GR: Metric, Inverse Metric, Affine Connection Caluculation Help

In this particular case, you can use the symmetries of the metric tensor to show that some of the components of the connection are zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the Schwarschield Metric in four dimensional spacetime (M is a constant):

ds2 = -(1-(2M/r))dt2 + dr2/(1-(2M/r)) + r2(dθ2 + sin2(θ)dø2)

a.) Write down the non zero components of the metric tensor, and find the inverse metric tensor.

b.) find all the components of the connection. (you can use arguments of symmetry to set to zero some of these components)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a.) Excluding some work I proved that gij = 0 (if I does not equal j)... so the only nonzero components of the metric tensor are g11, g22, g33, g44... This reduces the metric tensor to

ds2 = g11dr2 + g222 + g332 + g44dt2... by simply equalities I said

g11 = 1/(1-2M/r)

g22 = r2

g33 = r2sin2θ

g44 = 2M/r - 1

I then put these in a diagnol 4x4 matrix because all the other entries are 0. Now for the inverse is it the inverse of each of the diagonal components? The only way I know how to find the inverse of a tensor was in linear algebra when [A|I] was row reduced to [I|A-1] and that was the inverse matrix... is that the same for this as well?

b.) We did not covver the connection (which I am assuming is the affine connection?) at all in class so I did my best to read up on the topic online but can't really grasp the starting point. Any guidance here? Can somebody point me in the direction to generate the components of the connection from the given spacetime? or maybe a general definition?

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  • #2
bmb2009 said:

Homework Statement

Consider the Schwarschield Metric in four dimensional spacetime (M is a constant):

ds2 = -(1-(2M/r))dt2 + dr2/(1-(2M/r)) + r2(dθ2 + sin2(θ)dø2)

a.) Write down the non zero components of the metric tensor, and find the inverse metric tensor.

b.) find all the components of the connection. (you can use arguments of symmetry to set to zero some of these components)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a.) Excluding some work I proved that gij = 0 (if I does not equal j)... so the only nonzero components of the metric tensor are g11, g22, g33, g44... This reduces the metric tensor to

ds2 = g11dr2 + g222 + g332 + g44dt2... by simply equalities I said

g11 = 1/(1-2M/r)

g22 = r2

g33 = r2sin2θ

g44 = 2M/r - 1

I then put these in a diagnol 4x4 matrix because all the other entries are 0. Now for the inverse is it the inverse of each of the diagonal components? The only way I know how to find the inverse of a tensor was in linear algebra when [A|I] was row reduced to [I|A-1] and that was the inverse matrix... is that the same for this as well?

b.) We did not covver the connection (which I am assuming is the affine connection?) at all in class so I did my best to read up on the topic online but can't really grasp the starting point. Any guidance here? Can somebody point me in the direction to generate the components of the connection from the given spacetime? or maybe a general definition?


In the special case of a diagonal matrix, its inverse is also diagonal with all the entries being the inverse of the elements of the initial matrix. In other words, it is trivial in that case, [itex] g^{\mu \mu} = (g_{\mu \mu})^{-1} [/itex] (mp summation implied here, this is a set of four equations.)

For the affine connection, you can look up the expression for the connection in any GR book. Each component is given by a combination of derivatives of elements of the metric tensor.

Related to GR: Metric, Inverse Metric, Affine Connection Caluculation Help

1. What is the metric in GR?

The metric in GR, or General Relativity, is a mathematical construct used to describe the curvature of spacetime. It is represented by a matrix that assigns a value to each point in spacetime, describing how distances and angles are measured in that region.

2. What is the inverse metric in GR?

The inverse metric in GR is the mathematical inverse of the metric matrix. It is used to convert between contravariant and covariant components of vectors in curved spacetime, and is an important tool in calculating the trajectories of particles in GR.

3. How is the affine connection calculated in GR?

The affine connection is calculated using the metric and inverse metric matrices. It describes how vectors change as they are transported along a curved path in spacetime. It is calculated by taking the partial derivative of the metric matrix and using it to define the connection coefficients.

4. Why is the affine connection important in GR?

The affine connection is important in GR because it allows us to define a consistent notion of parallel transport in curved spacetime. This is essential for understanding how particles move and interact in the presence of gravity.

5. How do I use the metric, inverse metric, and affine connection in GR calculations?

In GR calculations, the metric, inverse metric, and affine connection are used to define the geometry of spacetime and to solve equations of motion for particles. They are also used to determine the curvature of spacetime and to make predictions about the behavior of matter and energy in the presence of gravity.

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