God's Plan vs Virgin Mary: An Interesting Music Night

In summary, the conversation discussed a music night with a group of fundamental pentecostal families where they sang pop songs and devotional songs. The topic of a virgin Mary devotional song caused some controversy as pentecostals do not believe in the concept of virgin birth. The conversation also touched on the pentecostal belief in a cosmic Jewish Zombie and the poster's experience with dating a pentecostal. The conversation was then closed due to going against religious posting guidelines.
  • #1
Happened to go to a group of fundamental pentecostal families for a music night, where we spent the evening singing pop songs. We were singing a few devotional songs too, as expected. I randomly sang a virgin Mary devotional song, and everyone started looking at me as if I spoke some profanity. It was kind of interesting to watch how people are fine with killing each other in a war (since it's God's plan), but gets easily offended by mentioning virgin Mary's name.
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  • #2
I think that she is more of a catholic thing. They seem less bothered by hints of idolatry. I am not familiar enough to know if there as any particular reason pentecostals would have an issue with it.
  • #3
What's a pentecostal? 5 costals?
  • #4
jobyts said:
Happened to go to a group of fundamental pentecostal families for a music night, where we spent the evening singing pop songs. We were singing a few devotional songs too, as expected. I randomly sang a virgin Mary devotional song, and everyone started looking at me as if I spoke some profanity. It was kind of interesting to watch how people are fine with killing each other in a war (since it's God's plan), but gets easily offended by mentioning virgin Mary's name.

Yeah pentecostal people HATE catholics because they pray requesting virgin mary to 'forward' the message to god.
  • #5
I think a pentecostal would have issue with the use of the word "virgin" spoken in a song. It emplies sex (or a lack of it). Also they really don't like catholics...

Now if it had been an old Christmas song instead of a pop song they probably would not have had any issues. Also did you just say "virgin Mary" or did you say something about her that could be taken as disrespectful.

I dated a pentecostal briefly. That was really interested.

I still remember to this day a botched conversation.

Her: "I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm not married by 25"

Me:(Without thinking)"I don't know what I'm going to do if I am married by 25."

I guess it worked out for her. She got married to an immature moron at the age of 19.
  • #6
It was an old church song that I used to sing in my childhood. There was no disrespect involved.

Pentecostals believe virgin birth is absurd. They only believe in a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
  • #7
Sorry, this is going against our religious posting guidelines.


FAQ: God's Plan vs Virgin Mary: An Interesting Music Night

1. What is the significance of "God's Plan" in this music night?

The song "God's Plan" by Drake is about trusting in God's plan for your life and having faith that everything happens for a reason. This could be interpreted as a message about the role of God in our lives and how we should surrender to his plan for us.

2. How does the Virgin Mary play a role in this music night?

The Virgin Mary, as a central figure in Christianity, is often seen as the embodiment of purity and grace. In this music night, she may be referenced or portrayed in a way that highlights her importance in the faith and her relationship with God.

3. Is this music night promoting a specific religious belief?

This would depend on the context and intentions of the event. While some may see it as promoting Christianity or a specific interpretation of it, others may view it as simply exploring themes of faith and spirituality through music.

4. What can we learn from the combination of "God's Plan" and the Virgin Mary in this music night?

The combination of these two elements could serve as a reminder of the power of faith and the importance of surrendering to a higher power's plan. It may also spark discussions about the role of religion and spirituality in our lives.

5. How can science and religion coexist in the context of this music night?

This is a complex question and the answer may vary depending on an individual's beliefs. Some may see science and religion as separate entities, while others may view them as complementary. Ultimately, it is up to each person to find a balance between their scientific understanding of the world and their religious beliefs.

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