Generalised Quaternion Algebra over K - Dauns Section 1-5 no 17

In summary: K[Z(K)].But you don't need to know this to verify that K[I,J] is an associative ring - all you need is the commutativity of addition and multiplication.In summary, the author is trying to construct a generalized quaternion algebra over a field and is having trouble with manipulating the variables. He finds a reference that helps him understand the concept and then tries to apply it to the problem at hand. He is still having difficulty, but has a basic understanding of the concept and the steps needed to verify that the ring is associative.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
In Dauns book "Modules and Rings", Exercise 17 in Section 1-5 reads as follows: (see attachment)

Let K be any ring with [TEX] 1 \in K [/TEX] whose center is a field and [TEX] 0 \ne x, 0 \ne y \in [/TEX] center K any elements.

Let I, J, and IJ be symbols not in K.

Form the set K[I, J] = K + KI + KJ + KIJ of all K linear combinations of {1, I, J, IJ}.

Show that K[I,J] becomes an associative ring under the following multiplication rules:

[TEX] I^2 = x, J^2 = y, IJ= -JI, cI = Ic, cJ = Jc, cIJ = IJc [/TEX] for all [TEX] c \in K [/TEX]

(K[I, J] is called a generalised quaternion algebra over K)


I am somewhat overwhelmed by this problem and its notation.

Can someone please help me get started?


[This has also been posted on MHF]
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  • #2
The basic idea is to generalize the concept of "ordinary" quaternions (where \(\displaystyle K = \Bbb R\) and \(\displaystyle x = y = -1\)) to a more abstract setting (for example, K might be a finite field, and I and J might be obtained from extension fields of K via quotients of K[x]).

K-linearity is going to give you the abelian group structure, so that's a non-issue. Multiplicative associativity and the distributive axioms of a ring are where you should concentrate your efforts.
  • #3
Thanks Deveno

Will have another try at this problem this evening (AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time)

  • #4
Peter said:
Thanks Deveno

Will have another try at this problem this evening (AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time)


I think I need more help ...

Initial thoughts are as follows:

K is a ring with 1. Center of ring K is a field

I, J and IJ are symbols not in K (?)

The set K[I, J] = K + KI + KJ = KIJ is the set of all K-linear combinations of {1, I , J, IJ}

So now let \(\displaystyle a, b \in K\) and let

\(\displaystyle X = a + aI + aJ + aIJ \in K[I, J] \)


\(\displaystyle Y = b + bI + bJ + bIJ \in K[I, J] \)

But if K[I, J] is an associative ring then we must have X+Y = Y + X

ie we need

\(\displaystyle a + aI + aJ + aIJ + b + bI + bJ + bIJ = b + bI + bJ + bIJ + a + aI + aJ + aIJ \)

But ?

How do we manipulate these expressions ie how do we manipulate the the aI, bI, aJ, bJ, ... etc

We know how to manipulate field or ring elements but these are field elements 'times' symbols not in K

Can anyone clarify this situation for me

  • #5
Peter said:
I think I need more help ...

Initial thoughts are as follows:

K is a ring with 1. Center of ring K is a field

I, J and IJ are symbols not in K (?)

The set K[I, J] = K + KI + KJ = KIJ is the set of all K-linear combinations of {1, I , J, IJ}

So now let \(\displaystyle a, b \in K\) and let

\(\displaystyle X = a + aI + aJ + aIJ \in K[I, J] \)


\(\displaystyle Y = b + bI + bJ + bIJ \in K[I, J] \)

But if K[I, J] is an associative ring then we must have X+Y = Y + X

ie we need

\(\displaystyle a + aI + aJ + aIJ + b + bI + bJ + bIJ = b + bI + bJ + bIJ + a + aI + aJ + aIJ \)

But ?

How do we manipulate these expressions ie how do we manipulate the the aI, bI, aJ, bJ, ... etc

We know how to manipulate field or ring elements but these are field elements 'times' symbols not in K

Can anyone clarify this situation for me

Again, reflecting on this problem I went to Dummit and Foote Chapter 7 and checked their description of (real) Hamiltonian Quaternions on the bottom of page 224 and the top of page 225 (see attached). There they define the operations of addition and multiplication (along with some relations among i , j, and k for simplification)

If one accepts these definitions and applies the operations so defined to Dauns exercise where the elements a, b, c and so on belong not to the real numbers but to a general ring K.

The proof that K is an associative ring is not difficult but is tedious.

I have one problem left - in verifying K[I, J] was a ring I did not seem to use the fact that K's center is a field. Can someone please indicate to me where this is needed?

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  • #6
To prove the distributive law, at some point you will need to use the fact that x and y commute.

The fact that Z(K) is a field (and not just a commutative ring) is used to show that K[I,J] is a division ring, and not merely an associative ring.

One can think of K[I,J] as being a quotient of a polynomial ring:

\(\displaystyle K[I,J] = K[X,Y]/\langle X^2-x,Y^2-y,XY +YX\rangle\)

in other words we adjoin a root of \(\displaystyle X^2 - x\) which we call I, and similarly for J, and ensure that I and J anti-commute.
  • #7
Deveno said:
To prove the distributive law, at some point you will need to use the fact that x and y commute.

The fact that Z(K) is a field (and not just a commutative ring) is used to show that K[I,J] is a division ring, and not merely an associative ring.

One can think of K[I,J] as being a quotient of a polynomial ring:

\(\displaystyle K[I,J] = K[X,Y]/\langle X^2-x,Y^2-y,XY +YX\rangle\)

in other words we adjoin a root of \(\displaystyle X^2 - x\) which we call I, and similarly for J, and ensure that I and J anti-commute.

Thaanks Deveno

I will rework the distributive laws more carefully

Still reflecting over the other (very interesting) points you make ... Will do some work on these points

J Thanks again,


Related to Generalised Quaternion Algebra over K - Dauns Section 1-5 no 17

1. What is a Generalised Quaternion Algebra?

A Generalised Quaternion Algebra is a type of algebra that extends the concept of quaternions to a more general setting. In this algebra, there are four basis elements, typically denoted by 1, i, j, and k, with specific multiplication rules that allow for the representation of complex numbers, quaternions, and other mathematical objects.

2. What does the "K" in "Generalised Quaternion Algebra over K" represent?

The "K" in "Generalised Quaternion Algebra over K" represents a field, which is a set of numbers that can be operated on using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In this context, the field "K" is used to denote a specific type of field, such as the real numbers, complex numbers, or rational numbers.

3. What is the Dauns Section in the Generalised Quaternion Algebra?

The Dauns Section in the Generalised Quaternion Algebra refers to a specific construction method for creating these algebras. It involves taking a basic algebra and extending it by adding new elements and defining new multiplication rules. This construction method was first introduced by the mathematician Wolfgang Dauns.

4. What is the significance of Section 1-5 no 17 in the name of the Generalised Quaternion Algebra?

The Section 1-5 no 17 in the name of the Generalised Quaternion Algebra refers to a specific section and number in the book "Generalized Quaternion Algebras" by Helmut Karzel and Ingo Runkel. This book is a comprehensive reference for the theory and applications of Generalised Quaternion Algebras.

5. What are some applications of Generalised Quaternion Algebras?

Generalised Quaternion Algebras have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used in the study of group theory, representation theory, and algebraic number theory. They also have applications in physics for describing rotations and symmetries in three-dimensional space. In engineering, they are used in the development of control systems and robotics.

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