Good at maths but don't know if i will be good at design ?

  • Thread starter louisnach
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In summary, the speaker is considering studying engineering but is worried about their lack of creativity when it comes to design. They question whether being good at math and science is enough to succeed in design projects and whether they would be able to handle the practical aspects of engineering. However, it is mentioned that being a design engineer does not always require completely new concepts, but rather involves using existing architectures and making trade-offs. The speaker is unsure if they have the necessary skills for engineering, but wonders if being good at math and science automatically means they will be good at design projects.
  • #1
hello everybody i have a question,
i am good at maths and physics and thinking about study engineering but one think something scares me is to design. In fact i think i will love all the theoritical part of the study (maths, physics, static , dynamics exercise) but i don't know at all if i will suceed to the projects where you have to design something, i think i will have no idea of a new mechanism, not enought creativity

do you think if you are good at maths and science no reason you will be bad at design ?

(sorry for my bad english level)
Physics news on
  • #2
strange question isn't it ? but i feel absolutely myselft not inventive, is it still a good idea to do engineering ?
  • #3
something to consider... being a design engineer doesn't necessary mean coming up with completely new concepts.

Many times it involves using know architectures and layouts, and solving for values of components and material, and making trade-offs between different design criteria
  • #4
yes but to be a mechanical engineer you need to feel yourself inventive ? i think i am the only one who aske this question isn't it ? Lot of people says good at math= considere to be an engineer (of course you need soft kill such as comunication), but for me when i see the project of engineering student i feel you need to be INVENTIVE/CREATIVE, so i am a bit scared to do engineering, succes to theoritical part but completely fail failure at the project. Is it important to think about that ?
or if you are good at math/science no reason you are bad at design project ?

FAQ: Good at maths but don't know if i will be good at design ?

1. Can I be good at both maths and design?

Yes, it is definitely possible to be good at both maths and design. While these two fields may seem very different, they actually have a lot in common. Both require problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and creativity. So, if you are good at maths, you may also have the potential to excel in design.

2. Will my maths skills be useful in design?

Absolutely! Your maths skills can be incredibly useful in design. Many aspects of design, such as proportions, measurements, and geometry, require a strong foundation in maths. Additionally, having a logical and analytical mindset from maths can help you approach design problems in a more efficient and effective way.

3. Do I need to have natural artistic talent to be good at design?

While having natural artistic talent can certainly be helpful in design, it is not necessary. Design involves a combination of both technical skills and creativity. So, even if you don't consider yourself to be naturally artistic, you can still develop your design skills through practice and learning different design principles and techniques.

4. How can I improve my design skills if I am good at maths?

There are many ways to improve your design skills if you are good at maths. One approach is to take design courses or workshops to learn different design techniques and principles. You can also practice by working on design projects or creating your own designs. Additionally, studying and analyzing the designs of others can also help you improve your own skills.

5. Is it necessary to choose between maths and design as a career?

No, you do not have to choose between maths and design as a career. In fact, there are many fields where you can combine these two areas of expertise, such as data visualization, user experience design, and industrial design. You can also use your maths skills to enhance your design work and vice versa. So, don't feel like you have to limit yourself to one or the other.

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