Grade 12 Gravitational Force Fields Questions.

In summary: This is the actual velocity so therefore the rocket will have sufficient velocity to escape.Good luck!
  • #1
1.Nasa fires a 1 tonne space probe, from a stable orbit of altitude 13,620km using a giant rail gun. The rail gun provides the probe with 9.97165*10^10 J of additional kinetic energy. Determine if the probe has enough velocity to escape the Earth's gravity well. The Earth's mass and radius are 5.98*10^24kg and 6380km respectively.
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  • #2
Hi TheSerpent,
The formula for escape velocity is v=√(2GM/r) where v= velocity, G=universal gravitational constant (G=6.67*10-11 Nm2kg-2), M is the mass of the body, and r is the separation distance.


m (rocket)=1000 kg
r (orbit)=13620 km
Ekinetic=9.97165*1010 J
m (earth)=5.98*1024 kg
r (earth)=6380 km

First, find the velocity that the rocket has...
9.97165*1010 J = 0.5(1000 kg)v2
v=√((2*(9.97165*1010 J))/1000 kg)
v=1.412*104 m/s

Then, find the velocity that the rocket would need to escape...
v=√((2*(6.67*10-11 Nm2kg-2)*(5.98*1024 kg))/(13620 km + 6380 km))
v=1.997*105 m/s

Compare the two -- the rocket will not have sufficient velocity to escape.
Good luck! I hope this helps.
  • #3
First determine the initial velocity of the space probe in its original orbit (prior to receiving a boost from the rail gun). Remember that you're given its altitude, not its orbit radius.

From that velocity determine what the escape velocity would be; escape velocity has a particular relationship to the circular orbit velocity. Then determine what the new velocity would be given the rail gun boost of energy. Compare to the escape velocity.
  • #4
plancking said:
Hi TheSerpent,
The formula for escape velocity is v=√(2GM/r) where v= velocity, G=universal gravitational constant (G=6.67*10-11 Nm2kg-2), M is the mass of the body, and r is the separation distance.


m (rocket)=1000 kg
r (orbit)=13620 km <--- That's its altitude, not its orbital radius
Ekinetic=9.97165*1010 J <--- That's the energy added, not the total
m (earth)=5.98*1024 kg
r (earth)=6380 km

First, find the velocity that the rocket has...
9.97165*1010 J = 0.5(1000 kg)v2
v=√((2*(9.97165*1010 J))/1000 kg)
v=1.412*104 m/s

Then, find the velocity that the rocket would need to escape...
v=√((2*(6.67*10-11 Nm2kg-2)*(5.98*1024 kg))/(13620 km + 6380 km))
v=1.997*105 m/s

Compare the two -- the rocket will not have sufficient velocity to escape.
Good luck! I hope this helps.

The rocket begins in a circular orbit at the given altitude. Therefore it will have an initial velocity and kinetic energy appropriate for a circular orbit at that location. Next additional energy is supplied via a rail gun boost. The probe will gain that energy as KE and thus have a new velocity. Compare to the escape velocity for that orbital radius.
  • #5
gneill said:
The rocket begins in a circular orbit at the given altitude. Therefore it will have an initial velocity and kinetic energy appropriate for a circular orbit at that location. Next additional energy is supplied via a rail gun boost. The probe will gain that energy as KE and thus have a new velocity. Compare to the escape velocity for that orbital radius.

Thanks for the correction!
  • #6
plancking said:
Thanks for the correction!

So what's going to be changed in the calculation process (how do you find the new velocity?)
  • #7
TheSerpent said:
So what's going to be changed in the calculation process (how do you find the new velocity?)

The rail gun adds kinetic energy. Velocity depends upon kinetic energy.
  • #8
gneill said:
The rocket begins in a circular orbit at the given altitude. Therefore it will have an initial velocity and kinetic energy appropriate for a circular orbit at that location. Next additional energy is supplied via a rail gun boost. The probe will gain that energy as KE and thus have a new velocity. Compare to the escape velocity for that orbital radius.

Find orbital velocity:
v = √(GM/r)
v = √((6.67*10^-11)(5.98*10^24)/(13620000 + 6380000)
v = 4.466 * 10^3 m/s

Find orbital kinetic energy:
K = mv^2/2
k = (1000)(4.466*10^3)^2/2
K = 9972578000 = 9.973 * 10^9 J

Find escape velocity:
v esc = √2 v
v esc = √2 (4.466 * 10^3)
v esc = 6.316 * 10^3 m/s

How would you include the energy boost from the rail gun into the answer, that is what I am not sure of.
  • #9
TheSerpent said:
Find orbital velocity:
v = √(GM/r)
v = √((6.67*10^-11)(5.98*10^24)/(13620000 + 6380000)
v = 4.466 * 10^3 m/s

Find orbital kinetic energy:
K = mv^2/2
k = (1000)(4.466*10^3)^2/2
K = 9972578000 = 9.973 * 10^9 J

Find escape velocity:
v esc = √2 v
v esc = √2 (4.466 * 10^3)
v esc = 6.316 * 10^3 m/s
Okay! Good to here!
How would you include the energy boost from the rail gun into the answer, that is what I am not sure of.

Kinetic energy adds. Add the boost energy to the energy k that you found above. Find the new velocity from that.
  • #10
gneill said:
Okay! Good to here!

Kinetic energy adds. Add the boost energy to the energy k that you found above. Find the new velocity from that.

Find new velocity:

K = mv^2 / 2
(9.973 * 10^9)+(9.97165 * 10^10) = (1000)v^2 / 2
v = √(2)(1.096895*10^11)/1000
v = 14811.44827 = 1.481 * 10^4 m/s

This is the actual velocity so therefore the rocket will have sufficient velocity to escape.
  • #11
TheSerpent said:
Find new velocity:

K = mv^2 / 2
(9.973 * 10^9)+(9.97165 * 10^10) = (1000)v^2 / 2
v = √(2)(1.096895*10^11)/1000
v = 14811.44827 = 1.481 * 10^4 m/s

This is the actual velocity so therefore the rocket will have sufficient velocity to escape.

Yup. That looks good.
  • #12
gneill said:
Yup. That looks good.

Thank you for your help! Can you also help us in our other post you commented on? We posted an idea but unsure!
  • #13
TheSerpent said:
Thank you for your help! Can you also help us in our other post you commented on? We posted an idea but unsure!

You're welcome.

I see that you have two threads, this one and one other. I've made a suggestion for you to work on in that other thread.

FAQ: Grade 12 Gravitational Force Fields Questions.

1. What is gravitational force and how does it work?

Gravitational force is the attractive force between two objects with mass. It works by pulling objects towards each other in proportion to their masses and the distance between them.

2. How is gravitational force related to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation?

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In other words, the greater the masses of the objects and the closer they are, the stronger the gravitational force between them.

3. How is gravitational force different from other types of forces?

Gravitational force is a universal force that acts on all objects with mass, regardless of their size or composition. It is also a conservative force, meaning it does not dissipate energy and can be converted into other forms of energy.

4. How do scientists measure gravitational force?

Scientists can measure gravitational force using a device called a gravimeter, which measures the acceleration due to gravity. They can also use Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation to calculate the force between two objects based on their masses and distance.

5. Can gravitational force be shielded or canceled out?

Gravitational force cannot be shielded or canceled out, as it is a fundamental force of nature. However, its effects can be counteracted by other forces, such as electromagnetic force, which is why objects can appear to be weightless in space where there is minimal gravitational force.
