Generalizing distinguishability of photons on HOM dip?

In summary, the conversation was about the effect of distinguishable photons undergoing a quantum interference process and the use of directional couplers (DCs) to study this effect. The speaker discussed the transformation of a single photon at input port 1 into a combination of creation operators at output ports 3 and 4 of the DC. They then introduced a generic unitary operator U1 to transform the photon before entering the DC, resulting in a combination of creation operators at output ports 3 and 3'. The speaker also mentioned the possibility of merging the waves from ports 3 and 3' and the potential issues with energy flow and impedance matching. Ultimately, the goal is to determine the effect of U1 and another unitary operator U2
  • #1
Hello all. I am trying to determine what is the effect of having photons that are distinguishable undergoing a quantum interference process. To do that, I try to generalize the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, and try to determine what are the terms that appear as a function of the product of the creation operators at the output ports of a Directional Coupler (DC). DCs are integrated waveguide beam-splitters with a Unitary Operator UDC as in Fig.1 below.


A single photon input at port 1 transforms into a combination of creation operators at output ports 3 and 4, which determine the respective probability of detection according to Eq. 3.
In Eq.3, ε is the coupling factor between the DC waveguides, generally 1/2 for a 50:50 beam-splitter.

Next, I consider a generic Unitary Operator U1 (Eq. 4) on the photon before entering the DC (Fig. 2).


Now, a single photon at new input port 1 transforms into a combination of creation operators at output ports of U1, port 3 and 3', according to Eq. 7.

If ports 3 and 3' are combined, what can be done with waveguides or optical fibers, as in Fig. 3, their creation operators become identical (Eq. 8). Eq. 7 then becomes Eq. 9. The single photon at input port 1 is then transformed, at output ports 5 and 6 of DC, according to Eq. 10.

Now, I do the same for the other input port of DC, transforming the second photon of an identical photon pair, according to another generic Unitary Operator U2 (Eq. 11).


Eqs. 9 and 10 then become, for this second photon, Eqs. 13 and 14 respectively.


The idea is to try determining what is the effect of U1 and U2 on the final probability of simmultaneous counting of identical photon pairs at coincidence detectors in output ports 5 and 6. This simmultaneous counting probability is proportional to the multiplier of terms containing a product of creation operators at 5 and 6, according to Eq. 16.


These multipliers should contain a function of U1 and U2, to account for the increace of distinguishability of photons in case U1 and U2 are different. And here is the problem, since the coincidence probability seems to become zero if ε is 1/2, independently of U1 and U2 (Eq. 17). I am definitely missing something here! Can anybody tell me what is wrong?
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  • #2
I don't know much about optical waveguides, but I've worked with microwave directional couplers, and I would guess that a lot of the fundamental principles would be the same.

What strikes me is that you are trying to merge the waves emerging from 3 and 3' in figure 3, sending them to the input of the DC. When we do that, we have to consider the possiblility that some energy will flow back towards the left, and end up at 1'. Some of it could also end up at 1 in the form of a poor return loss. I assume you are taking care of the impedance matching between 3 and 3' (which are sort of 'in parallel') with the input of UDC. But you need to check whether perfect return loss AND perfect isolation between 1 and 1' can be consistent with reciprocity and conservation of energy etc.

Related to Generalizing distinguishability of photons on HOM dip?

1. What is the HOM dip effect and how does it relate to photon distinguishability?

The HOM dip effect, named after Hong-Ou-Mandel, is a phenomenon in which two identical photons, when incident on a beam splitter at the same time, will always emerge together in a single output port rather than in separate ports. This effect is closely related to the distinguishability of photons, as it can only occur if the photons are indistinguishable.

2. How can the distinguishability of photons be generalized in the context of the HOM dip effect?

In general, the distinguishability of photons in the HOM dip effect can be generalized by considering the coherence properties of the photons, such as their polarization, frequency, and temporal characteristics. The closer these properties are to being identical, the more indistinguishable the photons will be and the stronger the HOM dip effect will be.

3. Can the HOM dip effect be used to determine the distinguishability of photons?

Yes, the HOM dip effect can be used as a tool to measure the distinguishability of photons. By varying the properties of one of the photons, such as its polarization or wavelength, and observing the resulting changes in the HOM dip, researchers can quantitatively determine the degree of distinguishability between the two photons.

4. How does the HOM dip effect impact quantum communication and computing?

The HOM dip effect is an important tool in quantum communication and computing, as it allows for the generation of entangled photon pairs that are essential for many quantum protocols. Additionally, the HOM dip effect can be used to test the coherence and indistinguishability of photons, which are crucial for the success of quantum information processing tasks.

5. Are there any current research developments related to the HOM dip effect and photon distinguishability?

Yes, there is ongoing research in this area, particularly in the development of new techniques for generating highly indistinguishable photons and for measuring their properties. Additionally, there is interest in exploring the potential applications of the HOM dip effect in quantum technologies, such as quantum cryptography and quantum computing.

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