Global System matrix assembly with different elements.

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility and consistency of composing a global system matrix with different finite element method (FEM) elements such as frame, plane, shell, and solid. The issue lies in the different degrees of freedom and shape functions at the faces or edges of the elements, which can lead to inconsistencies and affect the load transfer between elements. While these inconsistencies may not always impact the results, sub-structuring or using compatible elements is recommended. The conversation also mentions the use of software (Catia, Solid, etc.) for discretization and the importance of considering the practical implications of joining incompatible elements in a model.
  • #1
Hi all,

I would like to know if its possible and consistent to compose the global system matrix with different FEM elements such as frame, plane, shell solid etc... Theoritically all of them will have the same DOF per node just only comprising the local matrix will differ. And as long as we solve the linear algebraic systems with any methods that shouldnit do any harm at all.

Your comments will be appreciated.

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  • #2
There is no mathematical or numerical problems with this. The problem is what the results of the model mean. The issue is not so much different degrees of freedom but different shape functions at the faces or edges of the elements that are joined.

If the shape functions are different, the assembled structure will have cracks or overlaps when it deforms. That means the load transfer between the elements is inconsistent in some way.

Elements with different DOFs at the nodes will have different shape functions almost by definition, but doing something like joining several low-order elements to one higher-order element is also inconsistent.

Sometimes the results will still converge to the continuum mechanics solution in spite of the inconsistencies, but that is not guaranteed. You can sometimes make an arm-waving argument using St Venant's principle and say the errors are only local to where the incompatible elements join and don't affect the results elsewhere, but IMO you really need to do a numerical study to confirm that before you believe it.
  • #3
Thanks for that valuable post, as usual.

The thing you said really has made me pondered for a while, because I almost thought that I'm at "voila". What you said is really coherent and absolutely makes sense.
So, does that mean that I have no option left other than sub-structuring the whole structure, compound etcc ?

I also wonder, what kind of techniques are using nowadays s/w(Catia, Solid, etcc) for that discretization phase? Could you shed some light on that, as well?

Best Regards,
  • #4
Ronankeating said:
So, does that mean that I have no option left other than sub-structuring the whole structure, compound etcc ?

No, people make models joining incompatible elements quite often. You just have to think whether the way you are using the model is sensible.

For eaxmple, think about an object modeled with elements with only translation variables, and mounted on some pillars modeled with beams including rotation variables.

When you assemble the complete model, the joints are effectively pinned not built-in, because the rotation variable at the end of the each pillar isn't connected to anything else and can take any value it wants.

If that is a reasonable (conservative) assumption, you don't have a problem. If not, you need to add something to the model to constrain the rotation somehow.
  • #5

I would like to address this question by saying that it is indeed possible to compose a global system matrix with different FEM elements. Theoretically, as long as the elements have the same degrees of freedom per node, the global matrix can be assembled without any issues. The local matrices for each element may differ, but as long as the linear algebraic systems are solved correctly, there should be no problems. This approach can actually provide more flexibility in modeling complex structures and can be a useful tool in many engineering and scientific applications. Of course, it is important to carefully consider the compatibility and consistency of the different elements used in order to ensure accurate results. Overall, the use of different FEM elements in the global system matrix assembly can be a valuable technique in the field of numerical analysis.

FAQ: Global System matrix assembly with different elements.

1. What is global system matrix assembly?

Global system matrix assembly is the process of constructing a matrix that represents the governing equations of a physical system. This matrix is used to solve the equations numerically and obtain a solution to the system.

2. What are the elements used in global system matrix assembly?

The elements used in global system matrix assembly can vary depending on the specific physical system being modeled. They can include material properties, geometric properties, boundary conditions, and other factors that affect the behavior of the system.

3. How do you assemble a global system matrix with different elements?

To assemble a global system matrix with different elements, the individual element matrices are first constructed using the properties of each element. These element matrices are then combined together to form the global system matrix using a specific assembly procedure.

4. Why is global system matrix assembly important in scientific research?

Global system matrix assembly is important because it allows scientists to model and analyze complex physical systems in a numerical way. This enables them to gain a better understanding of the behavior of these systems and make predictions about their performance under different conditions.

5. What are the challenges of global system matrix assembly?

One of the main challenges of global system matrix assembly is the complexity and time-consuming nature of the process. As the number of elements and degrees of freedom in the system increases, the size of the matrix also increases, making it more difficult to solve. In addition, accurately capturing all the relevant factors and interactions in the system can be a challenging task.

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