Generalizing Rigid Motions Group w/ Metric

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  • Thread starter topsquark
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In summary: But if you are working in the ring of integers, you can't "get away from" 0, so to speak: it is always there, and it is the additive identity. But in the ring of units, the invertible elements, 1 does not have an "additive inverse" (because $1 + (-1) = 0$, and $0$ is not a unit (if $uv = 1$ then $|u||v| = 1$, so $u,v$ are unit length, so $u$ and $v$ are in the unit sphere). In the ring of invertible linear transformations, the identity map (the matrix with 1s on the diagonal and 0s everywhere
  • #1
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\(\displaystyle Euc(n) = \{ T \in End( \mathbb{R}^n )| ~ ||Tx - Ty|| = ||x - y||~\forall x,y \in \mathbb{R}^n \}\)

This is defined as the Euclidean group of rigid motions.

Can we generalize this group to be defined with any metric (well actually inner product, I suppose)? Obviously it won't be Euclidean any more. Would that represent a group of "rigid motions" as defined by that metric?


Edit: I should mention that in the definition of Euc(n) \(\displaystyle ||x|| = \sqrt{ \sum_i x_i^2 }\).
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  • #2
topsquark said:
\(\displaystyle Euc(n) = \{ T \in End( \mathbb{R}^n )| ~ ||Tx - Ty|| = ||x - y||~\forall x,y \in \mathbb{R}^n \}\)

This is defined as the Euclidean group of rigid motions.

Can we generalize this group to be defined with any metric (well actually inner product, I suppose)? Obviously it won't be Euclidean any more. Would that represent a group of "rigid motions" as defined by that metric?


Edit: I should mention that in the definition of Euc(n) \(\displaystyle ||x|| = \sqrt{ \sum_i x_i^2 }\).

It's called an isometry.
Literally translated: equal metric.
You only need a metric to define it. Neither an inner product, nor a norm are required.
  • #3
I like Serena said:
It's called an isometry.
Literally translated: equal metric.
You only need a metric to define it. Neither an inner product, nor a norm are required.
Ah! Yes, I have heard of isometries. (I must actually be starting to understand how some of this stuff crosses course boundaries.) Thanks for the info!

  • #4
Here is how I think of it:

A METRIC is a "spatial thing", it tells us "how separated" (we use "how far apart" as measured by the metric) two points are.

A NORM is a "vector thing"-there is this requirement of "homogeneity" (also called absolute scalability)which tells us that the norm is "consistent" with scalar multiplication:

$\|\alpha v\| = |\alpha|\|v\|$

Given a normed vector space, one can define a metric $d$ by:

$d(u,v) = \|u - v\|$.

Now one of the properties of a norm $\|\cdot\|$ is that:

$\|v\| = 0 \iff v = 0$.

This implies $d(u,v) = 0 \iff u = v$.

A norm must also satisfy the TRIANGLE INEQUALITY:

$\|u + v\| \leq \|u\| + \|v\|$

From this we have:

$0 = \|v + -v\| \leq \|v\| + \|-v\| = \|v\| + \|(-1)v\| = \|v\| + |-1|\|v\| = 2\|v\|$

so a norm is positive-definite, and so $d: V \times V \to \Bbb R_0^+$.

The triangle property of a norm tells us:

$d(u,w) = \|u - w\| = \|u - v + v - w\| \leq \|u - v\| + \|v - w\| = d(u,v) + d(v,w)$, so we have a bona-fide metric.

However, not ALL metrics on a vector space are "compatible" with the vector space structure:

We can define, for example, the "discrete metric":

$d(v,v) = 0$, for all $v \in V$.

$d(u,v) = 1$, if $u \neq v$, which is not absolutely scalable, so does not correspond to a norm.

It is possible to give examples of two metrics which induce the same topology on a vector space $V$, but one is a norm, and one is not, but I will not do so here.

Even MORE restrictive, is the case of an inner product space. An inner product $\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle$ induces a norm by:

$\|v\| = \sqrt{\langle v,v \rangle}$

But not all norms arise in this way, an example is the $p$-norm for $p \neq 2$:

$\displaystyle \|v\|_p = \left(\sum_i^n |v_i|^p\right)^{1/p}$ which is NOT an inner product.

$\Bbb R^n$ is rather special: It's an inner product space with a topology induced by the metric which is induced by the norm induced by its inner product. Moreover, the vector space addition and scalar multiplication are continuous maps.

Note that $\text{End}(\Bbb R^n)$ has a natural ring structure (the ring of Endomorphisms of the $\Bbb R$-module $\Bbb R^n$), which is isomorphic to the ring of $n \times n$ matrices over $\Bbb R$ (this isomorphism is not "canonical" but depends on a choice of basis, so speaking in terms of "matrices" depends on picking a "coordinate system", while speaking of $\text{End}(\Bbb R^n)$ is "basis-free")).

The group of units of this ring, is the general linear group, which can also be written $\text{Aut}(\Bbb R^n)$. Note that LINEAR isometries (under any metric for for a finite-dimensional vector space) are automatically bijective (isometries are always injective, via positivity of the metric, and in a finite-dimensional vector space setting, $T \in \text{End}(V)$ is injective if and only if it is surjective, by the rank-nullity theorem).

In the "physical world", invertible linear maps correspond to "reversible" linear transformations of a space: in other words, "no loss of information". In more abstract structures, just as with ordinary integers, 0 continues to play "the bad guy".
  • #5

I can confirm that the group Euc(n) is indeed the Euclidean group of rigid motions, where n represents the number of dimensions in the vector space. This group is defined as the set of endomorphisms (linear transformations from a vector space to itself) that preserve the Euclidean metric, meaning that the distance between any two points remains the same after the transformation is applied.

It is possible to generalize this group to be defined with any metric, as long as the metric satisfies certain properties. Specifically, the metric must be invariant under rigid motions, meaning that the distance between any two points remains the same after a rigid motion is applied. This would represent a group of "rigid motions" as defined by that particular metric.

However, it is important to note that this group would no longer be Euclidean, as the Euclidean metric is specific to Euclidean space. In other words, the metric would change depending on the geometry of the space. Nonetheless, this generalized group would still represent rigid motions in that particular space.

FAQ: Generalizing Rigid Motions Group w/ Metric

What is a generalizing rigid motions group with metric?

A generalizing rigid motions group with metric is a mathematical concept that describes the set of all possible transformations (such as translations, rotations, and reflections) of an object in space, while also taking into account the distances between points on the object. This group is used to study the symmetries and properties of geometric figures.

How is a generalizing rigid motions group with metric different from a regular rigid motions group?

The main difference between a generalizing rigid motions group with metric and a regular rigid motions group is that the former takes into account the distances between points on the object, while the latter does not. This means that a generalizing rigid motions group with metric is a more comprehensive and precise way of describing the transformations of an object.

What are some real-life applications of a generalizing rigid motions group with metric?

A generalizing rigid motions group with metric has many practical applications, such as in computer graphics and animation, robotics, and navigation systems. It is also used in fields such as chemistry, biology, and physics to study the symmetries and properties of molecules and other structures.

How is a generalizing rigid motions group with metric related to Euclidean geometry?

A generalizing rigid motions group with metric is closely related to Euclidean geometry, as it builds upon the concepts of translations, rotations, and reflections in a way that takes into account the distances between points. This allows for a more precise and comprehensive understanding of the symmetries and properties of geometric figures.

What are some key properties of a generalizing rigid motions group with metric?

Some important properties of a generalizing rigid motions group with metric include closure (the composition of two transformations in the group results in another transformation in the group), associativity (the order of transformations does not affect the final result), and the existence of an identity transformation (a transformation that does not change the object). It also has an inverse for each transformation, meaning that there is a transformation that can undo the original transformation.

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