Goodbye Religion Forum: The End of PF and Me

In summary: I think that's a fair assessment. The religion forum was getting a little too bogged down and was preventing people from being able to talk about other things. However, there are other forums where people can talk about religion. I think it's a good idea to move it to the archives.
  • #1
Laser Eyes
Well that's a disappointment. No religion forum. I did participate in other forums like politics, general discussion, philosophy and feedback, but I think most of my posts were in the religion forum. From the number of posts and threads there it is clear that religion was a very popular topic here. I wonder if that was considered when the decision was made to scrap it. So I am thinking this may be the end for PF and me. If you guys don't hear from me again it's been fun.
Physics news on
  • #2
its not completely gone

It's just been moved to the archived folder under the Philosphy section. It appears to be open for reply and new topics, but they may be changing it.

Props on the overall makeover of the site, btw.
  • #3
no new topics

I heard the Admin. say in Announcments and Feedback that you can't post new topics in the Archives.
  • #4
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
From the number of posts and threads there it is clear that religion was a very popular topic here. I wonder if that was considered when the decision was made to scrap it.

To be perfectly honest, it was not considered. The goal here is to attract more professional scientists to the board, and it was agreed that the Religion Forum does not have a place at a message board that is dedicated to the sciences.

So I am thinking this may be the end for PF and me. If you guys don't hear from me again it's been fun.

Why not take part in scientific discussions? That is, after all, what we do best!
  • #5
Originally posted by megashawn

It's just been moved to the archived folder under the Philosphy section. It appears to be open for reply and new topics, but they may be changing it.

Props on the overall makeover of the site, btw.
No new topics can be started. Give it a try and see for yourself.
  • #6
IIRC, philosophical discussions relating to religion can still be allowed, just not specific religions.
  • #7
Why not take part in scientific discussions? That is, after all, what we do best!
I didn't actually join PF to discuss religion. In fact when I joined I didn't even know there was a religion forum. I was just looking for somewhere to discuss general topics and current affairs with intelligent people. But since I have an interest in religion I ended up posting more there than anywhere else. I think I would like to find somewhere that I can discuss religion the way we did here. I enjoyed the discussions, even those with people who disagreed with what I said. Since I'm not a scientist I'm not particularly interested in scientific discussions.
  • #8

Originally posted by Tom
To be perfectly honest, it was not considered. The goal here is to attract more professional scientists to the board, and it was agreed that the Religion Forum does not have a place at a message board that is dedicated to the sciences.

I seem to remember that the reason given for having a religion forum was that it kept religion off the science forums...Interesting to see the evolution of how deals with this issue.
  • #9
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
I didn't actually join PF to discuss religion. In fact when I joined I didn't even know there was a religion forum. I was just looking for somewhere to discuss general topics and current affairs with intelligent people. But since I have an interest in religion I ended up posting more there than anywhere else. I think I would like to find somewhere that I can discuss religion the way we did here. I enjoyed the discussions, even those with people who disagreed with what I said. has a Philosophy of Religion Forum, and they've got a great membership.

Since I'm not a scientist I'm not particularly interested in scientific discussions.

Honestly, that makes me sad. You don't have to be a scientist to have an interest in science. The only prerequisite for an interest in science is satisfied by every human being: a curiosity about the universe we inhabit.
  • #10
Indeed, I would go so far as to say that we are all scientists, in a way.
  • #11
ya, if nothing else you can pipe up about something you don't know, get a virtual kick in the butt and learn something. Happens to me all the time.

I'm no science guy, and my lifestyle prevents me from becoming an expert in any field. Still I love to keep up with the breakthroughs, and even the crack potted ideas people have. There is still much to discuss here with or without religion, and honestly, the religion forum was really bogging down.

However I think one would be hard pressed to find quite as interesting a group of people to discuss such matters. Atleast here, it was civilized.
  • #12
Honestly, that makes me sad. You don't have to be a scientist to have an interest in science. The only prerequisite for an interest in science is satisfied by every human being: a curiosity about the universe we inhabit.
Since I'm not a scientist wouldn't discussions here on a science forum by real scientists be over my head?
  • #13
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Since I'm not a scientist wouldn't discussions here on a science forum by real scientists be over my head?

Perhaps, but that is not likely to be a big problem,as most PF members are teenagers, and by default, not "real scientists" yet.
  • #14
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Since I'm not a scientist wouldn't discussions here on a science forum by real scientists be over my head?
In that case... you can try to lengthen your neck to raise your head level, perhaps?

(Figuratively speaking, of course. Don't sue.)
  • #15
Due to the overwhelming number of posts begging me to stay I might hang around here for a while longer.
  • #16
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Due to the overwhelming number of posts begging me to stay I might hang around here for a while longer.
LOL, that's the spirit!

Hey, hang in the other sciences region, that's the easiest to understand I think. (or maybe I'm a little biased)

Besides, don't forget Philosophy still exists. Not only are all humans scientists at heart, but we're all philosophers first! (science being a philosophy of sorts...)

FAQ: Goodbye Religion Forum: The End of PF and Me

1. What is "Goodbye Religion Forum: The End of PF and Me" about?

"Goodbye Religion Forum: The End of PF and Me" is a forum discussion about the closure of the popular online forum "Philosophy Forums" (PF) and the impact it had on its members, particularly those who were active in the religion section of the forum.

2. Why is PF closing and why is it significant for the religion section?

PF is closing due to financial reasons and the inability to sustain the forum's operations. This is significant for the religion section because it was one of the most active and diverse sections on the forum, with members from various religious backgrounds engaging in discussions and debates.

3. What are some of the reasons for PF's popularity and why was it important to its members?

PF's popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, diverse community, and the wide range of topics discussed. It was important to its members because it provided a platform for intellectual discussions and debates, and a sense of community and belonging.

4. How are members of the religion section coping with the closure of PF?

Many members of the religion section are feeling a sense of loss and sadness, as PF was a place where they could freely express their thoughts and beliefs without fear of judgment. Some are also trying to find alternative forums or platforms to continue their discussions and interactions.

5. Will there be any attempts to revive PF or create a similar forum?

Currently, there are no plans to revive PF or create a similar forum. However, some members are discussing the possibility of forming a new forum or joining existing ones to continue their discussions and maintain the sense of community they had on PF.
