Gibb's phase rule degrees of freedom

In summary: Thank you for clarifying!In summary, Gibb's Phase rule is a visual way of explaining how there are 2 degrees of freedom when there are 1 phase and one component. He also shows how there are 3 phases at the triple point, and explains that having zero degrees of freedom breaks down when there are 2 phases.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am watching this video to try and better understand Gibb's Phase rule

The part of interest starts at 4:30

I like that he is using a visual to explain, which is very helpful. When there is 1 phase and one component, there are 2 degrees of freedom. This means two variables can be changed. This is clear when he shows the gas phase of the P-T diagram where changing either the temperature or pressure remains in the same region as a gas.

He also shows when there are 3 phases, which is at the triple point, you have zero degrees of freedom. He shows the triple point on the P-T diagram, and if you change the either the temperature or pressure, you will no longer be at the triple point, hence will not have 3 phases.

What seems to break down for me is when there are 2 phases. Thus there is one degree of freedom. He shows the line between the liquid and gas phase, and seems to justify that you can change either P or T, but not both, and you will still have two phases. However, when I look at it, it seems like if you change either P or T, then you will leave that gas/liquid phase line. It seems like you would need to change P and T precisely to remain on the line, thus having 2 degrees of freedom.
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  • #2
Maylis said:
I am watching this video to try and better understand Gibb's Phase rule

The part of interest starts at 4:30

I like that he is using a visual to explain, which is very helpful. When there is 1 phase and one component, there are 2 degrees of freedom. This means two variables can be changed. This is clear when he shows the gas phase of the P-T diagram where changing either the temperature or pressure remains in the same region as a gas.

He also shows when there are 3 phases, which is at the triple point, you have zero degrees of freedom. He shows the triple point on the P-T diagram, and if you change the either the temperature or pressure, you will no longer be at the triple point, hence will not have 3 phases.

What seems to break down for me is when there are 2 phases. Thus there is one degree of freedom. He shows the line between the liquid and gas phase, and seems to justify that you can change either P or T, but not both, and you will still have two phases. However, when I look at it, it seems like if you change either P or T, then you will leave that gas/liquid phase line. It seems like you would need to change P and T precisely to remain on the line, thus having 2 degrees of freedom.

You can also think about degrees of freedom as telling you something about the "space" that can be occupied on a P-T phase diagram.

DoF = 2 ==> two dimensions. You are in the area between bounding lines in the T,P phase diagram. You can have lots of different T's and P's (you can vary both T and P at the same time, and still remain in the one-phase region)
DoF = 0 ==> zero dimensions. You are at a single point. The triple point. There is only one T and one P that will work. Zero Degrees of freedom (you can't vary T, or P)
DoF = 1 ==> one dimesnion. You are on one of the lines. A coexistence curve. For any T (there are many that are possible), there is only one P. One degree of freedom. (You can vary T, but then you are stuck with one P for any given T. Conversely, you can vary P, but then you are stuck with a single T for any given P.)
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  • #3
Ok that makes sense, that was what I was starting to think after I wrote my OP.

Related to Gibb's phase rule degrees of freedom

1. What is the Gibb's phase rule and how does it relate to degrees of freedom?

The Gibb's phase rule is a thermodynamic principle that describes the relationship between the number of phases in a system, the number of components present, and the degrees of freedom (independent variables) that can be varied without changing the number of phases. This rule can be expressed mathematically as F = C - P + 2, where F is the degrees of freedom, C is the number of components, and P is the number of phases.

2. Why is the Gibb's phase rule important in chemistry and materials science?

The Gibb's phase rule is important because it helps us understand and predict the behavior of complex systems, such as chemical reactions and phase transitions. It also allows us to determine the conditions under which a system will be in equilibrium, and to calculate the number of phases that can coexist at a given temperature and pressure.

3. How does the Gibb's phase rule change for systems with more than three components?

The Gibb's phase rule can be extended to systems with more than three components by using the same equation F = C - P + 2, but with the addition of a term for each additional component. For example, a system with four components would have an equation of F = C - P + 3.

4. Can the Gibb's phase rule be applied to non-equilibrium systems?

No, the Gibb's phase rule only applies to systems that are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Non-equilibrium systems, such as those undergoing rapid chemical reactions, do not follow the same rules and cannot be described using the Gibb's phase rule.

5. How is the Gibb's phase rule used in practical applications?

The Gibb's phase rule is used in a variety of practical applications, including materials science, chemical engineering, and food science. It is used to design and optimize processes, such as chemical reactions and phase transitions, and to determine the stability and behavior of materials under different conditions.

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