Genetic metabolic disorder shows up later in life

In summary, a case study involving a comatose child who had a seizure for 20 minutes revealed a rare genetic disorder in fatty-acid metabolism. This disorder caused the child's glucose levels to drop and their body to switch to alternative means of energy production, resulting in seizures. This disorder can remain unnoticed until a crisis occurs and can be prevented by giving the child sugar water. Similar to phenylketonuria, this disorder can be detected through genetic screening and managed through a tailored diet.
  • #1
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It is interesting to note how a metabolic disorder can remain unnoticed in a child until some crisis occurs.

I had a case study yesterday (taking from an episode of ER) where a young child (maybe 4) gets rushed to the hospital, comatoze, seizing for 20 minutes. The child was fine that morning, just had a sore throat and thus didn't eat breakfast.

Turns out that the blood glucose is very low and is not stabilizing (very very unusual, humans have a very well attenuated glucose regulation system and someone should never become hypo).

We went over all kinds of probable diagnoses, brain infection, epileptic attack, electrolyte imbalance, poisoning, diabetes, etc. The most troubling thing is the low glucose, that just should not happen, not even with someone who has been seizing (and thus using lots of energy) for the past 20 min.

So finally we get to the conclusion that the child must have a genetic disorder in the fatty-acid metabolism. That is why the child was able to live a healthy 4 years, we normally don't use fatty-acid metabolism unless after a +-10 hour diet period.

The child for the first time in its life didn't eat breakfast, glucose levels drop and there is no fuel to generate new glucose (after using the glucose storage in the liver) so the body tries to switch to other means of energy production.

Since the child was deficient in one of the enzymes of fatty-acid metabolism, it is unable to synthesize ketones (emergency brain food) and thus the brain are depleted from nutrition and starts seizing.

The moral of the story, the ordeal of such a situation can be prevented by giving a child sugar water.

Due to the acute nature of the disease and probably misunderstanding of the symptoms, quite a high percentage of children will actually die upon presenting symptoms. The good thing is that they have started (are working on it) genetic screening within the first week after birth. Parents can be educated about the condition and be told not to let their child fast :)
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  • #2
A similar genetic disorder that won't necessarily manifest itself until specific circumstances is phenylketonuria (PKU). Because PKU involves defects in metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine, symptoms will not show up unless the individual with PKU consumes with sufficient amounts of phenylalanine. Symptoms can be avoided by tailoring the patient's diet to be low in phenylalanine, so this is another case where genetic screening of newborns is important.

FAQ: Genetic metabolic disorder shows up later in life

1. What is a genetic metabolic disorder?

A genetic metabolic disorder is a condition that affects the body's ability to break down and use nutrients for energy. This can be caused by a defect in a specific gene, leading to a deficiency or dysfunction of an enzyme involved in metabolism.

2. How does a genetic metabolic disorder manifest later in life?

In some cases, a person may inherit a mutated gene that causes a genetic metabolic disorder, but the symptoms do not appear until later in life due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. This is known as a late-onset genetic metabolic disorder.

3. What are the symptoms of a genetic metabolic disorder?

The symptoms of a genetic metabolic disorder can vary depending on the specific disorder and the severity of the condition. However, common symptoms can include developmental delays, seizures, muscle weakness, fatigue, and abnormal blood sugar levels.

4. Can a genetic metabolic disorder be treated?

Currently, there is no cure for genetic metabolic disorders. However, some disorders can be managed through dietary changes, enzyme replacement therapy, and medications. It is important to work with a healthcare team to develop a personalized treatment plan.

5. Is a genetic metabolic disorder hereditary?

Yes, a genetic metabolic disorder is caused by an inherited gene mutation. If a parent carries a mutated gene, there is a chance they may pass it on to their child. However, the severity and manifestation of the disorder can vary between individuals, even within the same family.

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