Geodesics in schwarzschild solution

In summary: You can then solve for r by using the usual techniques.In summary, the conserved quantity in eq1 and eq3 is g00(r). This gives rise to the equation for the four-velocity in the direction of r. This equation is just the Lagrangian for geodesic motion in GR, which is independent of one of the generalized coordinates.
  • #1
Hello everybody,

I was studying the lecture notes about the schwarzschild solution for general relativity. In a particular example they calculate the equations of motion of a particle falling straight into a black hole. But there are some things about the calculation I really don't get.

First of all they say that because the schwarzschild metric is time independent, so dg/dt = 0 => u_0 = const. Then they show that by using the initial conditions r = R and tau = 0 and t = 0 coincide, that u_0 equals to sqrt( g_00(R) ) = sqrt(1 - 2M/R).

I've tried to prove the constancy of u_0 from the geodesic equation, but all I got were some nasty coupled differential equations.

Somehow it is true that constancy of metric in one component direction implies that the four-velocity in that component is constant. But I don't see why that is true. And how can you show from this, that this means that u_0 = sqrt(1-2M/r) ?
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  • #2
Pietjuh said:
I've tried to prove the constancy of u_0 from the geodesic equation, but all I got were some nasty coupled differential equations. ... And how can you show from this, that this means that u_0 = sqrt(1-2M/r) ?

Are you familiar with the Lagrangian approach to geodesic motion in GR. What happens when a Lagrangian is independent of one of the generalized coordinates?

In this case, the conserved quantity gives

[tex]\left(1 - \frac{2M}{r} \right) \frac{dt}{d\tau} = \left(1 - \frac{2M}{R} \right)[/tex].

Take a look at" of mine. Note that I forgot to "divide" by the [itex]d\tau[/itex]'s in the definition of the Lagrangian.

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  • #3
Pietjuh said:
Hello everybody,

I was studying the lecture notes about the schwarzschild solution for general relativity. In a particular example they calculate the equations of motion of a particle falling straight into a black hole. But there are some things about the calculation I really don't get.

First of all they say that because the schwarzschild metric is time independent, so dg/dt = 0 => u_0 = const. Then they show that by using the initial conditions r = R and tau = 0 and t = 0 coincide, that u_0 equals to sqrt( g_00(R) ) = sqrt(1 - 2M/R).

I've tried to prove the constancy of u_0 from the geodesic equation, but all I got were some nasty coupled differential equations.

Oops, I'm afraid that I totally missed the point on my first response :-(. So I've deleted it and will start over.

Let us suppose that we have some paramaterized infalling trajectory [itex]r(\tau), t(\tau)[/itex] for a particle falling straight into the black hole.

The "messy diffeqs" you get via the geodesic equations should be, omitting all the zero Christoffel symbols should be eq1 and eq2 below.

\frac{d^2 t}{d \tau^2} + 2 \Gamma^t{}_{rt} \frac{dt}{d\tau}\frac{dr}{d\tau} = 0

\frac{d^2 r}{d \tau^2} + \Gamma^r{}_{rr} \frac{dr}{d\tau}\frac{dr}{d\tau} + \Gamma^r{}_{tt} \frac{dt}{d\tau}\frac{dt}{d\tau} = 0

Now, consider the equation

g00(r(\tau)) \, \frac{dt}{d\tau} = C

where C is some constant. We can rewrite this as

\frac{d g00(r)}{dr} \, \frac{dr}{d\tau} \frac{dt}{d\tau} + g00(r) \,\frac{dt^2}{d\tau^2} = 0

by making use of the fact that [itex]dC/d\tau[/itex] = 0 and applying the chain rule for differentiation.

Normalizing the coefficeint for the second derivative by dividing by g00, we get

\frac{dt^2}{d\tau^2} + \frac {\frac{d g00}{dr}} {g00} \frac{dt}{d\tau} \frac{dr}{d\tau} = 0

When we substitute g00(r) = -1 + 2m/r and for [itex]\Gamma^t{}_{rt}[/itex], we find then that the messy-looking eq1 is just our eq3.

eq3 didn't really spring out of thin air, it can be motivated in several ways - see George's posts, or read up on "Killing vectors". Meanwhile, it's good to know that eq3 is really just one of the geodesic equations (i.e eq1) in a simpler form.

If you like, you can use eq3 to eliminate [itex]dt/d\tau[/itex] entirely from eq2, leaving you a differential equation for r.
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Related to Geodesics in schwarzschild solution

1. What are geodesics in the Schwarzschild solution?

Geodesics in the Schwarzschild solution refer to the paths that particles follow in the spacetime around a non-rotating and uncharged black hole, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity. These paths are the shortest distance between two points in spacetime and are affected by the curvature of spacetime caused by the massive object.

2. How are geodesics different from straight lines?

In the context of general relativity, geodesics are equivalent to straight lines in flat spacetime. However, in curved spacetime, such as around a black hole, geodesics are the paths that particles follow due to the curvature of spacetime, which is caused by the presence of mass. In other words, they are the "straightest" possible paths in curved spacetime.

3. What is the significance of geodesics in the Schwarzschild solution?

Geodesics play a crucial role in understanding the motion of particles in the vicinity of a black hole. They not only describe the paths that particles take, but they also determine the behavior of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, as well as the motion of massive objects in the presence of a black hole.

4. How do geodesics relate to the event horizon of a black hole?

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary beyond which nothing, including light, can escape due to the strong gravitational pull. When a geodesic passes through the event horizon, it can no longer escape and will inevitably reach the singularity at the center of the black hole. Geodesics near the event horizon are also highly curved, causing particles to experience extreme tidal forces.

5. Can geodesics be observed or measured?

Geodesics can be observed and measured indirectly through the effects they have on the motion of objects and light around a black hole. For example, the bending of light around a black hole, known as gravitational lensing, is a result of the geodesic paths that the light follows in curved spacetime. However, directly measuring geodesics is challenging due to the extreme conditions near a black hole.

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