Get Expert Help with Laurent Series for Convergence of e^z/(z-z^2)"

In summary, the problem from Complex Analysis involves finding the Laurent series for the expression e^z/(z-z^2) that converges for 0<|z|<R and determining the precise region of convergence. The solution involves using the Taylor series for e^z and manipulating it to get a single summation expression. The result is a Laurent series that converges for 0<|z|<1 and has an additional series when |z|>1.
  • #1
I need help with a problem from Complex Analysis. The directions say find the Laurent series that converges for 0<|z|<R and determine the precise region of convergence. The expression is : e^z/(z-z^2). I understand how to do the other 7 problems in this section but not this one. Can someone please help me with this one as I've spent hours trying to figure it out.
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  • #2

remember that


where is its radio of convergence?


for [itex]|z|<1[/itex]


and for [itex]1<|z|[/itex]


can you take it from here?
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  • #3
Thanks for the info so far but not really. The other questions seemed to much easier to do than this one. I am having trouble combining the different series up together. Thanks if you can help me more with this.
  • #4
I got this solution :
(1/z)*(E(z^n/n!))*(E(z^n)) with both summations from n=0 to inf. The radius of convergence that I found for this was to be 0<|z|<1. Is this correct and if so is there anyway to clean this up and express it as one summation.
  • #5
hmmmmm... ill do one and youll do the other ok?

for [itex]|z|<1[/itex] youll have



and using (can you proove this?, i have)




implies that


so, around [itex]|z|<1[/itex] the Laurent expansion will be


there is my part of the deal... now, can you take it from there?

EDIT. I was answering 3 when you posted 4 :-p
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  • #6
So is my answer right or wrong. I am not sure what you said about it also I don't know if its supposed to be only one summation and if so I don't know how to make it one summation. I had the nested summations like you did before but I don't know if that is the right final answer. Thanks.
  • #7
your answer is correct, but is incomplete, as you need now to do the rest of the series (when |z|>1). Besides, if you leave the series expressed as a product, is not clear that it has taylor/laurent form, but is correct.

Remember, these expansion valid for z around 0.
  • #8
oh, and





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FAQ: Get Expert Help with Laurent Series for Convergence of e^z/(z-z^2)"

What is a Laurent series?

A Laurent series is a type of mathematical series that is used to represent a complex function in the form of an infinite sum of terms. It is named after mathematician Pierre Alphonse Laurent.

Why is a Laurent series useful?

A Laurent series is useful because it allows us to approximate complex functions and understand their behavior near singularities or poles. It is also used in complex analysis and in solving differential equations.

How do you find the Laurent series of a function?

The Laurent series of a function can be found by expanding the function in a power series around a point, and then including negative powers of the variable. Alternatively, it can also be obtained through a process called the method of residues.

What is the difference between a Taylor series and a Laurent series?

A Taylor series only includes positive powers of the variable, while a Laurent series includes both positive and negative powers. Taylor series are used to approximate analytic functions, while Laurent series are used to approximate functions with singularities.

When should a Laurent series be used instead of a Taylor series?

A Laurent series should be used when the function being approximated has poles or singularities, as these cannot be accurately represented by a Taylor series. Additionally, Laurent series can often converge for a larger range of values compared to Taylor series.
