Graduate Program in Same University System Bad?

In summary: I've heard that some employers/universities look down upon going to the same Undergrad as grad institution (unless the program is top ranked, or circumstances, etc) but what about going to a different university campus within the same university system?In summary, going to a different university campus within the same university system can have advantages such as learning more and expanding your network.
  • #1
I've heard that some employers/universities look down upon going to the same Undergrad as grad institution (unless the program is top ranked, or circumstances, etc) but what about going to a different university campus within the same university system?

I would see nothing wrong with that, but a fellow classmate said it is frowned upon too, is this true and if so, why?
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  • #2
In my experience none of those are negative things.

Going to different schools for undergraduate and graduate studies has the advantages of exposing you to more people, more teaching styles, and ultimately expanding your network. Staying in the same school can also have some advantages such as being in a location you know you like or keeping you with people you know you can learn from.

These decisions tend to come down to a choice between which advantages you would prefer.
  • #3
I think the negative connotation you've picked up on has less to do with the university as it does with the overall career path. It's a question of whether the graduate degree was a serious endeavor and a new chapter in your career, or just "sticking around another semester."

A lot of schools now are doing this combined BS/MS thing where you can double-count your electives as both graduate and undergraduate. The end result can be literally nothing more than one more semester in school. I don't consider that a second degree, I consider that graduating with honors. If, on the other hand, you get a 4 year degree and then go the traditional graduate school approach, taking an additional 10 credits of graduate classes over 2 years while working, either for the university or for some other company, now you did 2 separate things, and therefore are worth more.

The point is that it isn't "from the same school" or "from two different schools", it's that the combined BS/MS thing is sold to students as a shortcut, and employers know it's a shortcut. An applicant with 5 years of school (combined BS/MS) and no experience, is less desirable than a candidate that did 4 years of undergrad and then did an additional 2 years of graduate classes plus research / TA / working.
  • #4
Nahtix said:
I've heard that some employers/universities look down upon going to the same Undergrad as grad institution (unless the program is top ranked, or circumstances, etc) but what about going to a different university campus within the same university system?

I don't think that it's a negative from an employment/resume standpoint. It's considered bad because it's bad for you. You learn a ton more stuff if you go to different types of universities for grad/undergrad than if they are the same type. This goes even (or especially if) your program is top ranked. If you go to a big name, prestige institution as an undergraduate, it is a very, very, very good idea if you avoid that type of institution as a graduate student.

I would see nothing wrong with that, but a fellow classmate said it is frowned upon too, is this true and if so, why?

It's not "wrong", but it's bad for you. The problem is that if you go to the same type of university for grad and undergrad, you get to see things done one way, and you don't realize that there are other ways of doing it.

One reason that I've realized this is that I spend a good deal of my undergraduate years in academic politics, and one thing I realize now was that the Deans, senior faculty, and even the President of the university at the time were under some severe intellectual handicaps because they had spent their entire lives at that university.
  • #5

I can understand the concerns about attending the same university for both undergraduate and graduate studies. However, I believe that it ultimately depends on the individual circumstances and the specific program within the university system.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that attending the same university for both undergraduate and graduate studies can have its advantages. For one, it allows for a seamless transition and familiarity with the university's academic environment, resources, and faculty. This can be particularly beneficial for research-based graduate programs where having a strong relationship with faculty and access to resources is crucial.

On the other hand, there may be concerns about diversity and breadth of experience if an individual stays within the same university system for all their education. However, this can be mitigated by seeking out opportunities such as internships or exchange programs at other universities.

In terms of how this may be perceived by employers or other universities, it is important to note that different institutions and industries may have varying opinions on this matter. Some may view it positively as a sign of commitment and familiarity with the university, while others may see it as limiting one's exposure to different academic environments.

Ultimately, I would say that attending a different university campus within the same system should not be frowned upon. It is important to focus on the quality of the program and the individual's achievements and experiences rather than where they obtained their education. As long as the individual has a strong academic record and relevant experience, they should be considered for opportunities regardless of which university they attended.

FAQ: Graduate Program in Same University System Bad?

1. What is a graduate program in the same university system?

A graduate program in the same university system refers to a program that is offered by the same university, but at the graduate level. This means that students who have completed their undergraduate degree at the same university can continue their education at the graduate level without having to transfer to another institution.

2. What are the benefits of enrolling in a graduate program in the same university system?

There are several benefits to enrolling in a graduate program within the same university system. Firstly, it allows for a seamless transition from undergraduate to graduate studies without the need to adjust to a new campus or academic environment. Additionally, students may already have established relationships with faculty and staff, making it easier to access resources and receive support. Finally, there may be financial benefits such as reduced tuition rates for students who have completed their undergraduate degree at the same university.

3. Are graduate programs in the same university system of lower quality compared to other universities?

No, graduate programs in the same university system are not necessarily of lower quality compared to other universities. In fact, they may have the same or even higher standards and reputation as other universities. It is important to research and compare the specific program and faculty within the university system to determine the quality of education offered.

4. Can I transfer credits from my undergraduate degree to a graduate program in the same university system?

Yes, it is possible to transfer credits from your undergraduate degree to a graduate program in the same university system. However, this will depend on the specific program and university policies. It is important to consult with an academic advisor to determine which credits may be transferable.

5. Is it common for students to pursue a graduate program in the same university system?

Yes, it is common for students to pursue a graduate program in the same university system. Many students choose to continue their education at the same university due to the benefits mentioned earlier, such as a seamless transition and established relationships with faculty and staff. However, it is also common for students to explore graduate programs at other universities to broaden their academic experience.

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