong:
  • Let m=0. Plugging in your equation yields a fairly high probability. For example, its 0.76 for n=100. But since we already know that at least one person has a birthday on the day in question, the probability that zero people have a birthday on that day is identically zero.
  • Suppose the set S contains just one person, A. The probability that exactly one person in the set S has the same birthday as A is identically 1, not 1/365 (which is what your binomial distribution yields).

The fact that we know that at least one person (A) has a birthday on that specific day needs to be taken into account. What's needed to answer the question is a conditional probability, the probability that m people in the set have a birthday on a specific day of the year given that at least one person in the set has a birthday on that day.

I could spell out the answer, but I think it's better to treat this as if it were a homework problem and see if the OP can now arrive at the right result.
  • #4
Ah, I considered the question as A not belonging to the set, i.e. what is the probability that out of n other people, m also have the same birthday.
Thanks for the excellent hints though, I'll let the OP figure them out :)
  • #5
Thanks for the replies. I was originally assuming that A[itex]\notin[/itex]S in which case it does follow CompuChip's distribution. Even if A[itex]\in[/itex]S it follows the distribution with n[itex]\rightarrow[/itex]n-1 if A's birthday is independent from the others.

So for the case m=0 this is the probability that exactly no other people in S share A's birthday which is:

[tex]P(n, 0) = \binom{n - 1}{0} p^0 (1 - p)^{n - 1 - 0} = (1 - p)^{n-1}[/tex]

This seems to work to me, so I can't get what you're hinting at with the conditional probability since I can't see any way in which the birthdays are dependent.

FAQ: Generalisation To The Birthday Problem

1. What is the birthday problem?

The birthday problem, also known as the birthday paradox, is a mathematical problem that asks how many people are needed in a room for there to be a 50% chance that two people share the same birthday. It may seem counterintuitive, but the answer is surprisingly low - only 23 people are needed in a room for the probability of a shared birthday to be greater than 50%.

2. How does the generalisation to the birthday problem work?

The generalisation to the birthday problem is a way to expand the original problem to include multiple shared birthdays. Instead of just asking about the probability of two people sharing a birthday, the generalised problem asks about the probability of any number of people sharing a birthday. This is calculated using a formula based on the number of people in the room and the number of days in a year.

3. What are some real-world applications of the birthday problem?

The birthday problem has many applications in fields such as statistics, cryptography, and computer science. In statistics, it is used to understand the likelihood of coincidences in large data sets. In cryptography, it is used to analyze the strength of hash functions. In computer science, it is used to optimize memory usage and avoid collisions in data structures.

4. How accurate is the generalisation to the birthday problem?

The generalisation to the birthday problem provides a close approximation to the actual probability of shared birthdays. However, it is important to note that it is based on certain assumptions, such as an equal distribution of birthdays and independence between individuals. In real-life situations, these assumptions may not hold true, so the accuracy of the generalisation may vary.

5. What are some limitations of the birthday problem?

One limitation of the birthday problem is that it assumes an equal distribution of birthdays, which may not be the case in reality. Additionally, it assumes independence between individuals, which may not hold true in situations where people are more likely to share a birthday (such as in families or communities). The generalisation to the birthday problem also does not take into account leap years or the distribution of births throughout the year, which can affect the accuracy of the results.

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