Gibbs free energy for superconductor in intermediate state

In summary: The Gibbs free energy in the intermediate state can be written as:$$G(Ha) = Vgs(0)+\frac{V\mu_{o}H_{c}}{2n}[H_{a}(2-\frac{H_{a}}{H_{c}})-H_{c}(1-n))]$$where $V$ is the volume of the sample and $H_{a}(2-\frac{H_{a}}{H_{c}})$ and $H_{c}(1-n)$ are the concentrations of the superconductor in the normal and superconducting
  • #1
Homework Statement
derive Gibbs free energy for superconductor in intermediate state
Relevant Equations
G(Ha) = G(0)-u0 ∫MdHa
hi guys
I am trying to derive the Gibbs free energy for a superconductor in the intermediate state , the book(Introduction to Superconductivity by A.C. Rose-Innes) just stated the equation as its :
G(Ha) = Vgs(0)+\frac{V\mu_{o}H_{c}}{2n}[H_{a}(2-\frac{H_{a}}{H_{c}})-H_{c}(1-n))]
I am not sure how he got there, i tried to evaluate that from the integral :
$$G(Ha) = G(0)-\int_{0}^{Ha}\mu_{o}MdHa$$
where M is the magnetic moment, i multiplied end divided the right hand side by V and got
$$G(Ha) = Vgs(0)-\mu_{o}V\int_{0}^{Ha}IdHa$$
where I is the magnetization, and since in the intermediate state ##I = (\eta-1)H_{c}##, and the limits for the integral would be , (1-n)Hc to Hc
$$G(Ha) = Vgs(0)-\mu_{o}V\int_{Hc}^{(1-n)Hc}(\eta-1)H_{c}dHa$$
I am not sure that this is the correct approach , beside how does he still has Ha inside that expression after evaluating the integral ?
i will appreciate any hint , thanks in advance
Physics news on
  • #2
A:In the intermediate state, you have two types of regions in the superconductor: normal and superconducting. The normal regions are demagnetized and contain no supercurrents. In the superconducting regions, the magnetic field is completely expelled due to the Meissner effect. This excludes the type of integration you suggested, since magnetization in the superconducting regions is zero.The solution of the problem lies in considering that the London equations are satisfied in both regions. The London equations hold a relation between the parallel and perpendicular components of the magnetic field:$$H_\perp = \lambda_L^{-2}J_\parallel,$$where $\lambda_L$ is the London penetration depth and $J_\parallel$ is the parallel component of total supercurrent density.The total supercurrent density is the sum of the two contributions coming from the normal ($J_{\parallel,n}$) and superconducting ($J_{\parallel,s}$) regions and it is required to be constant throughout the sample. Therefore, we can write:$$J_{\parallel} = J_{\parallel,n} + J_{\parallel,s} = const$$The parallel component of the supercurrent in the normal region is determined by the normal conductivity of the material and the applied field, while in the superconducting region is determined by the applied field and the critical field:$$J_{\parallel,n} = \frac{\mu_0 \sigma H_a}{2}, \qquad J_{\parallel,s} = \frac{\mu_0 H_c^2}{2 H_a} \left ( n - \frac{H_a}{H_c}\right )$$The Gibbs free energy is proportional to the volume of the sample. The contribution from the normal region is given by the product of the volume fraction and the free energy difference between the normal and superconducting states:$$G(H_a) = V \left ( g_s - g_n \right )$$where $V$ is the volume of the sample, $g_s$ and $g_n$ the Gibbs free energy per unit volume in the superconducting and normal states, respectively. The difference between $g_s

FAQ: Gibbs free energy for superconductor in intermediate state

What is Gibbs free energy and how does it relate to superconductors in the intermediate state?

Gibbs free energy is a thermodynamic quantity that measures the amount of energy available for a system to do work. In the context of superconductors in the intermediate state, it represents the energy required to create a pair of electrons in the superconducting state. This energy is known as the superconducting energy gap and is a crucial factor in understanding the behavior of superconductors.

How does the Gibbs free energy change in the intermediate state compared to the normal and superconducting states?

In the normal state, the Gibbs free energy is at its highest value as the system is not in a superconducting state and therefore requires more energy to create a pair of electrons. In the superconducting state, the Gibbs free energy is at its lowest value as the system is already in a superconducting state and no additional energy is needed to create a pair of electrons. In the intermediate state, the Gibbs free energy is in between the values of the normal and superconducting states.

How does the Gibbs free energy affect the critical temperature of a superconductor in the intermediate state?

The Gibbs free energy plays a crucial role in determining the critical temperature of a superconductor in the intermediate state. As the temperature of the system increases, the Gibbs free energy also increases. At the critical temperature, the Gibbs free energy reaches a maximum value and any further increase in temperature will cause the system to transition to the normal state.

Can the Gibbs free energy be used to predict the behavior of a superconductor in the intermediate state?

Yes, the Gibbs free energy can be used to predict the behavior of a superconductor in the intermediate state. By analyzing the changes in Gibbs free energy at different temperatures, scientists can determine the critical temperature of the system and make predictions about its behavior in the intermediate state.

Are there any practical applications of understanding the Gibbs free energy in superconductors in the intermediate state?

Yes, understanding the Gibbs free energy in superconductors in the intermediate state has important practical applications. It can help in the development of more efficient superconductors and in predicting the behavior of these materials at different temperatures. This knowledge can also be applied in the design of superconducting devices such as MRI machines and particle accelerators.
