Got rejected by REUs now what should I do?

  • Thread starter PieceOfPi
  • Start date
In summary, the protagonist is a junior math major who applied for eight REU programs but has been rejected by all of them. He has no idea what to do over the summer and is considering studying abroad or taking classes to improve his GRE score.
  • #1

I am a junior and a math major, and I applied for 8 REU programs, and it looks like I will be rejected by all of them (I'm already rejected by 7, and I'm still waiting to hear back from UW, but the chance of getting in there seems very low). Now I have no idea what to do over this summer... I know I will be talking to a professor at my home institution to begin my senior thesis project, but I was wondering if there is still any exciting and productive opportunity that I might be interested in doing over the summer. I am interested in studying analysis, but I guess I don't have to limit myself to that field. I do realize it seems a little too late to think about what to do this summer, but who knows, there might be something that is left for me yet.

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  • #2
Self study.
  • #3
Well... that will happen no matter what :) I will probably spend a lot of time in my home university's library if there is nothing else to do. I was looking for something that is a bit more exciting, but I guess it's a little too late to find any good opportunity...
  • #4
Some universities have a sort of "self-study/self-research" class that you sign up for. Basically you meet with a professor, discuss a project or area of interest to you, and work it on your own for credit.

It won't really help you much on a transcript, but if you do well that professor will probably write a letter of recommendation for you.
  • #5
Start studying up for your GRE -- you'll have plenty of time to do research in the future, and mastering your basic undergrad material will be time well spent. Oh yeah, it will be summer, have some fun :)
  • #6
Well, I don't really have any suggestions beyond those here, but I'd just like to say I'm sorry you didn't get in any and I hope everything works out for you this summer.

Are there any classes you could take this summer? Depending on when your school gets out, it may be too late, but you could even consider studying abroad for the summer.
  • #7
diggy said:
Start studying up for your GRE -- you'll have plenty of time to do research in the future, and mastering your basic undergrad material will be time well spent. Oh yeah, it will be summer, have some fun :)

GRE sounds like a good plan, especially because I need to make up for not getting into any REU...

And of course, I will have fun over the summer in some way :)

zpconn said:
Well, I don't really have any suggestions beyond those here, but I'd just like to say I'm sorry you didn't get in any and I hope everything works out for you this summer.

Yeah, it kind of sucks... I wish I could apply for it again because I feel like I can get better letters of recommendations and write a better statement of purpose, but next year will be my senior year, and I am not planning to be an undergraduate for an extra year unless if there is a good reason to it.

zpconn said:
Are there any classes you could take this summer? Depending on when your school gets out, it may be too late, but you could even consider studying abroad for the summer.

Not really. I've already satisfied most of my requirements for graduation, and I don't really see a lot of interesting-sounding classes. I guess I could try foreign language, since graduate schools in math might want me to be able to read either French, German, or Russian, but I'm not so sure if I really want to do it.

Related to Got rejected by REUs now what should I do?

What is an REU?

An REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) is a competitive research program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that allows undergraduate students to participate in hands-on research projects at universities and research institutions.

Why did I get rejected from REUs?

There are many possible reasons for a rejection from an REU program, including a lack of relevant experience, a weak application or recommendation letters, limited availability of spots, and fierce competition from other applicants. It is important to remember that rejection is a normal part of the application process and does not reflect your worth as a scientist.

What can I do to improve my chances of getting accepted to REUs in the future?

To improve your chances of getting accepted to REUs in the future, you can gain relevant research experience through internships, volunteer work, or independent projects. You can also work on improving your application materials, such as your resume, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Networking with professors and researchers in your field of interest can also be helpful.

Should I still apply to other REUs even if I have been rejected?

Yes, it is always a good idea to apply to multiple REUs to increase your chances of acceptance. Additionally, even if you have been rejected from one program, it does not mean you will be rejected from others. Keep an open mind and continue to apply to programs that align with your research interests.

What other opportunities are available for undergraduate students interested in research?

Aside from REUs, there are many other opportunities for undergraduate students interested in research, such as summer research programs at universities, internships at government or industry labs, and independent research projects with a faculty mentor. You can also reach out to professors at your own institution to see if they have any research opportunities available.

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