Theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy

In summary, Kevin Croker and Joel Weiner describe objects similar to black holes that are called Generic Objects of Dark Energy. They say that these objects are stable due to anisotropic pressure in a "crust" region surrounding a region of negative pressure.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I am looking for input from experts on the current theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy
I have come across some online references to Generic Objects of Dark Energy (GEODEs). They are briefly described in this Wikipedia article:

The only reference from that article that I have been able to find online is this paper:
The paper refers to several previously proposed solutions, including the "de Sitter sphere" (Gliner 1966), which looks to me like a claimed spherical region of de Sitter space surrounded by a Schwarzschild vacuum, which seems obviously unstable to me (the surface area of the de Sitter region would not be constant in time), but I have been unable to find the original paper online or any other reference that shows the actual math of the solution.

I am wondering if any experts can give useful references concerning the current theoretical status of GEODEs or of any particular solutions in this area.
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  • #2
Are you looking for this specific model or is something similar okay as well? Mazur and Mottola have their mathematics here.
  • #3
mfb said:
Are you looking for this specific model

Any model of the general type.

mfb said:
Mazur and Mottola have their mathematics here.

Yes, thanks! I also found this paper by Visser and others that gives a more general model of which the Mazur-Mottola model is a special case:
This paper says that the key factor that allows such models to be stable is anisotropic pressure in a "crust" region that surrounds a region of negative pressure. The anisotropic pressure adds a term to the standard TOV equation that allows hydrostatic equilibrium.

All this suggests a possible, though highly speculative, route by which quantum effects could stop event horizons from ever forming, which is one of the ways to evade the black hole information paradox. Suppose that, whenever any object containing any kind of stress-energy got sufficiently compressed to be "close" to forming an event horizon, quantum field effects became strong enough to cause a phase transition which resulted in the general kind of stress-energy profile described in the Visser paper (a central core of "dark energy" type stuff, with pressure negative enough to violate the energy conditions, surrounded by a "crust" of anisotropic pressure providing stability, surrounded by a reasonably "normal" region that looks like the surface of a highly collapsed object)? This phase transition would either result in a stable object of the kind just described, or would cause a "bounce" that created an explosion and blew off enough mass to bring the remnant below the maximum mass limit for a neutron star or white dwarf.
  • #4
I have found this:

Croker/Weiner said:
We show that derivation of Friedmann's equations from the Einstein–Hilbert action, paying attention to the requirements of isotropy and homogeneity during the variation, leads to a different interpretation of pressure than what is typically adopted. Our derivation follows if we assume that the unapproximated metric and Einstein tensor have convergent perturbation series representations on a sufficiently large Robertson–Walker coordinate patch. We find the source necessarily averages all pressures, everywhere, including the interiors of compact objects. We demonstrate that our considerations apply (on appropriately restricted spacetime domains) to the Kerr solution, the Schwarzschild constant-density sphere, and the static de-Sitter sphere. From conservation of stress–energy, it follows that material contributing to the averaged pressure must shift locally in energy. We show that these cosmological energy shifts are entirely negligible for non-relativistic material. In relativistic material, however, the effect can be significant. We comment on the implications of this study for the dark energy problem.
  • #6
Kevin Croker, an astrophysicist and Joel Weiner, a professor emeritus in mathematics - both at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, describe objects of Dark energy similar to Black Holes.

Here are links to the original publication and to a story based on an interview.

Article in "Astrophysics Journal"
Article in "Life Science"
  • #7
.Scott said:
Kevin Croker, an astrophysicist and Joel Weiner, a professor emeritus in mathematics - both at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, describe objects of Dark energy similar to Black Holes.

This is the same paper @fresh_42 mentioned in post #4. See my response in post #5.

FAQ: Theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy

1. What is the theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy?

The theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy is currently a topic of much debate and research in the scientific community. While some theories propose that dark energy is made up of a single, unknown substance, others suggest that it may be composed of multiple entities known as Generic Objects. These Generic Objects are thought to interact with matter and energy in ways that are not yet fully understood.

2. How are Generic Objects of Dark Energy hypothesized to behave?

According to current theories, Generic Objects of Dark Energy are hypothesized to behave in a way that is similar to dark matter. This means that they would have a gravitational pull on matter, but unlike dark matter, they would also have a repulsive force that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

3. How do scientists study the theoretical status of Generic Objects of Dark Energy?

Scientists study the theoretical status of Generic Objects of Dark Energy through a combination of observational data and theoretical models. This includes using telescopes and other instruments to gather data on the effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe, as well as running simulations and experiments to test different theories about its composition and behavior.

4. What are some potential implications of the existence of Generic Objects of Dark Energy?

If Generic Objects of Dark Energy are proven to exist, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It could also provide new insights into the nature of dark energy and its role in shaping the structure and expansion of the universe.

5. What are some current challenges in studying the theoretical status of Generic Objects of Dark Energy?

One of the main challenges in studying the theoretical status of Generic Objects of Dark Energy is the lack of direct observational evidence. Since dark energy is invisible and does not interact with matter and light, it is difficult to observe and measure. Additionally, there are many competing theories and models about the nature of dark energy, making it a complex and ongoing area of research.

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