Generation of Modules .... Dummit and Foote, Section 10.3 .... ....

In summary: M generated by the set N_1 \cup \ ... \ ... \ \cup N_n.To show N_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + N_n = RN we need to show that every element in N_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + N_n is also in RN and vice versa.Firstly, let x \in N_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + N_n. Then x = x_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n where x_i \in N_i for 1 \leq i \leq n. Since each x_i \in N_i \subseteq M, we have x_i = r_i m_i for some r_i \in R
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote's book: "Abstract Algebra" (Third Edition) ...

I am currently studying Chapter 10: Introduction to Module Theory ... ...

I need some help with an aspect of Dummit and Foote's Section 10.3 Basic Generation of Modules, Direct Sums and Free Modules ... ...

The start of Section 10.3 reads as follows:View attachment 8224
View attachment 8225
In the above text from Dummit and Foote we read the following:

" ... ... for submodules \(\displaystyle N_1, \ ... \ ... \ , N_n\) of \(\displaystyle M\), \(\displaystyle N_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + N_n\) is just the submodule generated by the set \(\displaystyle N_1 \cup \ ... \ ... \ \cup N_n\) ... ... "I tried to prove the above ... but despite the relationship seeming intuitive, I found it difficult to formulate a rigorous proof ...
My attempt at a proof is as follows ...
Firstly we note that \(\displaystyle RN\) where \(\displaystyle N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \) is as follows:\(\displaystyle RN = \{ r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \mid r_s \in R, n_s \in N , p \in \mathbb{N} \}\)
To show \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s = RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (1)
Firstly show that \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \subseteq RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (i)
Now ... \(\displaystyle x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \Longrightarrow x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n\) where \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s\)But ... each \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s \subseteq M \Longrightarrow x_s = r'_s m'_s\)\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r'_1 m'_1 + r'_2 m'_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r'_n m'_n\) ... where \(\displaystyle r'_s \in R\) and \(\displaystyle m'_s \in N_s\) ...\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x \in RN\) ...Is that correct?
Now ... to show that \(\displaystyle RN \subseteq \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s\)\(\displaystyle x \in RN\) \(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \) where \(\displaystyle r_s \in R\), \(\displaystyle n_s \in N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \text{ and } p \in \mathbb{N} \)... BUT! ... the \(\displaystyle n_s\) do not necessarily belong to \(\displaystyle N_s\) ... ?How do we proceed ...?Can someone please help ...Help will be much appreciated ...

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  • #2
No, I think the above is not correct.

If $Y$ is generated by $X$, notation $Y =\langle X \rangle$ iff for every $y \in Y$: $y = \Sigma_{ j = 1 }^{ m } r_j x_j $, where $r_j \in R$, $x_j \in X$, i.e.,

$Y =\langle X \rangle = \{\Sigma_{ j = 1 }^{ m } r_j x_j \text{ } | \text{ } x_j \in X, r_j \in R \}$

Realize that

$\langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle = \{ \Sigma_{ j = 1 }^{ m } x_j \text{ } | \text{ } x_j \in N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \}$, $N_i$ are submodules of $M$.

Now it is easy to prove that $N_1 + \cdots + N_n = \langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle$
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  • #3
Peter said:
I am reading Dummit and Foote's book: "Abstract Algebra" (Third Edition) ...

I am currently studying Chapter 10: Introduction to Module Theory ... ...

I need some help with an aspect of Dummit and Foote's Section 10.3 Basic Generation of Modules, Direct Sums and Free Modules ... ...

The start of Section 10.3 reads as follows:

In the above text from Dummit and Foote we read the following:

" ... ... for submodules \(\displaystyle N_1, \ ... \ ... \ , N_n\) of \(\displaystyle M\), \(\displaystyle N_1 + \ ... \ ... \ + N_n\) is just the submodule generated by the set \(\displaystyle N_1 \cup \ ... \ ... \ \cup N_n\) ... ... "I tried to prove the above ... but despite the relationship seeming intuitive, I found it difficult to formulate a rigorous proof ...
My attempt at a proof is as follows ...
Firstly we note that \(\displaystyle RN\) where \(\displaystyle N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \) is as follows:\(\displaystyle RN = \{ r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \mid r_s \in R, n_s \in N , p \in \mathbb{N} \}\)
To show \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s = RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (1)
Firstly show that \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \subseteq RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (i)
Now ... \(\displaystyle x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \Longrightarrow x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n\) where \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s\)But ... each \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s \subseteq M \Longrightarrow x_s = r'_s m'_s\)\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r'_1 m'_1 + r'_2 m'_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r'_n m'_n\) ... where \(\displaystyle r'_s \in R\) and \(\displaystyle m'_s \in N_s\) ...\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x \in RN\) ...Is that correct?
Now ... to show that \(\displaystyle RN \subseteq \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s\)\(\displaystyle x \in RN\) \(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \) where \(\displaystyle r_s \in R\), \(\displaystyle n_s \in N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \text{ and } p \in \mathbb{N} \)... BUT! ... the \(\displaystyle n_s\) do not necessarily belong to \(\displaystyle N_s\) ... ?How do we proceed ...?Can someone please help ...Help will be much appreciated ...

========================================================================Since I could not see any specific errors, I have completed the proof ... please note, though, that I am not stubbornly insisting that my proof is correct ... indeed you are usually correct! ... but ... it is just that after examining my proof I cannot see any specific errors ... so I completed the proof ... but am most interested in its validity ... so would welcome specific errors or shortcomings to be pointed out ...
My proof reads as follows ...
Firstly we note that \(\displaystyle RN\) where \(\displaystyle N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \) is as follows:\(\displaystyle RN = \{ r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \mid r_s \in R, n_s \in N , p \in \mathbb{N} \}\)
To show \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s = RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (1)
Firstly show that \(\displaystyle \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \subseteq RN\) ... ... ... ... ... (i)
Now ... \(\displaystyle x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \Longrightarrow x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n\) where \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s\)But ... each \(\displaystyle x_s \in N_s \subseteq M \Longrightarrow x_s = r'_s m'_s\)\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r'_1 m'_1 + r'_2 m'_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r'_n m'_n\) ... where \(\displaystyle r'_s \in R\) and \(\displaystyle m'_s \in N_s\) ...\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x \in RN\) ... ...
Now ... to show that \(\displaystyle RN \subseteq \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s\) ... ... ... (ii)

\(\displaystyle x \in RN\) \(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow x = r_1 n_1 + r_2 n_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + r_p n_p \) where \(\displaystyle r_s \in R\), \(\displaystyle n_s \in N = \cup_{ s = 1 }^n N_s \text{ and } p \in \mathbb{N} \) ... ... ... ... (2)Now ... for each \(\displaystyle i\) we have \(\displaystyle r_i n_i \in N_j\) for some (one or more) \(\displaystyle j\) since \(\displaystyle n_i \in N = \cup_ { s =1}^n N_s\) and \(\displaystyle N_j\) is a submodule ...

If \(\displaystyle r_i n_i\) belongs to several \(\displaystyle N_j\) then allocate or assign \(\displaystyle r_i n_i\) to the lowest index that is not already allocated ...

If \(\displaystyle r_m n_m\) and \(\displaystyle r_k n_k\) both belong to \(\displaystyle N_j\) then create a new element \(\displaystyle r_q n_q = r_m n_m + r_k n_k \in N_j\) since \(\displaystyle N_j\) is a submodule ...

Proceed as above until all elements in (2) are allocated ... and re-label \(\displaystyle r_i n_i\) as \(\displaystyle x_j\) ...

Then ... possibly after some re-numbering ... we can write the following ...

\(\displaystyle x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_r + 0 + 0 + \ ... \ ... \ + 0\) ... (\(\displaystyle n\) elements ... ) ... ... where \(\displaystyle x_i \in N_i\) and the number of zeros is \(\displaystyle z\) where \(\displaystyle 1 \lt z \lt n-1\)

Therefore \(\displaystyle x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^n N_s\) ...
Is that correct ... ?

If it is not correct can you please point out specific errors ...

If it is correct ... do you have a less messy proof ...

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  • #4
You have to prove that: $N_1 + \cdots + N_n = \langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle$

You defined $N = N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n$

You defined $RN$ in such a way that it coincides with $\langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle$

So you have to prove that: $N_1 + \cdots + N_n = RN$

If $x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^{n} N_s$ then $x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n$ for $x_i \in N_i$

Thus $x = 1x_1 + 1x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + 1x_n$, with $x_i \in N$, so $x$ belongs to $RN$ by definition.

So the first part of your proof is ok.

To be honest, I cannot follow the second part. I think it can be done much easier.

Take $x \in RN$ then $x = \sum_{j = 1 }^{p} r_j x_j$ for some $p \in \mathbb{N}$, where $r_j \in R$, $x_j \in N$.

Since $N = N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n$. for each $j = 1, \cdots, p$ there is a $i \in \{1, \cdots, n\}$ such that $x_j \in N_i$, so also $r_j x_j \in N_i$

$x = \sum_{j = 1 }^{p} r_j x_j \in N_1 + \cdots + N_n$

I think this is the second part but a little bit easier.
  • #5
steenis said:
You have to prove that: $N_1 + \cdots + N_n = \langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle$

You defined $N = N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n$

You defined $RN$ in such a way that it coincides with $\langle N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n \rangle$

So you have to prove that: $N_1 + \cdots + N_n = RN$

If $x \in \sum_{ s = 1 }^{n} N_s$ then $x = x_1 + x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + x_n$ for $x_i \in N_i$

Thus $x = 1x_1 + 1x_2 + \ ... \ ... \ + 1x_n$, with $x_i \in N$, so $x$ belongs to $RN$ by definition.

So the first part of your proof is ok.

To be honest, I cannot follow the second part. I think it can be done much easier.

Take $x \in RN$ then $x = \sum_{j = 1 }^{p} r_j x_j$ for some $p \in \mathbb{N}$, where $r_j \in R$, $x_j \in N$.

Since $N = N_1 \cup \cdots \cup N_n$. for each $j = 1, \cdots, p$ there is a $i \in \{1, \cdots, n\}$ such that $x_j \in N_i$, so also $r_j x_j \in N_i$

$x = \sum_{j = 1 }^{p} r_j x_j \in N_1 + \cdots + N_n$

I think this is the second part but a little bit easier.
Thanks Steenis ...

That proof seems really clear ...

Will work through it again shortly...Peter

Related to Generation of Modules .... Dummit and Foote, Section 10.3 .... ....

1. What are modules in the context of Dummit and Foote, Section 10.3?

Modules are a mathematical structure that generalize the concept of vector spaces to include rings as the underlying structure rather than just fields. They are defined as an abelian group with an external ring multiplication operation.

2. How are modules generated?

Modules can be generated by a set of elements, called generators, which are used to create all other elements in the module through linear combinations with coefficients from the ring. The set of all possible linear combinations forms the module.

3. What is a free module?

A free module is a module that has a basis, meaning it can be generated by a linearly independent set of elements. This is similar to a vector space having a basis, but in the case of modules, the basis elements may not necessarily commute under multiplication.

4. How do submodules work?

A submodule is a subset of a module that is itself a module. It is generated by a subset of the generators of the original module, and can be thought of as a "smaller" version of the original module. Submodules play an important role in the study of modules and their properties.

5. What is the Rank-Nullity Theorem for modules?

The Rank-Nullity Theorem states that for a module M over a ring R, the rank of M plus the dimension of the quotient module M/N is equal to the dimension of M. In other words, the number of linearly independent elements in M plus the number of elements in the quotient module that are not in the submodule N is equal to the total number of elements in M.

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