Glueball with a mass of a neutron star

In summary, the new scientist article from July 15, 2017 discusses the concept of boson stars, objects with the size and mass of stars but composed of bosons, and how they could potentially mimic black holes. The article also mentions the possibility of a supermassive boson star at the center of the Milky Way. However, the idea of a star composed solely of gluons is not feasible as the gluons would quickly decay into other particles. Additionally, the concept of black holes being boson stars is a speculative idea and not widely accepted in the scientific community.
  • #1
new scientist July 15, 2017 current issue has article on boson stars, objects with the size and mass of stars, but composed of bosons. boson stars could mimic black holes.

that got me thinking.

if you had glueballs gravitational bound and the size and mass of a neutron star - or even larger - would it be stable as neutron stars are stable?

what would a star composed solely of gluons theoretical properties be?

could a boson star composed solely of gluons mimic a black hole?
Physics news on
  • #2
This is nonsense, I'm afraid. It's like asking about an "electron with a mass of a neutron star".
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
This is nonsense, I'm afraid. It's like asking about an "electron with a mass of a neutron star".

boson stars is a professionally researched theoretical concept

new scientist latest issue describes physicists attempts to locate boson stars
boson stars may be black holes

what are the properties of a boson star composed solely of gluons
  • #4
And my cat's name is Mittens. None of what you wrote in message 3 follows what you wrote in message 1.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #5
i was alluding this article on new scientist


12 July 2017

When is a black hole not a black hole? When it’s a boson star
Astronomers are confident they know what the mysterious massive object at the Milky Way’s heart is – but our first direct view this year could bring a shock

By Stuart Clark

FASCINATING, bamboozling, vaguely terrifying: black holes are the love-to-hate monsters of the universe. These insatiable cosmic cannibals are concrete predictions of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the best theory of gravity we have. Even so, theorists long debated whether they could exist – until astronomers saw the first signs of them. Now we see black hole paw prints all over: in huge stars collapsing in on themselves, in distant collisions of massive objects that set the universe quivering, and in the dark hearts of galaxies including our own.
This year, we should have the clincher: the first direct image of the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s centre. But as we gear up for that shadowy mugshot, some physicists are entertaining a maverick thought: what if it isn’t there?

The new word is that our obsession with black holes might have blinded us to the existence of something even stranger – a basic phenomenon of particle physics whose significance we have failed to grasp. After all, there’s good reason to want whatever is at our galaxy’s heart not to be a black hole. For a start, black holes make a nonsense of quantum mechanics, the best theory of everything-besides-gravity that we have.

It is a speculative idea as yet, to be sure, but there are sound reasons to contemplate it. “We scientists tend to be completely arrogant about what we think we know,” says theorist Luciano Rezzolla of the Frankfurt Institute

a boson star, as in a star made of gluons
  • #6
The word "gluon" appears nowhere in your excerpt. Neither does the word "glueball".

To form a question, you need to do more than assemble scientific-sounding words in some order. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
  • #7
We have no idea what happens to matter that falls into a black hole, other than that it unlikely to stay together as atoms.
  • #8
If you somehow had a "gluestar" made of nothing but gluons, the gluons should immediately form quark-antiquark pairs that recombine as mesons (pions, etc) - this is how ordinary glueballs are predicted to decay - and then the meson gas should produce baryons and antibaryons too, which will proceed to annihilate into photons. So your gluestar should rapidly become a boiling matter-antimatter mix in which almost all its mass-energy is eventually radiated away as photons. Unless I've missed something important...
  • #9
mitchell porter said:
If you somehow had a "gluestar" made of nothing but gluons, the gluons should immediately form quark-antiquark pairs that recombine as mesons (pions, etc) - this is how ordinary glueballs are predicted to decay - and then the meson gas should produce baryons and antibaryons too, which will proceed to annihilate into photons. So your gluestar should rapidly become a boiling matter-antimatter mix in which almost all its mass-energy is eventually radiated away as photons. Unless I've missed something important...

could a very strong gravitational field prevent this?
  • #10
kodama said:
could a very strong gravitational field prevent this?
Photons from quark-antiquark annihilation will get away unless it's a black hole.

Anyway, there's no opportunity for a pure gluon star to form in the first place, only a "quark-and-gluon star", and that would become a neutron star or black hole.
  • #11
mitchell porter said:
Photons from quark-antiquark annihilation will get away unless it's a black hole.

Anyway, there's no opportunity for a pure gluon star to form in the first place, only a "quark-and-gluon star", and that would become a neutron star or black hole.

one interpretation of black holes offered by physicists in the new scientist article is that black holes are boson stars. a bose-einstein condensate of bosons. gluons are one example of bosons. the article suggests that the center of the milky way is a super massive boson star, and there are some predictions as to what will be observed
  • #12
As the entire thread is based on pop science, I will close it here.

Related to Glueball with a mass of a neutron star

1. What is a "Glueball with a mass of a neutron star"?

A glueball with a mass of a neutron star refers to a hypothetical particle made up solely of gluons, which are the subatomic particles responsible for holding quarks together. This particle would have a mass similar to that of a neutron star, which is a collapsed star with an incredibly high density.

2. How is a glueball with a mass of a neutron star different from a regular glueball?

A regular glueball is also a hypothetical particle made up of only gluons, but it has a much smaller mass compared to a neutron star glueball. The mass of a glueball with the mass of a neutron star would be approximately 10^20 times greater.

3. Why is it important to study glueballs with a mass of a neutron star?

Studying this type of glueball could provide valuable insights into the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for holding atomic nuclei together. It could also help us better understand the properties of neutron stars, which are still not fully understood.

4. Is there any evidence for the existence of glueballs with a mass of a neutron star?

Currently, there is no concrete evidence for the existence of this type of glueball. However, some theoretical models predict their existence and efforts are being made to detect them through experiments.

5. How could we potentially detect a glueball with a mass of a neutron star?

One potential way to detect a glueball with a mass of a neutron star is through high-energy particle collisions, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider. Another method could be through the observation of the effects of these particles on the behavior of neutron stars.

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