God, is he perfect? And why did he create us?

  • Thread starter jlorino
  • Start date
In summary, the author thinks that God exists, and that there is controversy surrounding why He created humans. They think that something had to create reality, and that Lucifer was one of God's right-hand-angels. They think that man was created out of spite, and that the events from the story of Adam and Eve suggest that we were not created by God. They think that the creator of this universe might not be a large, hairless male ape, and that the supreme creator might have a sense of humor.
  • #1
Alright these are the things I think about at night before I go to bed. Not saying they are right just saying think about it.

God exists, it's logic. Something, some being, had to create reality. The contraversy in my mind is why he created us and His mind set or anatomy. When things were "perfect", and I am using what I know from the Bible, Lucifer was God's right-hand-angel. Lucifer thought he could do God's job. So he brought this idea to God and God liking Lucifer so much gave him a chance to forget about it. Lucifer said no he could be God. So God banished him along with 1/3 of the follower angels. Lucifer still believed that he could be God. So God said to him, "I'll show you how great I am," and he created man. And Lucifer responed by tempting them and getting them to betray God. These events infer that we were created out of spite. These events also might challenge the perfectness of God. God is suppose to be perfect and logic suggests that something so corrupt as man cannot spawn from something so perfect. Another is something so perfect as God cannot create something so evil in nature and something that will betray Him. Something interesting about the story of Adam and Eve is the "Tree of Knowledge". It is very interesting how the tree that they were banned from is call that. God limited what we know because we might figure something out that he did not want us to know. We were created in the image of God and He is suppose to be perfect and we are not. Does that not suggest that God might not be?

Alright I'm putting that out there, please have an open mind and consider this carfully and get back to me on what you think about that.
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  • #2
We weren't created, we evolved. Even if we were intentionally mutated into being by a user of our species, we came from tissue that evolved, or the manipulator came from some evolutionary process.

As far as our Creation goes, we evolved.

If there were a supreme creator of this universe, or multiverse, the supreme creator would not have the sexual characteristics of large hairless male ape, unless the creator had a huge sense of humor.

Sometimes my daughter's Schnauzer catches his reflection in the glass that covers a picture that has been sitting at floor level for a while. I wonder if he thinks he is seeing a godlike dog, or if he wonders if god is a male schnauzer?
  • #3
Please see our policies on religious discussions.

FAQ: God, is he perfect? And why did he create us?

1. Is God really perfect?

This is a complex question that has been debated among theologians and philosophers for centuries. While many religions believe that God is perfect and all-powerful, others argue that perfection is subjective and cannot be attributed to a divine being. Ultimately, the concept of perfection may differ depending on one's beliefs and perspectives.

2. If God is perfect, why did he create imperfection?

Some believe that God created imperfection as a test for humans to overcome and grow spiritually. Others argue that imperfection is necessary for humans to truly understand and appreciate perfection. Ultimately, the reason for God's creation of imperfection is not explicitly stated and may be beyond human understanding.

3. Why did God create humans?

There are many interpretations and beliefs about why God created humans. Some believe that humans were created to serve and worship God, while others see humans as partners in co-creating and maintaining the world. Ultimately, the reason for human creation may vary depending on one's religious or philosophical beliefs.

4. Is there a purpose to our existence?

This question is closely tied to the previous one, and similarly, there is no definitive answer. Some believe that humans have a specific purpose or destiny ordained by God, while others see life as a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. Ultimately, the purpose of our existence may be subjective and open to individual interpretation.

5. How do we know that God is perfect?

This is a question that may have differing answers depending on one's beliefs. Some may point to religious texts and teachings as evidence of God's perfection, while others may argue that perfection is a matter of faith and cannot be proven. Ultimately, the belief in God's perfection may require some level of faith and personal interpretation.

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