Get Government Grants: What to Know & How to Apply

In summary,Anyone have any experience with a government grant? I'd like to get one, but I'd like to talk to someone who has gotten one themselves first. How do I get one?To get a government grant, you first need to register at Once you are registered, you can search for grants that are relevant to your interests. You will then need to submit an application, which will require you to meet certain requirements. The best chance of success for obtaining a grant depends on your goals and the eligibility criteria of the grant you are applying to.
  • #1
Anyone have any experience with a government grant? I'd like to get one, but I'd like to talk to someone who has gotten one themselves first. How do I get one? Write a letter? Fill out an online form? I've seen some online forms, but I don't trust them.

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  • #2
I've obtained a few. What's your goal? To what agency will you apply?
  • #3
Andy Resnick said:
I've obtained a few. What's your goal? To what agency will you apply?

Whichever one has the best chance of giving me one. Is there any requirements that you have to meet to get them? How did you do it?
  • #4
leroyjenkens said:
Whichever one has the best chance of giving me one. Is there any requirements that you have to meet to get them? How did you do it?

Ugh-you have a lot of homework to do.

Each agency has it's own set of requirements. In addition, each agency will have multiple programs (mechanisms) aimed at different populations: graduate students, post-docs, faculty, collaborative efforts, small businesses, etc. etc.

You need to register at before you can do anything.
  • #5
leroyjenkens said:
Whichever one has the best chance of giving me one. Is there any requirements that you have to meet to get them? How did you do it?
If all you are saying is that you want the government to give you money, it isn't going to happen. What do you plan to do with that money? How will it benefit your nation? (You don't mention which government you mean.)
  • #6
Andy Resnick said:
Ugh-you have a lot of homework to do.

Each agency has it's own set of requirements. In addition, each agency will have multiple programs (mechanisms) aimed at different populations: graduate students, post-docs, faculty, collaborative efforts, small businesses, etc. etc.

You need to register at before you can do anything.

I wasn't sure if was legitimate. So I need to read that website?
If all you are saying is that you want the government to give you money, it isn't going to happen. What do you plan to do with that money? How will it benefit your nation? (You don't mention which government you mean.)
I posted in academic guidance, so I wanted to go to school with it. I wouldn't expect they would just hand out money to buy X-Boxes.
  • #7
leroyjenkens said:
I wasn't sure if was legitimate. So I need to read that website?

I posted in academic guidance, so I wanted to go to school with it. I wouldn't expect they would just hand out money to buy X-Boxes.

You mean you're looking for money to pay school fees? For undergraduate? In which country are you based?

The type of grants this thread has talked about thus-far are for academic research - that is, money from the government to pay academic staff and fund their research activities.
  • #8
Maybe this is obvious, but Ill still say it. To get money for your undergraduate education you need to fill out a FAFSA (free application for federal student aid). That is how the US federal govt. distributes grant money for education. However, from the tone and replies it seems like you may want the money to do some research, either at an undergrad or grad level?
  • #9
I'm American and going to college for the first time. A friend of mine said someone he knew got a grant to go to college, so I was wondering if I could do the same.
Or did I simply just hear something that wasn't true?
I understand they probably don't hand out money to just anyone, so maybe that person qualified for a grant under certain circumstances. I make about 14k a year, so I'm pretty poor, so I was hoping I could qualify.

Thanks for the replies.
  • #10
If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? The only reason I ask, is I know that I get grants out the a$$ and I have never even asked for one! The only thing I did was fill out my FAFSA at the website. The fact that I am >23 years old (actually, >>23 is more appropriate :redface:) gets me *a lot* more aid then if you are less than 23. For some reason, the US government does not consider you to be independent until you are over 23.

I get a couple of grants from the government and a couple from my school. Some are based solely on my income (or lack thereof) like the Pell grant and most of the others are based on my academic performance. All in all they pay for ~60-70% of my tuition, perhaps even more. Between grants, which you keep, and loans, which you have to pay back, my tuition is covered.

Start with your fafsa application. And also consider starting your 1st two years at a community college (do your research though to make sure ALL or almost all of your credits will transfer). I saved about $70k going that route and have no regrets about my community college.
  • #11
Saladsamurai said:
If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? The only reason I ask, is I know that I get grants out the a$$ and I have never even asked for one! The only thing I did was fill out my FAFSA at the website. The fact that I am >23 years old (actually, >>23 is more appropriate :redface:) gets me *a lot* more aid then if you are less than 23. For some reason, the US government does not consider you to be independent until you are over 23.

I get a couple of grants from the government and a couple from my school. Some are based solely on my income (or lack thereof) like the Pell grant and most of the others are based on my academic performance. All in all they pay for ~60-70% of my tuition, perhaps even more. Between grants, which you keep, and loans, which you have to pay back, my tuition is covered.

Start with your fafsa application. And also consider starting your 1st two years at a community college (do your research though to make sure ALL or almost all of your credits will transfer). I saved about $70k going that route and have no regrets about my community college.

I'm turning 27 in September.

So you suggest the FAFSA application? Any others?

Thanks for the reply.
  • #12
For your undergraduate education, the FAFSA is the way to go in terms of federal grants. Its how the vast majority of students get their grants and loans. You can also find scholarships and grants within your school or dept., but those take a little more work to find.
  • #13

FAQ: Get Government Grants: What to Know & How to Apply

1. What are government grants?

Government grants are financial awards given by federal, state, or local governments to individuals or organizations for specific purposes. These grants do not need to be repaid and are typically awarded for scientific, educational, or research projects that align with the government's priorities.

2. Who is eligible to apply for government grants?

Eligibility for government grants varies depending on the specific grant program. In general, individuals and organizations such as non-profits, universities, and small businesses may be eligible. Eligibility criteria may include factors such as the type of project, the intended use of the grant funds, and the applicant's qualifications.

3. How can I find government grants to apply for?

There are several resources available to find government grants, including, the official government website for finding and applying for federal grants. Additionally, state and local government websites may have information on grants available in their respective areas. It is also helpful to research specific agencies or departments that align with your project to see if they offer grants.

4. What is the application process for government grants?

The application process for government grants may vary depending on the grant program, but typically follows a similar structure. The first step is to thoroughly read the grant guidelines and determine if your project is a good fit. Then, you will need to register with the appropriate agency and complete the application form, providing detailed information about your project and budget. The application will also require supporting documents, such as a project proposal and budget justification.

5. How can I increase my chances of being awarded a government grant?

To increase your chances of being awarded a government grant, it is important to carefully follow the application guidelines and provide a thorough and well-written proposal. It can also be helpful to seek feedback from others, such as colleagues or mentors, before submitting your application. Additionally, demonstrating a clear need for the project and how it aligns with the government's priorities can strengthen your application.

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