Getting into data science from computational physics?

In summary, it is possible for those with a background in computational physics to transition into data science roles. This may be surprising, as many believe that experimentalists would be more suited for these roles due to their experience with data and data analysis. However, graduate studies in experimental physics often involve analyzing large data sets, and a physics degree teaches the ability to quickly learn new and difficult skills. Data science involves understanding database architecture, retrieving and analyzing data, and using advanced data mining techniques. It may be helpful for those interested in data science to start by learning SQL and experimenting with cloud data analytics. Data science also involves statistical analysis of high-dimensional data, making it a good fit for those with experience in computational physics. Organizing data and managing databases
  • #1
I'm currently working on a master's degree in physics where my project uses C++. I have read about how some physics phD's were able to get data scientist roles despite working on computational astrophysics. This is a little surprising to me since I thought experimentalists would be more suited to data science since they work with data and data analysis more than computationists.

If anyone here has gone from computational physics to data science, or know anyone who made the switch, can you explain how? Just go to kaggle and work on data sets?

Also, do companies only hire phD's for entry-level data scientist roles? With just a master's, if I can't get a data scientist role, what other similar jobs are available?
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  • #2
Where did you read that about moving from computational astrophysics to data science?
  • #3
Locrian said:
Where did you read that about moving from computational astrophysics to data science?

I browsed a few profiles of former computational astrophysics students (for example, by checking the 'previous students' of some profs) and read that they now work as data scientists
  • #4
Ah okay, was wondering if there was an article, etc. out there about it.

As far as I know, one does not typically obtain many of the requisite skills for handling or analyzing large data sets in astrophysics, experimental or otherwise. Of course, anyone who gets a physics degree hopefully picks up the ability to learn new and difficult things quickly and without much external help.

"Data scientist" is a pretty vague term that seems to mean different things to different people. As far as I can tell, it comes down to an understanding of database architecture, the skills needed to retrieve and analyze that data (SQL, SAS, Access, Excel, etc.) and some knowledge of more advanced data mining techniques.

SQL would be a very good place to start. Play around with some cloud data analytics and maybe some student versions of TOAD, SAS or other query platforms. Ultimately anyone who hires you will have their own (sometimes very unusual) process for data extraction and analysis, so be prepared to be flexible.
  • #5
Locrian said:
Ah okay, was wondering if there was an article, etc. out there about it.

As far as I know, one does not typically obtain many of the requisite skills for handling or analyzing large data sets in astrophysics, experimental or otherwise. Of course, anyone who gets a physics degree hopefully picks up the ability to learn new and difficult things quickly and without much external help.

From what I understand, that is only true for those who have completed an undergraduate degree in physics. Once you go further into graduate studies, particularly a PhD but even masters level studies, students in experimental areas of physics are expected to analyze large data sets as part of their research work. At least that is how it was explained to me by my friends who ended up pursuing graduate studies in physics.

"Data scientist" is a pretty vague term that seems to mean different things to different people. As far as I can tell, it comes down to an understanding of database architecture, the skills needed to retrieve and analyze that data (SQL, SAS, Access, Excel, etc.) and some knowledge of more advanced data mining techniques.

SQL would be a very good place to start. Play around with some cloud data analytics and maybe some student versions of TOAD, SAS or other query platforms. Ultimately anyone who hires you will have their own (sometimes very unusual) process for data extraction and analysis, so be prepared to be flexible.

"Data science" is as much involved with the statistical analysis of high-dimensional data that is generated in a variety of different areas (e.g. marketing data, sensor data from GIS, genomics/proteomics data, times series data of financial transactions, medical data, etc.) as understanding the underlying database architecture. Certainly understanding how to retrieve the data using SQL, SAS, or Access is important, but that is only a part of the piece. In essence, I regard "data science" as a fancy re-labelling of statistical analysis.
  • #6
Once you go further into graduate studies, particularly a PhD but even masters level studies, students in experimental areas of physics are expected to analyze large data sets as part of their research work.

So then how can students in computational physics get to analyze large data sets?
  • #7
StatGuy2000 said:
From what I understand, that is only true for those who have completed an undergraduate degree in physics. Once you go further into graduate studies, particularly a PhD but even masters level studies, students in experimental areas of physics are expected to analyze large data sets as part of their research work. At least that is how it was explained to me by my friends who ended up pursuing graduate studies in physics.

Hah yea, that is a good description of what they think.
  • #8
StatGuy2000 said:
...students in experimental areas of physics are expected to analyze large data sets as part of their research work.

Yes - that was one of my standard explanations when somebody asked how a physicist could transition into 'IT'. I worked on the optimization of the properties of thin films, thus varied different experimental parameters when manufacturing those films and then measured electrical and optical properties. Making sense of the effect of the impacts of experiments effectively meant navigating some area in a multi-dimensional space of parameters and properties .

Another thing, mundane as it was, was organizing data in a database and 'normalizing ambiguous data'. I learned about relational databases when trying to keep track of tons of STEM / TEM images and important findings, at that time usually documented only by hand-written comments in a lab notebook.
  • #9
A friend of mine did his PhD in computational biophysics and is currently doing a post-doc in bioinformatics. There may be a similar sort of strategy for you although nothing springs to mind.

Related to Getting into data science from computational physics?

1. What are the key skills needed to transition from computational physics to data science?

The key skills needed to transition from computational physics to data science include a strong foundation in programming languages such as Python or R, knowledge of databases and data manipulation, statistical analysis techniques, and machine learning algorithms. It is also helpful to have experience with data visualization and communication skills to effectively present insights from data.

2. How can I gain practical experience in data science if I have a background in computational physics?

One way to gain practical experience in data science is to participate in online courses or bootcamps that focus on data science skills. You can also work on personal projects using datasets related to your field of interest. Networking with professionals in the data science field and seeking mentorship or internships can also provide valuable experience.

3. Are there any specific resources or tools that can help me transition into data science from computational physics?

There are many online resources and tools available for learning data science skills, such as Coursera, DataCamp, and Kaggle. These platforms offer a wide range of courses, tutorials, and projects to help you develop and practice your data science skills. Additionally, learning programming languages like Python or R and familiarizing yourself with data analysis tools like Excel or Tableau can be helpful.

4. How can I showcase my skills in data science during a job search with a background in computational physics?

One way to showcase your skills in data science is to create a portfolio that highlights your projects and demonstrates your proficiency in programming languages, data manipulation, and statistical analysis. You can also contribute to open-source projects or participate in data science competitions to showcase your skills and build your credibility as a data scientist.

5. What are some common career paths for individuals with a background in computational physics interested in data science?

Individuals with a background in computational physics can pursue various career paths in data science, such as data analyst, data scientist, machine learning engineer, or data engineer. They can also apply their skills in fields such as finance, healthcare, or technology, where data analysis and interpretation are crucial for decision-making.

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