Generating Functions for n+1 Integer Set: Closed Form

  • Thread starter anthony2005
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of obtaining a closed form for a generating function given a set of integers and a constant. It is mentioned that the function is always a rational function and two specific results are given as examples. The conversation also mentions tackling the problem inductively and introduces the use of variables x1, x2, x3. The conversation ends with a proposed approach for finding the function, but it is noted that it may be complicated to write out.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
given a set of [itex]n+1 [/itex] integers [itex]a_{1},a_{2},...a_{n},\rho [/itex], is it possible to get the closed form of the generating function


It seems to be always a rational function. For instance here are two specific results:


[itex]\sum_{i,j,k=0}^{\infty}\delta_{2i+j-h,0}x_{1}^{i}x_{2}^{j}x_{3}^{k}=\frac{1}{\left(x_{2}x_{3}-1\right)\left(x_{1}x_{3}^{2}-1\right)} [/itex]

Also references that could help me to tackle this problem would be appreciated. Thank you.
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  • #2
I think you can do this inductively on n.
Start with just x1, x2. We can normalise to (a1,a2)=1. If both positive, there is only a finite sum, so assume a2 < 0. There is a unique pair of integers m1, m2 s.t. a1 m1+a2 m2 = ρ and m1 is minimised but > 0. This also minimises m2 subject to m2 > 0.
The function is x1m1x2m2/(1-x1a2x2a1)
Now introduce x3. For now I'll assume a1 > 0, a2 < 0, a3 < 0. Let c = (a1,a2), so (c,a3)=1.
Consider a given α3. We have a1α1 + a2α2 = ρ - a3α3, and c|(ρ-ρ - a3α3). I.e. (a1/c)α1 + (a2/c)α2 = (ρ - a3α3)/c.
Again, we find the unique smallest m1, m2, but these depend on α3. I believe I'm right in saying, but have not proved, that as α3 increases, one of m1, m2 stays constant (m1 say, depends on which of a1 a2 is larger in modulus?), while m2 increases in steps of a1/c. This means the function can be rewritten as a sum of terms x2β1f(x1,x2)x3α3, where f is a constant (independent of α3) rational function of x1, x2. β and α3 satisfy a relationship similar to that of α1, α2 previously.
Sorry, in a bit of a rush and this was a bit complicated to write out. Hope it makes sense.

FAQ: Generating Functions for n+1 Integer Set: Closed Form

What is a generating function?

A generating function is a mathematical tool that represents a sequence of numbers in a formal power series form. It is used to study the properties of a sequence, such as its closed form expression, sum, and product.

Why use generating functions for n+1 integer sets?

Generating functions are useful for n+1 integer sets because they provide a systematic and efficient way to represent and manipulate these sets. They also allow us to easily derive closed form expressions for these sets, which can be used to calculate sums and products, as well as study other properties.

What is a closed form expression?

A closed form expression is a mathematical expression that can be written in terms of a finite number of standard mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. In the context of generating functions for n+1 integer sets, a closed form expression represents the entire set in a concise and explicit manner.

Can generating functions be used for non-integer sets?

Yes, generating functions can be used for non-integer sets as well. However, they are most commonly used for integer sets because they allow for easier manipulation and calculation of sums and products. For non-integer sets, other mathematical tools may be more suitable.

Are there any limitations to using generating functions for n+1 integer sets?

Yes, there are some limitations to using generating functions for n+1 integer sets. One limitation is that not all sets have a closed form expression, so generating functions may not be applicable in these cases. Additionally, generating functions may become complex and difficult to manipulate for very large or complicated sets.

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