Given a group action from G to G/H, show that N(H)/H is isomorphic to G/H

  • Thread starter potmobius
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In summary, we have shown that there exists an isomorphism between Aut(G/H) and N(H)/H, where Aut(G/H) is the set of G-equivariant bijections f:G/H -> G/H. This is shown by defining a map f' from Aut(G/H) to N(H)/H, and proving that it is well-defined, bijective, and a homomorphism. Therefore, f' is an isomorphism.
  • #1

Homework Statement

G is a group, H is a subgroup of G, G acts on G/H in the standard manner, and N(H) is the normalizer of H in G. Show that there is an isomorphism between Aut(G/H) and N(H)/H, where Aut(G/H) is the set of G-equivariant bijections f:G/H -> G/H

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know from a previous theorem that there exists an isomorphism from Aut(X) to X, so here its only necessary to prove that G/H and N(H)/H are isomorphic. Since G is the entire group in this case, it is also a normal group that contains H. So it can potentially be N(H). But I don't how to to guarantee an isomorphism.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. Here is a possible solution to your problem:

First, let's define the map f: Aut(G/H) -> N(H)/H as follows: for any f in Aut(G/H), we define f': G/H -> G/H as f'(gH) = f(g)H. In other words, f' is just the restriction of f to the cosets of H in G. We claim that f' is well-defined and an isomorphism.

To see that f' is well-defined, note that for any gH in G/H, we have (gh)H = g(HhH) = gH, since H is a subgroup of G. This means that the value of f' on gH only depends on the coset gH and not on the representative g.

Next, we show that f' is a bijection. To see this, let f' be an element of Aut(G/H). Then for any gH in G/H, we have f'(gH) = gH, since f' is an automorphism. This means that f' is surjective. To see that f' is injective, suppose that f'(gH) = f'(g'H) for some gH, g'H in G/H. Then f(g)H = f(g')H, which means that f(g') = f(g)h for some h in H. But since f is an automorphism, this means that g' = gh for some h in H, so g'H = (gh)H = gH. Therefore, f' is injective.

Finally, we show that f' is a homomorphism. To see this, let f', g' be elements of Aut(G/H). Then for any gH in G/H, we have (f'g')(gH) = f'(gH) = f(g)H = f'(gH), since gH is a coset of H and f' is an automorphism. Therefore, f'g' = f'g, which shows that f' is a homomorphism.

Thus, we have shown that f' is a well-defined, bijective, and homomorphism from Aut(G/H) to N(H)/H. Therefore, f' is an isomorphism, as desired.

I hope this helps. Let me know

FAQ: Given a group action from G to G/H, show that N(H)/H is isomorphic to G/H

1. What is a group action?

A group action is a way of combining elements from a group with elements from a set to produce another element from the same set. It is a mathematical concept that helps us understand how groups behave and interact with other structures.

2. What does G/H mean in the given context?

In this context, G/H represents the set of cosets of the subgroup H in the group G. It is a way of partitioning the group G into smaller, disjoint sets, where each set contains elements that are related to each other through left multiplication by elements of H.

3. How is N(H)/H related to G/H in the given group action?

N(H)/H is the set of cosets of the normalizer of H in G, which is a subgroup of G. By showing that N(H)/H is isomorphic to G/H, we are essentially showing that the normalizer of H in G is a subgroup of G that has the same structure as the set of cosets of H in G.

4. What does it mean for two groups to be isomorphic?

Two groups are isomorphic if there exists a bijective homomorphism between them. This means that the two groups have the same structure, even if their elements might be different. In the given context, showing that N(H)/H is isomorphic to G/H means that they have the same structure and can be thought of as the same group in terms of their group actions.

5. Why is proving the isomorphism between N(H)/H and G/H important in the given group action?

Proving the isomorphism between N(H)/H and G/H is important because it helps us understand the relationship between the normalizer of H in G and the set of cosets of H in G. It also allows us to simplify and generalize the given group action, making it easier to apply to other problems in group theory.

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