Get the equation catenary using variational method

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of variational methods to solve the equation of a catenary. The integral for potential energy is set up with a constraint on the total length of the rope, and Lagrange multipliers are used to minimize the integral. However, there is confusion about where to place the constraint in the integrand and whether it is necessary to use Lagrange multipliers.
  • #1
I tried to solve the equation of catenary by variational method the other day. The integral we want to minimize is the potential energy:
[tex]U = \int_{{x_2}}^{{x_1}} {\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} } dx[/tex]
Then I got stuck at the constraint problem, and in this book,page55:, variational method&f=false"
It used the fact that the total length of the rope is constant:
[tex]l = \int_{{x_2}}^{{x_1}} {\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} } dx[/tex]
Then it just made use of lagrange multipliers,change the integral to
[tex]U + \lambda l = \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {(\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} } + \lambda \sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} )dx[/tex]
and minimized it.
I got confused here, when I learned lagrange multipliers in Lagrangian mechanics, if we want to minimize the action integral
[tex]I = \int_{{t_1}}^{{t_2}} L dt[/tex]
with a constraint g(x,y...)=constant, we change the integral to
[tex]I = \int_{{t_1}}^{{t_2}} {(L} + \lambda g)dt[/tex],
e.g.,the constraint's equation goes inside the integral you want to minimize, so why not in this catenary problem change the integral into
[tex]{U^*} = \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {(\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} } + \lambda l)dx = \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {(\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} } + \lambda \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {\sqrt {1 + y{'^2}} dx} )dx[/tex]
And if I do it in this way, I can't see how to solve it.
(edit: typo in the title: equation of catenary )
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  • #2
It looks like you got confused when adding the lagrange multiplier...

your third line in your post is correct. you must integrate with respect to dx of the lagrangian = L+lambda*g where the x in your constraint is the same x that you are integrating over.

in essence, you simply apply the euler-lagrange equations to the full lagrangian (with the constraint). You will arrive with a second order (or in this case, first order with a constant if you apply the second form of the euler-lagrange equations) differential equation with a solution that has two constants of integration, and one lagrange multiplier.

to solve for these three constants you must use the original constraint equation (g=constant) as well as your two initial conditions
  • #3
Em, I still don't get it. I tried to use varitional method by anology of what I learned in classical mechanics, If you want to minimize the integral with a constraint g=constant, then g must go into the integrand, but in this case isn't [tex]g= \int_{{x_2}}^{{x_1}} {\sqrt {1 + y{single-quote^2}} } dx[/tex] ? So why don't we put this integral as part of the integrand of U?
(Just in case of confusion, note g here is the equation of constrant not the acceleration constant)
  • #4
Seems that the latex output is messed up, the whole ysingle-quote thing is just y'.
  • #5
so let's think about it this way:

if we were to do this:

{U^*} = \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {(\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{\single-quote^2}} } + \lambda l)dx = \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {(\rho gy\sqrt {1 + y{single-quote^2}} } + \lambda \int_{{x_1}}^{{x_2}} {\sqrt {1 + y{single-quote^2}} dx} )dx

then, all we are really doing is adding a constant to our integral, which does nothing for us.

the way i think about it is... we are minimizing the action (integral of L), but we have a constraint... what we want to do is add something to the integrand which we know will integrate to 0, and then multiply it by a constant (your lagrange multiplier, lambda) so that when we minimize the functional, we are still minimizing the action, just requiring that our constraint is 0 when we do it.

as a result, since this is what is called a global constraint (as opposed to a local constraint), we simply add the two together (since the limits of integration are the same), and then subtract by the constant that we require g to be (this ends up vanishing when we minimize it, since it is just a constant)

does that help at all? I'm sorry if it doesn't I will write up something a little more rigorous with latex and all if i finish my work anytime soon...

edit: yeah, wow... something is wrong with the latex output
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  • #6
lstellyl said:
then, all we are really doing is adding a constant to our integral, which does nothing for us.

the way i think about it is... we are minimizing the action (integral of L), but we have a constraint... what we want to do is add something to the integrand which we know will integrate to 0, and then multiply it by a constant (your lagrange multiplier, lambda) so that when we minimize the functional, we are still minimizing the action, just requiring that our constraint is 0 when we do it.
I can see your point here, but isn't what you said still true if I put it in the intergrand?
lstellyl said:
as a result, since this is what is called a global constraint (as opposed to a local constraint), we simply add the two together (since the limits of integration are the same), and then subtract by the constant that we require g to be (this ends up vanishing when we minimize it, since it is just a constant)
I've no idea what a global constraint is, but I'll google it.
lstellyl said:
does that help at all? I'm sorry if it doesn't I will write up something a little more rigorous with latex and all if i finish my work anytime soon...
I believe we are making progress, and don't be sorry man, you are helping people.
  • #7
I don't understand why Lagrange multipliers are necessary. Why not take OP's first line and plug into Euler-Lagrange equations? You will end up getting a nonlinear 2nd order ODE that I don't know how to solve off the top of my head, but you can easily confirm that catenary is a solution.

Related to Get the equation catenary using variational method

1. What is the catenary equation?

The catenary equation is a mathematical equation that describes the shape of a hanging flexible chain or cable under the influence of gravity. It is a hyperbolic cosine function, given by y = a cosh(x/a), where a is a constant that determines the shape and size of the curve.

2. What is the variational method?

The variational method is a mathematical technique used to find the most optimal solution to a problem by minimizing a certain functional. In the case of the catenary equation, the variational method is used to find the equation that describes the shape of a hanging chain that minimizes its potential energy.

3. How is the catenary equation derived using the variational method?

The catenary equation can be derived using the principle of virtual work, where the potential energy of the hanging chain is minimized by considering small variations in its shape. This leads to a differential equation that can be solved using the variational method to find the equation of the catenary curve.

4. What are some real-world applications of the catenary equation?

The catenary equation has numerous real-world applications, such as in the design of suspension bridges, power lines, and suspension cables for elevators. It is also used in architecture to design arches and in physics to model the shape of a hanging rope or cable.

5. Are there any limitations to using the variational method to obtain the catenary equation?

The variational method assumes that the hanging chain is in equilibrium, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. It also assumes that the chain has a uniform density, which may not be accurate for all materials. Additionally, the method may not be applicable to more complex hanging structures with multiple chains or varying shapes.

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