Getting Started with Arduino: Tips and Suggestions for Beginners

In summary, electrical engineering student wants to get some experience with Arduino next summer. He is buying components and looking for tips.
  • #1
Hello guys!

i am electrical & electronic engineering, 2nd year (almost done) hopfully 3rd year in the upcoming term after summer, and i chose my modules for next year but i haven't taken any computing or microprocessors module as I am really bad with them, but I am buying an arduino next week and i ll practise in the summer because next year we will have a year 3 project and the topics are randomly given so just in case if i get a topic where i will have to programme or build and stuff, i ll defo need an arduino i assume.
so I want to get some experience with it in the summer, it will be like my toy.. :P
but i was wondering can anyone suggest me what components or parts should i buy with it? i mean I am definiteling buying loads of extra resistors and capacitors and transistors blah blah because I am really not good with wiring things on the board as well.
my friend suggested me to buy things like ultrasonic sensor, relay ISO, LCD touchscreen, temperature sensor, dc motor and stepper motor but to be frank i don't have much clue on how i ll use them, but still i want to buy and watch videos and try and so amybe i can learn a bit... Can someone suggest me some cool tips on what to buy please... considering I am really beginning to this.
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  • #2
Look at the project descriptions and videos and buy what you need to do a project that strikes your fancy. Once you decide on a project, you can shop the various kits that contain the components you need, or ask again here.

There are many different starter kits. Read the reviews though. for example
  • #3
Thanks for your reply.
Yeah I don't know the lsit of topics available at the moment. I will have an access to see them after August, but as I said, since I am really bad in programming and wiring stuff up, I wanted to buy and practise to get ahead of something at least. Thats why :)
  • #4
IMO just playing with them will not yield good results, look around for a simple project and just get the components you need for that project ( a few spares if the component can be damaged - like LEDs for example) - the basics for Arduino can be learned with a Potientiometer, LEDs and an 16x2 LCD display, not mentioned much but get a few NPN switching Transistors and brush up on driving circuits ( i.e. the Arduino can "drive" a few LEDs or load from it's own pins, but larger loads ( 10 LEDS for example ) need an intermediate circuit.. The basic IDE includes a number of examples, it is easy however to hook up the example, "get it to work" and not really learn much unless you then fiddle with the code ( break it then fix it) - then combine three or four of the basic elements to make a larger system. After that it may be difficult to stick to a larger project unless you are interested in it. -- for example I am making a self-watering planter, and a single phase AC inverter.

Also for items like the Ultrasonic Sensor - it will rely on libraries (well so does the 16x2 LCD - but managing text output is important to learn early) - if you just want to use the sensor that is fine, but trying to learn how this device is utilized is more tedious. The libraries are all open source, and you can play with the libraries as well - but the complexity goes up dramatically if you do not have a good handle on setting up and managing the Arduino's code to start with.

Also a number of projects at -- as for code practice I recently found this :

As for the course work - is there any way to look at the previous years projects ( from the students 1 and 2 years ahead of you) - if you can find a few and study them ahead of time it may provide some guidance.
  • #5
I agree with Windadct completely. You really need to decide on a specific project that interests you. That is part of the learning process --- defining a project and then making it happen.
You will start with the basics no matter what in order to learn the flow (how to design, program, compile, load, execute, debug).
Toggle an LED with an input button. Or count input presses and display the result in binary with a few LEDs.
That will teach you the critical steps of Input, Output, and switch debounce.

But, once you take that first step you will be amazed how simple it all is. So, gear up for something moderate that interests you, and make it happen.

If you just play around, you *may* have fun, but it is more likely you will get frustrated. It may seem daunting now, but it is actually pretty simple once you can make a button toggle an LED.

FAQ: Getting Started with Arduino: Tips and Suggestions for Beginners

1. What is the difference between Arduino and other microcontrollers?

Arduino is a popular open-source microcontroller platform that is easy to use and has a large community of users. It is based on a simple, user-friendly programming language, making it ideal for beginners. Other microcontrollers may have different programming languages and interfaces, and may require more technical knowledge to use.

2. How can I troubleshoot common issues with my Arduino?

If you are having trouble with your Arduino, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, make sure all connections are secure and the correct components are being used. Next, check the code for any errors or bugs. Finally, consult online resources or forums for solutions to common issues or reach out to the Arduino community for assistance.

3. What are some tips for optimizing my Arduino projects?

To optimize your Arduino projects, it is important to carefully plan and design your circuit and code. Use efficient coding techniques, minimize the use of delay() functions, and consider using external libraries to save on memory usage. Additionally, make sure to use the appropriate power source and avoid overloading the microcontroller with too many components.

4. Can I use Arduino for commercial or industrial projects?

Arduino is primarily designed for hobby and educational use, but it can also be used for commercial and industrial projects. However, it may not be suitable for all applications as it has some limitations in terms of processing power, memory, and reliability. It is important to thoroughly test and evaluate the reliability and robustness of your project before using Arduino in a commercial or industrial setting.

5. How can I make my Arduino projects more interactive and responsive?

There are several ways to make your Arduino projects more interactive and responsive. One option is to use sensors and input devices, such as buttons and switches, to allow for user input. Another option is to use external displays or LEDs to provide feedback to the user. Additionally, consider using interrupts and timers in your code to improve the responsiveness of your project.
