Gradient and tangent plane/normal line

In summary: I'm not sure. I think it would represent the rate of change at P as a function of position on the ellipsoid, but I'm not sure.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use gradients to find an equation of the tangent plane to the ellipsoid ##\frac {x^2}{4} + \frac {y^2}{9} + \frac {z^2}{25} = 3## at ##P = (2, -3, -5)##.

Homework Equations

##\triangledown f## is a normal vector of f.

The Attempt at a Solution

Let ##w = \frac {x^2}{4} + \frac {y^2}{9} + \frac {z^2}{25}## be the level curve of f at w.

then ##w(2, -3, -5) = \frac {4}{4} + \frac {9}{9} + \frac {25}{25} = 3##.

So P is on the level curve w = 3. I can't figure out why we have to do this, I"m just doing it to follow the example. Isn't this arbitrary?

After that step, we solve for ##\triangledown f(P)##.

##\triangledown f(P) = <\frac x2, \frac {2y}{9}, \frac {2z}{25} >##
##\triangledown f(2, -3, -5) = <1, -\frac {2}{3}, -\frac {2}{5}>##

So the equation of the tangent plane is
##<1, -\frac {2}{3}, -\frac {2}{5}> \cdot <x - 2, y + 3, z + 5> = 0##
##(x - 2) + -\frac {2}{3}(y + 3) + -\frac {2}{5}(z + 5) = 0##

I'm even more confused to find the normal line at this P. Would it just be ##\vec {OP} + \triangledown f(P)## since ##\triangledown f(P)## is a normal vector to f?

I'm having A LOT of trouble visualizing what is going on here.. please help, thank you.
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  • #2
fishturtle1 said:

Homework Statement

Use gradients to find an equation of the tangent plane to the ellipsoid ##\frac {x^2}{4} + \frac {y^2}{9} + \frac {z^2}{25} = 3## at ##P = (2, -3, -5)##.

Homework Equations

##\triangledown f## is a normal vector of f.

The Attempt at a Solution

Let ##w = \frac {x^2}{4} + \frac {y^2}{9} + \frac {z^2}{25}## be the level curve of f at w.

then ##w(2, -3, -5) = \frac {4}{4} + \frac {9}{9} + \frac {25}{25} = 3##.

So P is on the level curve w = 3. I can't figure out why we have to do this, I"m just doing it to follow the example. Isn't this arbitrary?
Good point. That just verifies that P is on the ellipsoid. If you already know that the point is on the surface in question, then this doesn't need to be done.
After that step, we solve for ##\triangledown f(P)##.

##\triangledown f(P) = <\frac x2, \frac {2y}{9}, \frac {2z}{25} >##
You shouldn't have 'P' here because P is one particular point and the right hand side is a general formula of (x,y,z)
##\triangledown f(2, -3, -5) = <1, -\frac {2}{3}, -\frac {2}{5}>##
Correct. This is the normal vector at point P
So the equation of the tangent plane is
##<1, -\frac {2}{3}, -\frac {2}{5}> \cdot <x - 2, y + 3, z + 5> = 0##
Correct. This gives you the equation of tangents at point P.
##(x - 2) + -\frac {2}{3}(y + 3) + -\frac {2}{5}(z + 5) = 0##
This simplifies the answer
I'm even more confused to find the normal line at this P. Would it just be ##\vec {OP} + \triangledown f(P)## since ##\triangledown f(P)## is a normal vector to f?
I think that would be a vector from the origin to a point in (X,Y,Z). It's not a normal line. But I don't think the normal line is required for this problem.
  • #3
FactChecker said:
Good point. That just verifies that P is on the ellipsoid. If you already know that the point is on the surface in question, then this doesn't need to be done.
What really is confusing me is why P has to be on the ellipsoid. I know that since P is on the ellipsoid, the ##\triangledown w(P)## represents the rate of change at P. But if P weren't on the ellipsoid, what would ##\triangledown w(P)## represent?

FactChecker said:
You shouldn't have 'P' here because P is one particular point and the right hand side is a general formula of (x,y,z)
Got it

FactChecker said:
I think that would be a vector from the origin to a point in (X,Y,Z). It's not a normal line.

Wouldn't it be though? From the textbook: "##\triangledown w(P)## is normal to the level curve ##w = f(x, y, z) = f(P)## at ##P## since ##\vec r(t) = < x(t), y(t), z(t) >## is an arbitrary curve through P that lies on the level surface ##f(x, y, z) = f(P)##

So ##\vec {OP}## takes us from the origin to P. Then we add ##\triangledown w(P)## which is the normal line. If we didn't have ##\vec {OP}##, ##<x, y> = \triangledown w(P)## would represent the normal line at P, but it would start at the origin.
What am I doing wrong here?
  • #4
fishturtle1 said:
What really is confusing me is why P has to be on the ellipsoid.
You want the tangent plane that goes through a point on the ellipsoid, so you need to specify a point, P, on the ellipsoid.
I know that since P is on the ellipsoid, the ##\triangledown w(P)## represents the rate of change at P. But if P weren't on the ellipsoid, what would ##\triangledown w(P)## represent?
Good question. I don't know. I guess it would be the same thing for an ellipsoid with the same x,y,z formulas on the left hand side but a different constant value on the right.
Wouldn't it be though? From the textbook: "##\triangledown w(P)## is normal to the level curve ##w = f(x, y, z) = f(P)## at ##P## since ##\vec r(t) = < x(t), y(t), z(t) >## is an arbitrary curve through P that lies on the level surface ##f(x, y, z) = f(P)##

So ##\vec {OP}## takes us from the origin to P. Then we add ##\triangledown w(P)## which is the normal line. If we didn't have ##\vec {OP}##, ##<x, y> = \triangledown w(P)## would represent the normal line at P,
But it is not an equation of a line. It is a specific fixed point (or vector) with constant values for coordinates (x,y,z). You would need to use the position vector, P, and the direction vector, ##\triangledown w(P)##, to make the equation of a line through P in that direction. The way to do that would be to paramaterize the direction vector with t ∈ R to get the line l(t) = P + t ##\triangledown w(P)##. From that, you can fill in the (x,y,z) constant values of P and ##\triangledown w(P)## to get the parameterized coordinates of l(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t)).
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  • #5
FactChecker said:
I guess it would be the same thing for an ellipsoid with the same x,y,z formulas on the left hand side but a different constant value on the right.

Yes, that's right.
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  • #6
fishturtle1 said:
What really is confusing me is why P has to be on the ellipsoid. I know that since P is on the ellipsoid, the ##\triangledown w(P)## represents the rate of change at P. But if P weren't on the ellipsoid, what would ##\triangledown w(P)## represent?Got it
Wouldn't it be though? From the textbook: "##\triangledown w(P)## is normal to the level curve ##w = f(x, y, z) = f(P)## at ##P## since ##\vec r(t) = < x(t), y(t), z(t) >## is an arbitrary curve through P that lies on the level surface ##f(x, y, z) = f(P)##

So ##\vec {OP}## takes us from the origin to P. Then we add ##\triangledown w(P)## which is the normal line. If we didn't have ##\vec {OP}##, ##<x, y> = \triangledown w(P)## would represent the normal line at P, but it would start at the origin.
What am I doing wrong here?

You take ##w=3## to get the ellipsoid. But ##\nabla w## is normal to the surface, so points away from the ellipsoid. ##\nabla w## tells you how ##w## would change if you allowed yourself to go to a point near ##(2,-3,-5)##, possibly to a new point not on the ellipsoid. If you go from ##{\mathbf x}_0 = \langle 2 -3,-5 \rangle## to ##{\mathbf x}_1 = \langle 2+h_x,-3+h_y, -5 + h_z \rangle## the change in ##w## would be
$$ \Delta w = w({\mathbf x}_1) - w({\mathbf x}_0) = \nabla w({\mathbf x}_0) \cdot \langle h_x,h_y,h_z \rangle$$
to first order in small ##h_x,h_y,h_z##. For a given step length ##h = \sqrt{h_x^2 + h_y^2 + h_z^2}##, ##\Delta w## is maximized by taking ##\langle h_x,h_y,h_z \rangle ## along the direction of the gradient ##\nabla w##.

The gradient vector IS the normal vector; it starts at the point ##(2,-3,-5)## and points away from the surface, so, yes indeed, the new point is at ##(2,-3, -3) + (h_x,h_y,h_z)## in the original coordinate system (that is, relative to the origin (0,0,0)).
  • #7
FactChecker said:
You want the tangent plane that goes through a point on the ellipsoid, so you need to specify a point, P, on the ellipsoid.Good question. I don't know. I guess it would be the same thing for an ellipsoid with the same x,y,z formulas on the left hand side but a different constant value on the right.But it is not an equation of a line. It is a specific fixed point (or vector) with constant values for coordinates (x,y,z). You would need to use the position vector, P, and the direction vector, ##\triangledown w(P)##, to make the equation of a line through P in that direction. The way to do that would be to paramaterize the direction vector with t ∈ R to get the line l(t) = P + t ##\triangledown w(P)##. From that, you can fill in the (x,y,z) constant values of P and ##\triangledown w(P)## to get the parameterized coordinates of l(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t)).
Sorry for the late reply, but I think I understand your post now..

I understand now that P + ##\triangledown w(P)## is just a point on the plane and you need the ##t## to make it a line because for every real number t, you get another point on the line..

So my answer to the vector equation for the normal line at P would be:
normal line ##l: <x, y> = \vec {OP} + \triangledown f(P)t, t\epsilon\mathbb{R}##
##= <2, -3, -5> + <1, -\frac 23, -\frac 25> t##

Or ##l(t) = <2 + t, -3 - \frac 23 t, -5 -\frac 25 t>##

...still thinking on post #6
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  • #8
fishturtle1 said:
Sorry for the late reply, but I think I understand your post now..

I understand now that P + ##\triangledown w(P)## is just a point on the plane and you need the ##t## to make it a line because for every real number t, you get another point on the line..

So my answer to the vector equation for the normal line at P would be:
normal line ##l: <x, y> = \vec {OP} + \triangledown f(P)t, t\epsilon\mathbb{R}##
##= <2, -3, -5> + <1, -\frac 23, -\frac 25> t##

Or ##l(t) = <2 + t, -3 - \frac 23 t, -5 -\frac 25 t>##

...still thinking on post #6
The question asks for the equation of the tangent plane. For this, you need a vector that is normal to the tangent plane and a point on the plane. You don't need a normal line. The vector form of the tangent plane equation is going to need two vectors in that plane, plus a point in the plane.
  • #9
Mark44 said:
The question asks for the equation of the tangent plane. For this, you need a vector that is normal to the tangent plane and a point on the plane. You don't need a normal line. The vector form of the tangent plane equation is going to need two vectors in that plane, plus a point in the plane.

I probably should have been a clearer and said "Another one of my questions is how to find a normal line on the surface at P" in the OP. It was actually the next question and I was trying to be slick...
My answer to what is the tangent plane is this(I also had this in the OP):

tangent plane: ##<1, -\frac 23, -\frac 25> \cdot <x-2, y+3, z+5> = 0##
##(x - 2) -\frac 23 (y + 3) -\frac 25 (z+5) = 0##
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  • #10
fishturtle1 said:
I probably should have been a clearer and said "Another one of my questions is how to find a normal line on the surface at P" in the OP. It was actually the next question and I was trying to be slick...
My answer to what is the tangent plane is this(I also had this in the OP):

tangent plane: ##<1, -\frac 23, -\frac 25> \cdot <x-2, y+3, z+5> = 0##
##(x - 2) -\frac 23 (y + 3) -\frac 25 (z+5) = 0##
Good. That's what I thought because it seemed like you already had the answer and then continued with this question.
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Related to Gradient and tangent plane/normal line

What is a gradient?

The gradient is a vector that represents the direction and magnitude of the steepest increase of a function. It is calculated by taking the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each variable.

What is a tangent plane?

A tangent plane is a plane that touches a curved surface at a single point. It is used to approximate the behavior of the surface at that point.

How is the gradient related to the tangent plane?

The gradient at a point on a surface is perpendicular to the tangent plane at that point. This means that the gradient represents the direction in which the surface is changing the fastest.

What is a normal line?

A normal line is a line that is perpendicular to a surface at a given point. It is used to determine the direction in which the surface is changing the fastest.

How is the normal line related to the gradient?

The normal line and the gradient are perpendicular to each other, meaning that they have opposite slopes. This means that the normal line represents the direction in which the function is changing the slowest, while the gradient represents the direction of the steepest change.

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