Geodesic curves for an ellipsoid

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the shortest distance between two points on an ellipsoid, where the coordinates are represented as x = a*cos(theta)*sin(phi), y = a*sin(theta)*sin(phi), and z = b*cos(phi). The conversation also mentions using Christoffel symbols and geodesic equations to solve for the geodesic curves, but there is uncertainty about how to treat the constants a and b. It is determined that a and b should be treated as constants and that the Christoffel symbols should be calculated using the two independent variables, theta and phi.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem asks to find the shortest distance between two points on Earth, assuming different equatorial and polar radii i.e. the coordinates are represented as:

x = a*cos(theta)*sin(phi)
y = a*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
z = b*cos(phi)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I've already done this for a sphere and it was pretty straightforward: Find the Christoffel symbols, then plug them into the geodesic equations and solve the system of ODEs for the geodesic curves. However, now I'm stuck at the beginning because I'm unsure how to treat a & b. Previously, for spherical coordinates:

x = r*cos(theta)*sin(phi)
y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
z = r*cos(phi)

I calculated the metric tensor treating r, theta, and phi as variables, but when plugging into the geodesic equations, I assumed r was constant so that all derivatives of r were zero. Currently, I'm not sure whether I need to calculate new Christoffel symbols for the ellipsoid or whether I simply need to keep the derivatives of r in the geodesic equations. If the former is true, do I treat a and b as separate variables when calculating the metric tensor? I could use a little direction here. Thanks.
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  • #2
The numbers a and b are constants, just as r was in the spherical case. As the ellipsoid is a surface, you have two independent variables that you need to differentiate with respect to, i.e. theta and phi.

The Christoffel symbols are therefore on the form \Gamma_{\theta \theta}^{\theta}, \Gamma_{\theta \theta}^{\phi} etc. Several of these will be zero due to symmetry around the z-axis.

Related to Geodesic curves for an ellipsoid

1. What is a geodesic curve for an ellipsoid?

A geodesic curve for an ellipsoid is the shortest path between two points on the surface of an ellipsoid, similar to a straight line on a flat surface. It is the most efficient path for objects to travel on the surface of an ellipsoid without encountering any obstacles or changing direction.

2. How is a geodesic curve different from a straight line on a flat surface?

Unlike a straight line on a flat surface, a geodesic curve on an ellipsoid takes into account the curvature of the surface. This means that the path will be slightly curved in order to follow the shape of the ellipsoid and still maintain the shortest distance between two points.

3. What is the significance of geodesic curves for an ellipsoid?

Geodesic curves for an ellipsoid have important applications in navigation, surveying, and geodesy. They allow for accurate measurements and calculations on the surface of an ellipsoid, which is often used as a model for the Earth's shape.

4. How are geodesic curves for an ellipsoid calculated?

The calculation of geodesic curves for an ellipsoid involves using complex mathematical equations and algorithms, such as the Gauss-Newton method or the Vincenty's formulae. These methods take into account the shape and size of the ellipsoid and can accurately determine the shortest path between two points on its surface.

5. Can geodesic curves be applied to other shapes besides an ellipsoid?

Yes, geodesic curves can be applied to any curved surface, including spheres, cylinders, and more complex shapes. However, the calculations and formulas used may differ depending on the specific shape, as each one has its own unique curvature and properties.
