Generating function for Legendre polynomials

In summary, the conversation discusses using binomial expansion to prove a relationship between two expressions involving the Legendre polynomials. The conversation presents a proposed solution and a helpful relationship, leading to a final solution using the second form of the binomial expansion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Using binomial expansion, prove that

\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - 2 x u + u^2}} = \sum_{k} P_k(x) u^k.

Homework Equations

\frac{1}{\sqrt{1 + v}} = \sum_{k} (-1)^k \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k} (k!)^2} v^k

The Attempt at a Solution

I simply inserted [itex]v = u^2 - 2 x u[/itex], then expanded the [itex]v^k[/tex] to obtain the double sum

\sum_{k} (-1)^k \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k} (k!)^2} \sum_{n \leq k} \left( \begin{array}{c} k \\ n \end{array} \right) (-2 x)^n u^{2 k - n}.

Now I need to turn this into a single sum by collecting like powers of [itex]u[/itex], which is what I'm stuck at. I don't see how to go about that.
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  • #2
You might find this relationship helpful. It's just a rearrangement of terms in a series.

[tex]\sum_{p=0}^\infty\sum_{q=0}^p\,a_{q,p-q} = \sum_{r=0}^\infty\sum_{s=0}^{[r/2]}\,a_{s,r-2s}[/tex]

where [r/2] = r/2 if r is even or (r-1)/2 if r is odd.
  • #3
I suppose you mean to apply this using [itex]p = 2 k[/itex], so that my powers of [itex]u[/itex] become [itex]2 k - 2 n[/itex] instead of [itex]2 k - n[/itex]? I'm not sure how that simplifies things. I'm still not sure what kind of expressions I'm going to get in front of my [itex]u[/itex]'s.
  • #4
I think you have to have p=k and q=n from comparing your expression to the LHS of the relationship.

What definition do you have for the Legendre polynomials? I'm wondering what you should be shooting for.
  • #5
You can factor out uk from the second summation and swap the exponents on the (-2x) and u to get

[tex]\sum_{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k} (k!)^2} u^k \sum_{n=0}^k \begin{pmatrix}k \\ n \end{pmatrix} (-1)^{k-n} (2x)^{k-n} u^n = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \sum_{n=0}^k (-1)^{n} \frac{(2k)!}{2^{2k} (k!)^2} u^k \begin{pmatrix}k \\ n \end{pmatrix} (2x)^{k-n} u^n[/tex]

After you switch to the new indices, us will be multiplied by a polynomial with just even or odd powers of x, just like the Legendre polynomials.
  • #6
Though I hadn't given it a lot of thought yet, I expected to have to use the Rodriguez formula. I now see where you are going, though, since I just discovered the expression

P_k(x) = \frac{1}{2^n} \sum_{n=0}^{[k/2]} (-1)^n \frac{(2k-2n)!}{n!(k-n)!(k-2n)!} x^{k-2n}.

So, after using the relation you suggested, I get the sum

\sum_k \sum_{n=0}^{[k/2]} (-1)^k \frac{(2k-2n)!}{2^{2k-n} (k-n)! n! (k-2n)!} x^n u^{2k-3n}.

This is starting to look like what I need, but not quite yet.

As for your second post, I'm not sure what you're doing. First of all, your expression isn't equal to mine, since you have [itex]u^{k+n}[/itex], while I have [itex]u^{2k-n}[/itex]. Is my expression incorrect? Second, what do you mean by 'swap the exponents'?
  • #7
NanakiXIII said:
As for your second post, I'm not sure what you're doing. First of all, your expression isn't equal to mine, since you have [itex]u^{k+n}[/itex], while I have [itex]u^{2k-n}[/itex]. Is my expression incorrect? Second, what do you mean by 'swap the exponents'?
Both expressions are correct. It's just how you applied the binomial theorem. You wrote

[tex](x+y)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n \begin{pmatrix}n \\ k\end{pmatrix} x^k y^{n-k}[/tex]

while I'm suggesting you instead write

[tex](x+y)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n \begin{pmatrix}n \\ k\end{pmatrix} x^{n-k} y^k[/tex]

That's what I meant by "swap the exponents." It's just to make the exponent of u look more like what you're shooting for.
  • #8
Ah, I see what you mean now. I hadn't actually used this form of the binomial expansion, I was using the special case [itex](1+x)^k[/itex] and was factoring out to get that form, so the symmetry got a little lost. Using the second form of the expansion indeed made things a lot neater and I've got my answer now. Thanks a lot!

FAQ: Generating function for Legendre polynomials

What are Legendre polynomials and why do we need a generating function for them?

Legendre polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials that are used in various mathematical and scientific applications, such as solving differential equations and approximating functions. The generating function for Legendre polynomials is a mathematical tool that helps us to efficiently calculate and manipulate these polynomials.

How is the generating function for Legendre polynomials derived?

The generating function for Legendre polynomials is derived using the method of generating functions, which involves expressing the polynomial as a power series and then manipulating it using mathematical operations. The resulting series is then compared to the known series for Legendre polynomials to find the coefficients.

What is the significance of the generating function for Legendre polynomials in physics?

The generating function for Legendre polynomials is used extensively in physics, particularly in the study of electromagnetic fields and quantum mechanics. It allows us to efficiently calculate and express the solutions to various physical problems involving Legendre polynomials, such as finding the electric potential of a charged sphere or the wave function of a particle in a potential well.

Can the generating function for Legendre polynomials be extended to other sets of orthogonal polynomials?

Yes, the method of generating functions can be applied to other sets of orthogonal polynomials to derive their generating functions. However, the specific form and properties of the generating function will depend on the specific set of polynomials being studied.

Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using the generating function for Legendre polynomials?

One limitation of the generating function for Legendre polynomials is that it only applies to polynomials with a single variable. Additionally, the method of generating functions can become increasingly complex for higher order polynomials, making it more difficult to manipulate and use in practical applications.

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